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Posts posted by retnab

  1. 26 minutes ago, Cathaidan said:

    That's why I was thinking about obeys onto the PK/Guardian.  Hoffman is squishy, and the construct wouldn't be a friendly construct during the obey action, so it can't take the hit for Hoffman.

    It does still count as friendly to the crew, but I can't remember how people resolved taking the hit on your own hit's legality (I know having a Guardian use Toss against him and TTH'ing to make the Guardian Toss itself is something that was discussed).

    • Agree 1
  2. Easy answer: Academics and Elementals

    But for reals, you're going to want to bring a good mix of Academics to spread out your Mantras (Kudra and Kandara especially), and you'll of course want enough Gamin to summon in and Golems to grow them up into (Wind Gamin for scheming, your choice of Fire/Ice/Poison for beating, and Metal for support).  Mech Rider's a solid hire as well, as is Soulstone Miner (if it uses Mine Soulstone every turn it technically only costs 1ss).  I like Saboteurs for anti-scheming, and Mecharachnids are solid anti-everything.

  3. 6 hours ago, katadder said:

    If there is already a mod then surely that could be released with no additional effort unlike an app

    Not exactly, some of the base sizes changed since the kickstarter vassal mod last got updated so the Hordes wouldn't be 100% usable.

  4. On 4/17/2019 at 9:53 AM, bedjy said:

    Mei Feng crew box + Metal Golem* / Metal Gamin* / Porkshop* > Willie* / Neil Henri* / Porkshop* / Sparks* / Survivor* ***Mei needs some Scrap first, then whatever you want***

    So : 

    • / : same level of requirement and efficiency
    • > : Different level of efficiency or difference between mandatory and just good models (ex : mei's scrap generators)
    • * : from another faction (not playable with another TT crew)
    • Not yet available models**

    As someone who has played a LOT of Foundry in the beta (admitted only as Arcanist but hey), I mostly agree with this but had some personal changes to it:

    Crew Box + Metal Golem / Metal Gamin / Survivor > Neil Henry / Sparks > Willie / Porkchop

    I'm going to be putting out a big write-up on Mei when we hit the launch and we see the 1.0 cards, but to just cover a few: Survivors are incredible specifically because of their Reverse Pull-arity trigger on Magnetism to pull a Construct out of trouble and their Throw Yer Arm At 'Em trigger which lets you drop scrap you can ride a beater over to (it's the longest range scrap drop available to Foundry).  Willie is in the bottom tier not because he's bad, he's pretty good, but because in my experience he's a bit more niche in use than the rest.  He really wants to see an enemy summoner to really get the most out of his Shockwaves and if you're going up against a moderately elite crew then he can struggle to have much impact.  Porkchop I just strongly dislike in a crew that relies on Shielded and Armor rather than defensive stats, since it just doesn't have the health to really benefit from Rage Machine and Reckless too often (not to mention being a melee beater with a 0" melee) and if you're keeping it near your crew to benefit from Rage Machine then it's not using it's only other unique trait which is its Mv 6 to drop scrap a little further than usual.  Sparks I'm incredibly torn on... his abilities are incredibly useful, but he needs to be on the front lines to have an impact and defensively he has nothing so he folds VERY fast if he's trying to really do anything.  He has so much potential, but keeping him alive is such a struggle.  Also Rail Workers are in the Crew box but I just wanted to call them out because they're super solid and I strongly suggest taking at least one.  Pneumatic Toss is very useful both against friendlies or enemies, and they're some of the cheapest models with a 2/4/5 track which is always good on its own.  Honestly the fact that all 3 of the Foundry Minions are ones I'd put in the top tier is something I'm really happy about!

    • Like 1
  5. It's more like a moment in time we're seeing.  Nekima being the leader means Lilith's already in her prison, but if Lilith's the leader then we're looking at the past and Nekima's still hanging around with her.

    • Like 3
  6. 14 minutes ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Where has that changed? I can't find the limitation that'll prevent it.

    Huh looks like it's changed again since.  It used to actually increase your DZ and had a line about "your DZ can never be in the enemy table half" more or less IIRC, I guess with it only letting the Frontier models deploy outside their DZ they cut that restriction.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Bakuriel said:

    Basse has some pretty hilarious potential with wedge deployment. Far from effective most of the time, just hilarious. 

    Once upon a time there wasn't a limit on how far up you could deploy with Home on the Range, so it was possible to in Basse v Basse to have both crews deploy on the opposite table side :P 

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, solkan said:

    According to the Errata (5th from the bottom), actions generated by triggers ignore the once per activation or turn restriction in rules like Versatile.  So Horomatongi would be able to use either of the Tide Caller actions (or any other versatile action on its cards) whether they’d been taken previously or not.

    I hadn't noticed that, thanks!  Two Flaming Breath's a turn sounds like fun

  9. You're also comparing Woe to the wrong Keyword IMO.  The closer comparison point in Arcanists to Woe's control playstyle would be December, who I'd argue the Woe compare to fairly evenly.

  10. She is good, but surprisingly she hasn't been that hard for me to kill in my games.  That's a ton of support she'd be receiving personally, especially since Marlena's damage reduction is keeping the same amount of damage going through to the enemy team overall.  Maybe it's just because I play a lot of Mei and she has zero problems engaging but she really wants to be shooting models so engaging her can kind of ruin her turn.  Plus, everything's almost definitely locked in and sent to the printers by now since they've already been selling things with M3e cards.

    Agreed that Emissary is a really good take for the Amalgam, my regular Levi player uses it 100% of the time with them and swears by it.

  11. Okay, so the hand limit would definitely have helped keep Sandeep in check a bit, but besides that the biggest thing I can suggest is that the 10T player should:

    1) Kill the models with Mantra ASAP.  The Mantras stack up nicely but the Academics have to be near the Elementals for them to share it, and none of them are particularly strong defensively.  Even losing one Mantra early can be rough.

    2) Avoid attacking the Gamin.  Like with all summoners, Sandeep is going to get major action economy if you go after his summons rather than his core units.  That's not 100% true of the Golems as they're obviously a big threat, but on the plus side if you do kill a Golem it's minimum 2 turns worth of summoning to bring it back.

    3) Burn through his stones.  Sandeep and two Henchman should go through stones really fast, so if you force him to use them up it'll be far easier to kill those three.

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