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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. If it makes you happy. I'll also swear in German. HIMMEL, ARSCH UND ZWIRN! SCHEISSDRECK! VERFLUCHTNOCHMAL! lol, THANK YOU "Google Translator"!
  2. lol, funny because the character CJ and I made for me is quite possibly going to be an Overseer as well.
  3. Nythera campaign has a Graverobber character. Be all the Dr. Krieger you can be Mainly because I want to see you punch the ground screaming "God damn you all to hell" at inappropriate moments. This, and "Me too!"
  4. As a side note, it makes me appreciate Ten Thunders that much more. While all of them have their individual strengths and weaknesses, there isn't a single Master amongst the 7 of them that make anyone think, "OMFG, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE PLAYING THAT CREW AGAINST ME!"
  5. Being that I'm the newest player I know within my group of friends who play, I've yet to really play anyone with less experience in the game than I. That said, I've learned which Masters are the "casual friendly" and "not casual friendly" ones are. But PD makes a great point about being able to play down the aggressiveness too. Perdita is scary, but without Trick Shooting or Francisco, she's a decent contender. Same goes for the Viks without "Synchronized Slaying". It's just a matter of adjusting to the learning curve of the person you're playing against.
  6. Then I showed you how Sonnia was supposed to be played and torched you good Too bad that wasn't for Nythera lol And now I'm scouring for more Witchling Stalkers and Witchling Handlers.
  7. I can see that too, but I'm too much of a stubborn jerk. QFT.
  8. This. But I usually just tell Benshin what he is thinking as he thinks it. I'm not a bad loser, but I see strategy like no one's business The funny thing is sometimes he narrates my strategy before I've even had a chance to think of it sometimes. I've conceded and had games conceded by my opponents' before. One particular time that comes to mind is the last tournament I played it when someone conceded on Turn 1 to me. I've never felt so bad assassinating a Master as I did then... And it was my first time facing Sonnia, no less...
  9. I hadn't actually thought to check the Hanged ether, but that seems to make more sense now. Thanks for the help, everyone!
  10. You haven't felt bad luck when your opponent flips four 11+ cards for severe damage on a critical damage flip which costs you the game. I actually flipped Jack, Jack, King. It wasn't a game changer at that point, but impressive nonetheless. Oh, and "heart of the cards" is one of those once in a blue moon types of deals... I don't expect that to happen ever again in my lifetime.
  11. Ok, so would she lose an AP for having failed the first HD? Or does she get to swing? I understand having to take the HD again since she didn't pass it the first time around, but if I'm understanding the rule, even if she fails the HD, she can still attack (provided there isn't a Hanged nearby).
  12. Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! Been feeling a little under the weather lately, so I haven't been around as much, but I'm feeling far better now. Looking forward to seeing where Nythera takes off in the coming weeks!
  13. Hi everyone, So my question is how Mei Feng's immunity to Paralysis correlates to her failing Horror Duels. Take the following situation: - Mei Feng attacks Seamus, which triggers the Horror Duel - Mei Feng fails the Horror Duel, but because she's immune to Paralysis, she ignores the condition. Does Mei Feng still get to attack Seamus? Would she have to take another Horror Duel to be able to hit him? Is Seamus even a legal target for her since she failed the Horror Duel? Thanks for your help, everyone!
  14. Oh, and if you end up picking up the Vik crew, the Student of Conflict is a pretty good totem for a combat intensive crew.
  15. Ronin are always good. Can't be charged, and their attacks ignore Armor, which no one else in your crew can do yet. Lazarus would also provide some great fire support, but he's a 10 ss model too. And like you mentioned, Von Schill's crew box can't go wrong either.
  16. It honestly doesn't sound anymore complicated than any other tabletop game. I've yet to read the book or even gloss over the material, and I know it'll be fun. Problem our particular group has is getting them to actually commit to a day so we can get together. Considering we all invested in the game (back in I want to say May), and only schedule bigger group meet ups once a month, it's disheartening when people say they want to play but then back out at 2-3 days prior to when we're supposed to meet. Petty details aside as to why this keeps happening, CJ and I aren't any pleased about it at all.
  17. Seen it before, but never seen it played. Related note: Benshin and I finally got our lazy friends to come around and do Battletech box draft with the starter set. Benshin was incredibly catty about the whole thing in Facebook chat #meow
  18. So, I was doing some searching on riders, and came across someone selling the OOP Dead Rider for $18 shipped. And then I looked to see how much the new plastic one cost... *clicked Buy It Now* *Paid* *Profit* Today is actually shaping up okay for me. Except for my wallet, maybe.
  19. Oh, and speaking Nicodem, I played him last night for the 3rd time (total) against a traditional slingshot Vik list. Totally didn't think I was going to win, let alone do as well as I did, but he stood up proud and tall. My MVP for that game was Sloth, actually. Managed to tie up Vik of Ash, Student of Conflict, Killjoy and Bishop in his 3" aura, despite eating a 6 Wd whirlwind trigger from Vik a turn earlier. His mistake was launching his slingshot turn 1 when he didn't have enough decent cards to cheat with on Turn 1. Admittedly, I tried to bait him into a tarpit by moving Sloth up first, and then Mortimer a few inches away from him. Managed to drop 2 Corpse Markers on turn 1 with him, and then summon a Student of Viscera and Drowned with Nico. He led off his attack with Bishop first on the Student, but only managed 1 hit, and then my Student "Slithered" past him to engage the Viks and Student. He did manage to get the Viks past the Student, but by that time, he had entered my little tarpit, and into charge range of 2 of my Punk Zombies. I win initiative Turn 2 and Assassinated Vik of Ash with Punk Zombie and Mortimer in the opening activation of the turn. After some more back and forth, Nico summons a Rogue Necromancy on Turn 3, who eats up Killjoy. So yeah... pleasantly surprised with Nicodem, now that I've gotten the hang of playing him.
  20. I like the Dead Rider a lot, actually. Extra attack for a (0) action, plus Fast if you happen to run him with Nicodem is pretty good.
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