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  1. Thanks! Honestly even just a pack with patches, medals, coins, foil stat cards, whatever even if you are to use the rules listed in the Main Book. Just something to bump it up a notch. The Campaign system in the new books is probably geared to 2 person or a few person campaign... not a league format with a dozen players but who knows.
  2. Several other game companies now produce both League and Tourney kits for their competitive miniature games. What these are for people who are unfamiliar is kits that shops can order which contain a promotional poster, some small participation items like alternative art stat cards, or foil stat cards, small patches, coins, along with some small prizes for 'winning' which could be some of the aforementioned or slightly cooler. All this stuff is not available outside of the kits. League kits usually come with fluff, interesting rules/scenarios as well. These kits are not free, companies don't lose money on them, they sell them to shops who buy them through their normal channels when they are running things. Wyrd should do this...
  3. I still say one or more of the Resser 'asian horror things' should gain RETAINER ...
  4. I think what would be more helpful is if a few more of the Resurrectionist "eastern spirits" were also flagged retainer so Lo Pan, er Yan Lo had a few more 'horror' type options when playing at 10T.
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