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Posts posted by Freman

  1. 3 hours ago, Phinn said:

    With what master did you play them, @Freman? Leveticus?

    Not that I am going to buy any of those box sets any time soon, but I was thinking:

    • Desolation Engine and later Salvage and Logistics
    • Hired Guns - If I understand it correctly, most of The Outcasts masters can use Von Schill's Freikorps.

    That was actually my next question, @thatlatinspeakingguy :D If Talos and Scion of the Void are only for Tara and won't find use out of her crew.

    The more I read about The Outcasts the more it seems that I should buy half of The Resurrectionists as well :D Karina's summoning, Leveticus' Pariah of Bone, Jack Daw's Tormented models...

    Another question I have: With what master is Marlena Webster going to see play?

    I played them with the Viktorias. The Scion of the Void is a very useful model with the new Soaring Dragons upgrade, and allows Blood to get an extra 10 inches of range at the start of the game. Then you run up with Ashes, Fury, and chain activate Blood and "choppy choppy".

  2. Engage at will is one of the few AP multiplication abilities Freikorps has access to, and that only with (0) abilities, that and I Pay Better, but that costs cards whenever you use it. Still, an extra focus on Lazarus or Strongarm suit can sometimes prove decisive in a pinch. Unfortunately Von Schill usually doesn't have space for it, so it requires taking a Henchman (Freikorps candidates being Hannah or Anna).

  3. Leve's weakness now is that his damage tracks were written based on the expectation you'd be getting positive flips most of the time. Consequently when they took away that ability his low damage track became very noticeable. Making his melee 2/4/6, and ranged 3/4/5 would probably balance him out a bit.

  4. 10 hours ago, SirRocketPants said:

    Hmmmm.... I don't really understand how you can throw her out and reel her back in? I can see doing 1 or the other, but not both in a turn... Could you go into detail?


    I need a couple more models painted, but I'm planning on putting soaring dragon on blood, and runnings her with Scion and the effigy.

    First turn Scion walks 3 times at the end of the turn (maybe I'll even add scout the field for technically 4 walks...), pops Vik... She charges and kills things.

    If Scion ever burries, ideally the effigy can use his 0 to pop Vik and chain activate her.

    Maybe it's too gimmicky... But I wanna try. 😀

    It's more, Ashes pulls Blood up  with Spirit, buffs her with Fury, and then Blood companions, charges, kills, buries, then Student unburies her setting her up for the next turn.

  5. Viks are a glass cannon. If you land them then they'll annihilate things, but if you don't they'll die pretty easily.

    For myself I'm going to try running.

    Ashes, Fury, Spirit, Survivalist

    Blood, Shez'uul, Soaring Dragon

    Emissary, Conflux of Avarice

    Student of Conflict

    The Emissary gives Blood the trinket Memento, so she has Companion and can chain activate off anyone in the crew. I like the yoyo style of play where Ashes is the thrower and Blood the yoyo. Throw her out, slice and dice, reel her in. Companion, rinse, repeat. If it looks like Blood will be hit in the following turn, kill, drop two cards and bury.

  6. I bought Titania anyway. Her henchman is also Undead so Leve can use the whole box, even if he doesn't get as much out of it as Titania does.

    Actually a cool non-canon story could be Leveticus turning up to Titania's court and strolling among her followers, stroking his chin as he picks out the ones he wants. When Titania complains he just stares at her blankly for a moment before going back to his examination. When she attacks him he decides she'd make a good Undead follower too, and adds her to the roster. Head-canon is that Hoffman is one of his Constructs already.

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