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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. lol, I vaguely remember a comment from that same article about how a fan was heckling him during a game, and his response was (again, paraphrasing) "I'm still a millionairre, and you're a piece of shit!"
  2. After he had surgery on his arm, he was never the same, but for a few seasons he was a very effective closer. Funny side story to that, about 6 or so years ago, I read about how he was playing for a minor league team out in Long Island. Funny how his career after the majors took him to a place like NY for another stint at playing. PS - In case anyone's wondering, New Yorkers still hate him.
  3. Plus Lorgar's a punk. Bitch can't even fight his own fights 1v1.
  4. Hey guys, Ben here again, and I'm down for the tournament as well!
  5. Beautiful work, Vic! I especially like how you based Yin!
  6. At least we can comiserate over our microwave lunches. lol, why work construction when you can be making a whopping $15/hour at McDonalds? *eye roll* Yeah, that's the one. The books are great too. Graham McNeil wrote all 6 of them. Looking forward to getting back to the Horus Heresy soon. Good morning everyone!
  7. Not at the moment, but I suspect that I will once I've tried playing her. I did a similar topic with a couple of other Masters, and had a lot more to share, but that was also after having played them at least once. Once I get a game or two with Sonnia in, I'll have a lot more to add. Thanks again!
  8. Hi again everyone, I had a question concerning Sonnia, and her upgrade, "Reincarnation". The ability states when a model with the Burning condition, is reduced to 0 Wds, she may discard 2 cards or a soulstone to summon a Witchling Stalker. Does this include when a model dies during the Upkeep phase as a result of taking Burning damage? Thanks!
  9. To be fair, we've been doing against each other. IN BEFORE: That's what she said!
  10. Ironic, since half the people on that floor would qualify for the moniker.
  11. Not to get.... "off topic"... but between a couple of co-workers of mine, the nickname "Rocker" has another between them. For those of you who aren't as well acknowledged in MLB, there was a baseball player named John Rocker. He played for the Atlanta Braves during his better years, and was a very good closer during his time there, back in the 90's. One day, after a game against the Mets, he said during a post-game press conference (and I'm paraphrasing, so take it for what you will, please) that "he'd never want to take the subways in NYC, because he didn't want to catch AIDS from some faggot". Since then, he obviously earned the ire of just about every baseball fan in New York. In any case, now my co-workers joke around with the name "Rocker" as a reference to John Rocker, whenever they say anything that might even be slightly interpreted as bigoted, racist, or just ignorant in general (which is quite a lot). Anyways, back to the music discussion. I like rock songs of all kinds. That's my 2 cents.
  12. Komainu are also great for Mei Feng. Being able to get into combat quicker via Rail Walking is always nice.
  13. Morning everyone! How's everyone doing? My night turned out to be hella productive! Finished the 3 Void Wretches, the Nothing Beast, 3 Ronin, and primed Sonnia's crew. Tonight, I finish Lazarus! Happy Birthday, Vic! My sentiments as well... As much as I'd like to have this as a novelty, my money is better spent elsewhere.
  14. Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a nice weekend. Managed to put Sonnia's crew together today while the little one played with his grandmother. (I love building Witchling Stalkers now ). Painted two Executioners last night, and started on my Ronins. At this point, I'm just trying to paint as many Mercs as I can for the tournament next weekend. How's everyone else doing?
  15. lol, I don't think I've watched any kind of news broadcast since college. Only thing I'm ever interested in is the weather, and even then, I've got an app for that.
  16. I hope so. Granted, I haven't read all of the fluff yet (I have about 50 pages left in Twisted Fates), and it isn't to say that she's "boring". Just in my mind at the moment, she's been the least interesting. Back when the news of California raising it's minimum wage to $15 over the course of the next few years came to light, a few friends and I had a discussion about these specific effects as well. One of my friends involved in this discussion owns his own LGS in MA, and from the perspective of the small private business owner, his comments echoed CJ's to the "T". It's from this perspective that I sympathize with, because it literally does cripple most, if not close to all, of the small business/restaurant owners in NYC, making it very hard to do the same business they've been doing prior. I would even go so far as to say places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts would be greatly affected, and those are two of the most thriving food chains in the city.
  17. lol, her personality just seems very droll. Not in many ways dynamic. She thinks like an Ultramarine, except she thinks she's the Emperor.
  18. Even in the fluff she's the least interesting amongst the 3. She's like Judge Dredd, but with boobs and a blindfold.
  19. So in a weird twist of irony.... Last week I ordered an Avatar Kirai from Amazon on Prime Day. It showed up on Friday, and when I opened it, I realized that it had 2 right arms instead of 1 of each. Wrote to Wyrd asking if there was anything they could do, and unfortunately they couldn't. That email came to me on Monday, and I returned the Kirai Avatar the next day. Just an hour ago, I get another email from Wyrd telling me that they were lucky enough to find a spare left arm for me... On the plus side, I suppose I could reorder the model again, and have it back by next week. I'm curious as to what the sellers are going think now though.
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