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the sadlyness

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  1. Hopefully your TO has a firm grasp of the rules. The 3 step process in my opinion should be completely ignored. It plays no part in the rules. If the action has a duel you use the opposed/simple duel process. If the action does not have a duel then just do what it says. And if any timing issues pop up follow the timing shout out box. Let's take a walk action for example. Declare and spend ap. Done easy. No duels needed so step 3. Resolve results. Maybe it needs to take a terrifying check do that now.
  2. The faq. Does being immune to damage caused by pulses make a model immune to the damage caused by failing a Simple Duel, if the Simple Duel was generated by a pulse? A: Yes.
  3. Stat Modifiers These are the simplest way to modify a duel or flip. Stat modifiers are presented as a bonus or penalty to a stat under certain conditions. For instance, a model might gain +2 to its Sh on any Attack against a target within 6”. In these cases, the Sh of the model is increased accordingly, but only for the purposes of resolving the duel. Alternatively, the model might receive a bonus to the total, rather than the stat. In these cases, simply add the bonus to the total whenever it is calculated. Page 29. The +2 from confiscated lore is never applied till Sonnia takes a Ca action. Sonnia has the condition. The Chile does not. The child taking a 1 action. Which is copying one of Sonnia's (1) actions. Sonnia is not doing any duels so no +2 to her Ca.
  4. the sadlyness


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