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Posts posted by trikk

  1. 11 minutes ago, le_wahou said:

    I was thinking at something similar but with Nino + Loco-LLC instead of Santiago-LLC + lawyer. I have always been disapointed by Santiago in my familiy games while the duo Loco and Nino is ok. They are both cost 7 and can A Por El one another 

    My issue with Nino is that he dies the moment someone looks at him. I got him killed multiple times after 1 activation. Santiago OTOH has some utility (I've got your back, Sober Up) and with ignoring concealment from Bestial Hunter he should dish out significant damage. And LLC + Shielded should keep him alive to maybe have a grit activation.


    I never used Loco, but mostly because he doesn't fit in my crews. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, Angelshard said:

    @trikk do you still see the lawyer as a good support piece for the new perdita? Seems to me this is one of the few crews where I wouldn't bring him, most of what he does is already being done by perdita. I also think 4 stones is very light for a master that wants to summon at least twice, but I don't know, her card draw plus intuition might mean she doesn't need to stone for summon. 

    Nephilim hunter is always worth summoning, as its essentially a bonus action thanks to the free attack and I can't see why I wouldn't summon turn 1.

    Lawyer lets you get another Stat 8 attack from Francisco and Tools lets you fish for that ram (since its an 8+) to skip stones. 

  3. Pewpewdita Owtega (Guild)
    Size: 50 - Pool: 4/5
      Perdita Ortega - Neverborn Hunter
      Enslaved Nephilim
      Santiago Ortega
        Lead-Lined Coat
      Abuela Ortega
      Francisco Ortega
        Lead-Lined Coat
      Guild Steward
      Guild Lawyer/Sly
      Guild Mage

  4. 1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Lay Track + Mass Hysteria with Heated Iron means an unresisted 3" Push with an 8" range which is pretty cool, right?

    You don't get a push because the model was damaged by the ability and not action so Mass Hysteria doesn't apply unless they fail the duel?

    • Agree 5
  5. Since the MWS is slowly going to a stop (for this year) and we're getting titles out I thought it would be cool to have a tournament where we could all play title masters! Since the MWS guys are probably exhausted I decided to take matter into my own hands (with their help). So I present to you:

    When the Wulf Sleeps!

    This event will run Oct 4th– 31st. Registration is open today and remain open until Oct 3rd. This is a 4 round, 50ss, singles event.

    I am GMT +2 based in Poland, but this event is open to anyone who wants to play. Player's pack with pools is attached.

    Link to sign up: https://forms.gle/AZY1ANa2mUdSsw9x6
    Rules: https://drive.google.com/file/d/160PTbYSqkUzSxzVuAE3pfRUaV9f6l3_A/view?usp=sharing
    Terrain Definitions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sghJtygBmPJKSQJGgkB5Y8AVlLbpXxn9/view?usp=sharing

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Adran said:

    I can see workplace efficiency on Impromptu Invention being a powerhouse move. Make your Metal Golem fast (or focused) and then make it Walk so it gets to ride the rails to where you need it to be. 

    Damage is low, but she can get 4 attacks (thanks to shove aside) and a damaging bonus action, so is not that safe to stand near, and can put out lots of unresisted ping damage over the course of the turn with heated iron. 

    A Fast + free Ride the Rails on Golem is pretty nice. 


    Vent Steam + Heated Iron will make a lot of pings work

  7. 2 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    New Mah has "ignores vertical distance while moving", but many believe that to mean "ignores vertical distance except for pushes and non-walk moves"... Aka, is walk only.

    It is confirmed it definitely doesn't include pushes in the FAQ, so is probably mostly sorted (although still feels like a weird design to put on a model that it ignores vertical distance but it doesn't actually). This one is more an existing problem, but I hope it will increase the desire to address it properly/sort out the rest with an FAQ.

    If it is meant to solely work for walks, I don't see why the phrasing couldn't be "ignores vertical distance while walking"? EDIT: Or "while taking the walk action" is probably the proper formatting.

    EDIT2: It appears that Mah also has a little bit of redundancy in her abilities as well, since scrapyard mines confers immunity to (all?) pit trap markers within 6, and then Heaps of Trash allows them to again ignore hazardous terrain (presumably there to ignore pit trap markers, which they already do within 6, now increased to 12?). Unless the point is to have a 12" aura for Tricksy, and a 6" for non-keyword friendlies?

    There are also other Hazardous terrains bar pit traps

  8. 10 minutes ago, Rufess said:

    可能是顯示的文字是「 MALIFAU THIRD EDITION M Spoiler Guide ?????? ? 」的圖像

    Defective Dice is putting out their reveal tomorrow, and this is their hint posted on FB. This seems to me, based on the number of question mark, that they are revealing Nexus (single faction master with 3 sculpts). And since Lucius is pairing with Nexus, you may get to see new Lucius tmr.

    Nvmd. Got it.


    But there are 6 white ?. Cadmus?

  9. 44 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    I don't think it is illegal. Casinos just monitor for anyone that wins too much and kicks them out, IIRC.

    Partially because it is really hard to legislate (How do you legislate for someone counting cards in their head?)

    Yes. I used the wrong words. It doesn't get you in jail. It gets you roughed up in the casino back exit :P

    • Haha 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Jam Warrior said:

    Does the ‘this model’ for unburying from the ashwood coffin refer to Lady J?  If so what if she’s dead?  There’s no automatic unbury on Lady J’s death like with the pine box.

    You unbury in your deployment

  11. 1 minute ago, Thatguy said:

    I know I've if the complaints today people had about Pine Box is that it is range 0". Now for the busy is a wound it's roughly Range 4". 

    I'm a little confused by design choices. Marshalls can now drop up to 2 50mm blocking impassible markers a turn, meaning they can clutter it shut down big chunks of the board. But they don't have any way to get around thier own obstacles. New Lady J can't leap over them.

    They ignore the markers for movement. So they can charge through them

  12. 1 minute ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    At start of game you deploy them 3" away. Then Hoffman's activation:

    • Bonus action to move a pylon next to one symbol.
    • Then walk forward
    • Interact
    • Bulldoze with trigger to make another pylon.

    Two pylons in position.

    Ah, yes



    • Haha 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Maniacal_cackle said:


    This can be done first activation of turn one, locking two symbols out of the game if the opponent doesn't have marker removal. Not even incorporeal models can grab the symbols.

    It can't. Pylons have to be 3" away for markers so T2 at the least

  14. 56 minutes ago, PiersonsMuppeteer said:

    Maybe a more simple solution (to reduce the need for an FAQ) would be for them to change the trigger's wording from "equal to the value of Burning reduced by this action" to "equal to the amount of damage suffered by this action"?

    This would mean that damage reduction would change it.

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