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Posts posted by tomjoad

  1. On 1/14/2018 at 1:33 AM, whodares said:

    Allow me to give a comparison between the models:


    Monk of High River vs Komainu

    • Df6 vs Df 4
    • Ruthless vs Hard to Kill & Armor +1
    • Disengaging strike brings Burning 2 vs nothing
    • Can drop a card to do a 3 AP charge vs nothing
    • Focus gives +1 focus vs + :tome when near Ancestor
    • Ml6/Df/1" vs Ml6/Wp/2"
    • Damage track of 1/2/4 vs 2/3/4
    • built-in :tome trigger to grant :tome burning vs non-built-in  :tome trigger to grant either burning +1 or slow
    • 2" push vs 3" place in base contact
    • nothing vs 6" :aura Ca counter ignoring range


    From this comparison you can see that the Monk is a LOT more offensive. Being able to ignore Wp duels means a couple of defenses such as Terrifying will be invalid. He also has a larger threat radius as he can push 2", charge for 6 and have 1" range totaling for a range of 9". Drop a card and get 3 attacks which all inflict burning which pretty puch increases his low damage track of 1/2/4 to at least 2/3/5 and a possible 3/4/6.

    I disagree with the idea that this shows what you want it to show. The Komainu will live longer, which means it gets to hit more often. The Komainu's 0ap action is, in the abstract, going to provide a LOT more movement that just a 2" push, which can help hit more often. The burning on the Monk doesn't apply until the end of the turn, so even if you stack up 4 or more burning on a single model, that model will still get to activate; the Komainu is far more likely to just kill a model and prevent it doing anything at all. You are also neglecting that half the time (even without considering cheating) will hit it's triggers to either apply the same burning as the Monk, or to apply Slow which imo imo imo is WAAAYYY better than just a couple extra points of damage. Unfortunately, the stink of having been bad for years will continue following the Monk because, frankly, it still isn't any good.

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  2. Tannen w/ Asami: Not bad, but also maybe not worth it. Again, Tannen REALLY only pays off when his Cooler aura is doing work. If you can use it to force your opponent to discard a bunch so they cannot defend themselves from Asami's Devoured Whole trigger, then he's good. If you're using him to get that +2 on :mask for your summoning...well, just recall that there are as many :tome in the deck that will get a -2, so you lose a lot of his value right off the bat. Games where you can get the action bunched up and you keep enough pressure on enemy hitters that they can't take time to kill Tannen, he is awesome. Other games he'll just be 6ss that would have been better off on another 10T Brother or Terracotta Warrior.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Jinn said:

    Outside of tournaments, couldn't you just ignore errata if it is too annoying for you to want to deal with? If these kitchen table players are playing casually then what is the big deal if they miss an errata? If they want to they can get the errataed versions of their models but it isn't going to be forced on them.

    Players entering official tournaments will have to be a little less casual about it, that's all.

    Because there is a standard, without which it would be impossible to show up at your lgs and just play a game with any other Malifaux player you might run into. Also, I do play primarily in tournaments, and I think the errata has negatively affected my enjoyment of the game, so I don't know what to do about a suggestion like this one.

  4. For tengu v wandering rivers, I think you have to choose between them. You can take 1-2 tengu or 1 wandering river, but i think that's it. Especially since Shenlong+Yu are already quite good at putting markers down, you should have another use for them in mind if you take one, in my opinion. I often put a tengu in my Shenlong crews because they can use morning star to get around the field very very quickly and can threaten enemy scheme markers quite effectively.

    I don't post on here that much these days, but I have written more than one essay about how much I love the 10T Brothers, so take this as a vote for adding them above anything else. I wouldn't worry much about taking models that already have good 0 actions 'wasting' the 0ap focus Shenlong can give you. That's a nice option, but it's just not that big a deal in my experience.

  5. 11 hours ago, anencephalous said:

    If it doesn't matter that all models are approximately as useful, why does it matter to you if some are buffed and some are nurfed? At best, the weaker models are used more often, at worst, the old strong models are no longer played except "on the kitchen table". But if you don't see the kitchen-table-only as a problem, why would it matter which models are relegated to the kitchen? 

    The reasons errata are bad should be self evident. It makes the models not do what the book says; it creates extra paper work you must do to play; it leads to something like last year where it took multiple printings and 3-6 months for people to get the correct updated cards; it leads to players not trusting that a model they like will be the same this month as it is next month; it leads to confusion. There is a reason that most successful games view errata as a last resort, and I am hopeful that Wyrd will return to this philosophy before it's too late.

    • Like 2
  6. I think the real problem here is the idea that every model should be equivalently playable. I assure you, there are people out there happily putting High River Monks and Archers on the table in their kitchens and LGSs. Not everything is, or can be, or should be, viable for top level tournament play. Issuing errata for these models will not ever make it so that this "perfect balance" is reached, it will only create a new worst thing to complain about.

  7. I think a big problem we (or, at least this is true for me) are having with understanding the full implications of the Arcanist story is that we have an incomplete understanding of where and how history has differed in Malifaux's Earth from our Earth. Did it take a civil war to end chattel slavery in the United States? Is there an Earthside civil/women's rights movement? Is the specter of communism hanging over Europe? Is the Guild the only Western power exerting control of the 3 Kingdoms? For that matter, how and why are there a "3 Kingdoms" to begin with, rather than separate Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and etc states? Is the political map of North America the way we all know it to be? Is anybody from South America?

    So, not knowing the answer to so many questions does, I guess, leave open the possibility that Toni did the right thing and I am wrong. Who knows.

    • Like 1
  8. Why has Yin become such a popular answer? I LOVE the current Yin, so I'm just curious what people want out of an alt? Something more over the top and gory? A completely new take on her? Something more like a traditional European style vampire?

    • Like 5
  9. ............................................................................................................................................................................................





    So my issue with her selling out Ramos wasn't about whether or not it was a good deal. Certainly, if I could sell out one person to have racial justice rule the land, I think I could do that, or at the least make an argument for why it is a good idea to do so. My problem is that it seems inconsistent for Toni to believe that the deal would be upheld, that she would carry out her end before the GG did his part, and that she would believe that the Americans would just roll over for the Guild. Like, I would expect it to go more like Goodfellas; The GG says "We'll end slavery and prejudice (I guess), but we need Ramos first" and Toni says "Fuck you, pay me."

  10. 10 hours ago, Champignon said:

    So if no one ask...:) Can you folks tell me what happens to Reva? Will be happy to receive one more cool answer

    She gets a big hug and her and Molly become best friends and they go on a spirit quest to find Kirai.

    OK, actually, she doesn't get any screen time and is only mentioned once or twice in passing. Sorry. None of the Wave 4 Masters aside from Nellie and Titania really show up here.

  11. I honestly would be pretty surprised if we don't get new minis for most of the masters at this point. In fact, I honestly thought (hoped, I should say) this new book would have master upgrades, a FEW new models, and then the actual product release would be new sculpts, maybe even entire new box sets, for many of the new masters to show their progression in the story.

    • Like 2
  12. So, a couple months ago this would have been EXTREMELY easy, but y'all went ahead and gave me a new Huggy, so that's settled. Now...I would say either a new 10T Brother, just because I use one in every single game, so some spicy alt would be cool; or something like the jorogumo or emissary, ,which are awesome and great looking models, but just are so big that they are hard to transport, sometimes. Honestly, I like all the models in the range now, so I don't have any REALLY strong feelings on this.

    • Like 1
  13. In my experience, Yan Lo is best at area control type strategies. Lightning Dance allows you to reposition enemy models a pretty long way, and it is the best action on his card. He also has an amazing heal, combined with the ability to resurrect tanks like Izamu and Yin, that can make his crew very hard to put down. I haven't played any games with his new upgrades yet, but being able to Lightning Dance as a 0 + the addition of Instinctual is extremely exciting to me. So, yeah, area control is great, the ability to put an enemy that you want to die in base contact with Izamu is great, and those are the things Yan Lo is best at.

    I would say that Shenlong or McCabe are his best partners, as I feel like they are both good at more scheme-y type games. 

    • Like 1
  14. I really liked the stories in Broken Promises! I'm going to focus maybe on the one thing that bothered me, but I want to be positive too because genuiniely I thought it was great overall.






    So, cool things to me: Zoraida is easily my favorite character in Malifaux, but it was cool seeing her get punked left and right in this book. Titania stymied her scrying, Nytemare tricked her into throwing Lilith into the Pit of Despair, and then the gremlins just kicked her out of the group entirely. It was a cool change of pace to just see her fail at everything, and I'm excited to see what she'll do next.

    I liked the whole Outcast plot; nothing really to add to that, just that I'm interested to see where this goes.

    Also, this is the first time I found myself giving a damn bout McMourning one way or the other. His interior monologue was interesting, and his decision to embrace madness and reject comfort was a great scene, made even better by Justice realizing that he was betraying her and that she couldn't stop him.

    I loved the 10 Thunders story, and they are the best, but I am always slightly disappointed when Shenlong doesn't get any real screen time. I love him, and it was a great story that will set up more great stories, but it was so focussed on Misaki and I wish I'd got to see the other characters a little more.

    So, OK, Arcanists. I want to like Ironsides, honestly I do, but y'all make it hard for me. Both here and in her introduction from Crossroads, I feel like her writing has always been a little forced. Like, it just doesn't feel authentic for a black person who lived through the equivalent of Jim Crow and the age of lynching to say something like "He was lynched for nothing more than the color of his skin." I love that Wyrd is willing to explore the racial politics of the world, but Toni's stories always end up feeling forced to me.

    The worst part of the story wasn't that, exactly, though. Mostly the writing was very good, but another thing bothered me. We have it set up in the Guild's story that the papers are untrustworthy. Toni explains to the Governor General why she hates and distrusts the Guild. But just on his word, she stabs her mentor in the back? This is insane on it's face for anybody to do, but even more insane to me because Toni, of all people, should know better. Then the paper comes and says "Oh, there's no more racism in America!" and we're supposed to believe that? That isn't how the world works, man! Again, Toni knows first hand that that isn't how it works! She turned traitor to Ramos and got what in exchange? A pack of lies that, as the real world has shown, won't protect anybody from harm.

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