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Posts posted by retnab

  1. Okay so we're steadily getting more responses in but I'm noticing that most of the "Not in _" comments are just for the first one or two Strategies.  In the interest of filling this out with more information, Colette is voted the best Master to bring for Reckoning (tied), Squatter's Rights, and Stake A Claim, also second best in Reconnoiter.  Are there any factions or Schemes you would not play her into with those three Strategies?

  2. I'm assuming your two Swarms are just the two medium bases?  If you get the plastic Ramos box then you'll have duplicates on Ramos and Howard, but you'll get the Brass Arachnid, Joss, and more Steam Arachnids so that's something.


    I've never played Kaeris (yet, very excited for her box to come out) so can't help with her unfortunately.

  3. Hey all, what with me still being pretty new to the game I've been skimming through the search function a lot to look back on old conversations for various Masters and how they play, who to play them into, that sort of thing and decided to try and consolidate some opinions from you all here.  I'm linking a quick little survey I threw together here just asking for each of the five Strategies which Master you feel is the best suited and who you think makes for a pretty good alternative option, with comment space for stuff like "not against Ressers, not in Assassinate, etc."
    The only request I have to make of you all going in is that when you click on the Master you personally think does best in whatever Strategy you don't click them again in the alternative section, I don't know the site nearly well enough to personalize the followup questions to take them out of the pool of options.  Also I can only put in 10 questions and I was planning on putting a comment box in, but I guess that's what a forum is for lol.
    I hope you all enjoy the survey and once some answers start coming in I'd be more than happy to put up what people think here for everyone (especially we new players) to see :)
    The survey itself is right here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DTZKW8V
    Edit:  The results of the survey after 14 people is as follows:
    The best Master for Turf War
    1) Ramos (not Make Them Suffer)
    2) Ironsides (not Outcasts, Assassinate, Deliver A Message)
    3) Mei Feng (not Deliver A Message)
    4) Kaeris (not Deliver A Message)
    5) Colette
    6) Rasputina
    7) Marcus
    The best Master for Reckoning
    1) Colette
    1) Rasputina (not Outcasts)
    3) Marcus
    4) Mei Feng (not Deliver A Message)
    5) Kaeris
    6) Ironsides (not Deliver A Message)
    X) Ramos (selected zero times)
    The best Master for Reconnoiter
    1) Ramos (not Make Them Suffer)
    2) Colette
    3) Kaeris
    4) Marcus
    5) Mei Feng
    5) Rasputina
    7) Ironsides (not Deliver A Message)
    The best Master for Squatter's Rights
    1) Colette
    2) Ramos
    3) Kaeris (not Assassinate)
    4) Marcus
    4) Mei Feng
    6) Ironsides (not Deliver A Message)
    7) Rasputina
    The best Master for Stake A Claim
    1) Colette
    2) Marcus
    3) Ramos
    4) Kaeris
    5) Mei Feng
    6) Ironsides (not Deliver A Message)
    X) Rasputina (selected zero times)
    If you disagree with any of the above then please make sure you put your own $0.02 in with the survey above! :)
    • Like 1
  4. So it's more to do with Firestarter but he's kind of Kaeris related, I don't have Firestarter's card (preordered the Kaeris box at my LGS though) but is it possible to have him triple Ignition the Rail Golem to bring it up to 7 Burning turn one?  That seems like it could make for a good alpha strike in scenarios where that's handy to have.

  5. My LGS orders Battlefoam so that's what I've used for Warmachine but I've heard good things about KR so I decided to look into it.  Turns out the equivalently sized KR and Battlefoam Malifaux bags are almost the same price (about $50) which really surprised me - how is the cardboard box Not cheaper? :/  Magnetic trays sound interesting, but... I travel entirely via buses and the local skytrain so there's a lot of banging around.  I wouldn't trust my models not to go flying every sudden stop on the bus.


    Eventually I'll get something for it in foam, I was just shocked that Battlefoam and KR's prices were so close (and both of them were doing $40+ for shipping alone...).  Are there any other comparable brands people would recommend?

  6. Hey all, I was wondering how people are transporting your Malifaux around?  Skimming old threads on here it sounds like KR and Battlefoam are pretty popular but the shipping costs those two companies are giving are obscene (even with the July 4th sale for the latter).  Right now they're just piggybacking in my Warmachine battlefoam bag but I'm already running out of spare space to give their way.  Does anyone have any recommendations on foam companies that don't charge about the price of the bag again on shipping to Canada?

  7. An update here, I decided after talking to some people to go ahead and work on making my own bases, at least for the Rail Crew guys.  I just finished putting Mei Feng's base together and painting her up, I think she turned out alright!  I like the base at her back most, I wanted it to look like she was ripping apart the beams on the tracks as she was powering down them.





    • Like 2
  8. Hey, do we know when stuff like the Mechanical Rider, Colette, and Mr. Cooper boxes are going to be releasing?  The two crew boxes just say "available at Gen Con" in the magazine and the Rider is just "in the summer", do we know any more than that?

  9. I haven't had Vapormancy come up more than once or twice for a free Vent Steam but I can see the benefits behind having Blast access too.  I think my next game I'm going to try her with Imbued Energy instead of Seismic Claws, even in that last game with lots of clumped targets in Turf War (my opponent tried to jam up the middle) the trigger for multiple claw attacks never came up where just getting Fast on demand might be what I'm wanting.  I wasn't too sure about Imbued Protection but Df 7 is pretty great, especially when I knew Assassinate was in the pool.

  10. An update: I played a game today with Mei vs Lynch and won 10-4!  My December Acolytes came in so I was playing the following list:


    Mei Feng (Imbued Protection, Seismic Claws, Vapormancy)

    Joss (Bleeding Edge Tech, Imbued Energy)

    Kang (Imbued Energy)

    December Acolyte

    Rail Worker

    2x Steam Arachnids



    It was Stake a Claim and both my opponent and I chose Assassinate and Protect Territory revealed from the pool.  Mei with Df 7 was just too hard to pin down for my opponent to get the assassinate off and while Mei couldn't take out Lynch herself (I followed the advice here and ran an Arachnid in base with him for the -1 Df which helped), she managed to soften him up so a Fast Kang could get the last bop on his head for those points after being on Scheme marker duty to prepare for Protect Territory.


    The game went far better and while I'm still not 100% on Mei I think I'm getting a better feel for her.  I'm really uncertain about her upgrades though, I've still never had a game where Seismic Claws have come up.  Are they really an upgrade that should be taken standard or should I be looking for something else there?

    • Like 1
  11. So it sounds like I was working off of some bad information as well, I thought the movement part of the Kick was only on hit so the last two attacks could have been Claws.  Additionally I did have Kang nearby but when I asked my opponent if he had any Undead or Constructs he said no.  Guess I'll know better for next time as far as those go.


    That's a good idea about the Arachnids, that particular game was Reckoning so we were both just bringing as many big nasty things as possible but giving her a bump from Ml6 to 7 definitely would have helped a lot there.  Remembering I'm only running off of the two crew boxes still, how would this work as a revised list for her?


    Mei Feng (Arcane Reservoir, Seismic Claws, Vapormancy)

    Kang (Imbued Energies)

    Howard Langston (Imbued Energies)

    3x Rail Workers

    2x Steam Arachnids

  12. One of the major problems I've seen in her play is committing her into the middle of a gigantic scrum or against a few elite hitters.  Mei wants to hit a target (including a group) hard and then jump back out to safety.  She has decent Df and Wp, but it will not hold against big hitters (Lilith, Teddy, Lady Justice, Howard Langston, etc.), so try to plan for an escape route.  If you can't or have a high priority target that you need to commit to, save a high card (ideally a :mask) to leap away if you're taking too much heat.  Take enough attacks, and eventually you will be hit.


    If you have any specific examples of what appears to not be working for you, I know the forums can offer you a lot more focused information that can help improve specific aspects of your play, too, so if you can think of anything, let us know.


    Okay, so an example of one of the problem points I had with her would be in my vs Lilith game.  Turn 2 I Railwalked off of a Rail Worker's head into a Jackhammer Kick against his Hooded Rider.  My opponent cheats to force the miss, so I use my second AP to try again (not in range to Claw) and he cheats high to stop her again.  Try a third time and it finally connects and does about 2 damage.  Everything I read says she's this combo monster but both times I've used her it's been the same thing, she struggles to hit and when she does it's with the force of a limp fish.  I don't know if I'm just not using her AP right or what but I'm not seeing the power in her.


    As far as my lists involving Rail Workers, Steam Arachnid Swarms, etc. I currently only have the Mei Feng and Ramos box sets, I do have some stuff on order but my LGS carries very little and it has to all be shipped in.

  13. Hey all, so I've managed to play a fair few games with Ramos and Mei Feng and while I'm really enjoying the former (even pulling out a 10 scenario point game with him!) I just can't seem to get Mei Feng to click at all... I can get her to the fight no problem but once she gets there she just doesn't really do anything and just falls apart after that.  I've read basically all the articles on her I've found on the forums and thought that'd give me enough info on her.  I've been taking Price of Progress, Seismic Claws, and Vapormancy with her.  So far I've played her against Neverborn (Lilith) and Gremlins (Wong).  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to play her better than I'm pulling off?


    Edit: The last list I used was:


    Mei Feng (Price of Progress, Seismic Claws, Vapormancy)

    Kang (Imbued Energy)

    Howard Langston (Imbued Energy)

    3x Rail Workers

    Steam Arachnid Swarm


    It was Reckoning, I chose Bodyguard (Kang) and Protect Territory.

  14. At the moment, yes. You'll also need both Arsenals or both the rulebook and Crossroads. It's not the very best distribution plan, admittedly, but selling cards on their own doesn't seem a lot better. Maybe it'll change in the future.

    Yeah it's a bit confusing... :/  Thankfully I found someone who hopped factions so I'm using his cards for now.

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