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Posts posted by Amdor

  1. 21 minutes ago, Dentre said:

    For me it looks like it's not working for both "Frame For Murder" and "Eliminate Leadership".
    Ability says that "models are ignored when scoring Strategies and Schemes". You are receiving VP for killing or sacrificing the "sucker" model which means that your model doesn't scoring any VP. And anyway model killed and only then you are receiving VP for "Frame For Murder".

    For example models affected by "Makes no sense" condition will not be able scoring "Guard the Stash" and "Extraction strategies".

    I'm sorry but I don't understand your explanation for FFM. My interpretation is that since the sucker is in the "This makes no sense" aura, it's impossible to score VP from that model, even if it's a scheme that specifically checks for that model's death. And since the window for scoring is the exact moment that model dies, it is impossible to score from it afterwards, there is no sucker in play to score from.

    Denying models for Guard the stash and Extraction is the straight forward way of using "This makes no sense" so there's not really an issue there.

  2. 11 minutes ago, solkan said:

    I'm pretty sure the questions behind this thread are one of the big reasons.  Otherwise, you get in to a situation where everyone needs to take a rank of Toughness, Scrutinize, and a few other core skills just to avoid getting killed by a bad flip.

    I'm sure you're right. It's a simple way to solve a lot of questions, especially with derived aspects, such as "Can I cheat my Defense if I don't have Evade trained?"

    I still want to hear from an official source if this is the case, mostly just to get insight on their thought process. I'm fine with it being changed and our group is going to be house-ruling a couple of things anyway.

  3. On 9/4/2017 at 5:35 PM, Mason said:

    In 2.0, you can cheat fate even if you don't have any ranks in a skill.

    Can I ask for the reasoning behind this change? I liked the old system, being able to cheat only on trained skills made even the rank 1 skills important.

  4. 1 minute ago, Franchute said:

    Which 0 action is it? Rush'Em can only place within 6''. Is it part of the new upgrades?

    3 Walks for 15" and Rush 'Em for 6" (and possibly ~1"-2" depending on the target base size). The point was most likely that Ironsides can get the Adrenaline for Rush 'Em on her own now.

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  5. Thank you for another great unboxing. Unfortunately I got my Carlos last week, so this was the first time I didn't have one of these for reference. I'm confident in my modeling skills, but it felt strange not being able to double check some things.

    Agreed, it feels incredibly fragile to have the whole model balancing on three tiny wisps of flame and connecting to one of the thinnest supporting parts. Still, I must find a way to get him to the field in one piece, just to be able to call out the name of his attack.

    • Like 1
  6. I wouldn't call Talos exactly squishy with Armor, Terrifying and self-healing. It's just that most big guys rely on something other than Df to stay alive.

    Also, I need that Stalker in my collection. The rules look nice and the model fits them so well.

  7. Warding Runes and Blood Ward certainly works to protect one or two models, but if you're not running Ironsides or Sandeep, a single Oxfordian might not be the best addition to your crew.

    What I prefer is to take Johan and/or Arcane Effigy. I've yet to play a game where condition removal hasn't been effective, especially against ressers.

    Another solution is to just kill the Chihuahua. It has only 4 in Df and Wd and no defensive abilities and needs to get close as Horrific Odour is just :pulse2.

    Also on a side note, if you have a soulstone user poisoned within Sebastian's Induction aura, preventing the 1 damage from poison stops Induction from going off.

  8. Prop gun? The effigies are puppets trying to mimic iconic characteristics from their adoptive factions after all.

    I'm guessing it's more likely that the Actions of the effigy were designed with the old model in mind. The old pewter model had an oversized knife, mismatched arms and no gun, at least to my knowledge, I don't have the model to confirm this. Later when they designed the new model, they made it look more like a puppet version of a generic mercenary, most of whom carry guns.

  9. On 5.7.2017 at 10:14 AM, Tiaburn Stedd said:

    Due to broken hand some of my models will be still unpainted, hopefully it is OK.

    I asked this earlier on the Finnish forum and the ruling was that models need to be at least assembled and primed, so if you can manage that there shouldn't be any problem.

    Can't help with the rest, hopefully @Molja checks here soon.

  10. Nice work.

    Looked through the files and these are the things I found in need of fixing (from typos to misplaced models)


    Cojo should be 50mm (errata)

    Arachnid Swarm should be 40mm


    Field Reporter has a typo


    Banasuva shouldn't be there

    Nurse has a typo

    Shieldbearer has a typo


    Barbaros should be 40mm (errata)


    Nothing Beast should be Henchman (errata)


    Lenny has a typo

    • Like 2
  11. I'd love to see more named Frozen Heart models. More specificly, I've wanted Alice Burson to become a model ever since reading her story (Wyrd Chronicles Volume 15, December's Call: Homecoming).

    Though the problem with Alice specifically is that there's nothing differentiating her from the generic Acolyte and her story seems to be more of an example of how the Acolytes are recruited instead of the backstory of one unique individual, so I doubt we'll be seeing her anytime soon. Still, I'd love to have a named Acolyte upgraded to Enforcer/Henchman with it's own pet hoarcat (not Luka for obvious reasons).

  12. It's most likely because the four $40 boxes (Misaki, Mei Feng, Lynch and Yan Lo) as well as Lucas's box are from edition 1.5. They're an earlier production and consist for the most part of a lot less pieces and therefore, less plastic. The poses on the models are also more static (again, for the most part), thus requiring less fiddly and tiny bits, apart from certain facial hair. Also also, the $40 boxes have only 6 models, or less in Lynch's case with only one larger model on a 40/50mm base (this is why Lucas is $45 as a 1.5 production).

  13. (0) "Welcome to Malifaux!"

    Well, if you want to go fully thematic the starter box is Witch hunters vs Nephilim, IIRC (don't own the starter myself). That would indicate Sonnia Criid and Lilith, so The torch and the blade box for Sonnia and Mother of monsters box for Lilith.

    But we're talking about mechanical effectiveness, so those two aren't the only choice. Luckily the models are generic enough to not be useless in pretty much any crew, especially the two henchmen, though this has the drawback of not having crazy synergies with anyone either. I'd still stick with Guild and Neverborn, since you can only bring two models as mercenaries in other factions (thus wasting half the starter box). Can't advice you further than that since I'm not really a Guild or Neverborn player.

  14. One idea that has been on my mind from the moment I read Spark's card is taking Lazarus and Hans. Make Hans a construct, Assimilate "Smile, You Son of a...," then Autofire three pinging shots into the enemy master without having to worry about To the highest bidder. Granted, it's probably nowhere near the 27ss price tag in terms of effectiveness, but man, wouldn't it be cool to blast all upgrades off the enemy leader in one activation?

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  15. Agreed, Accomplice is pure gold when you get to chain activate into Hank and smack that pesky enemy with it's brand new Df -3.

    The problem with Combat Mechanic in my games is that often my beaters get attacked too much or too little for me to start healing them. Either they get burst down with armour ignoring attacks and/or massive damage on the earlier turns when I don't really have the scrap needed or they get more or less ignored or neutered (a plan that usually backfires thanks to Johan and the Effigy).

    I don't doubt that Combat Mechanic can be very useful. It's just that I personally can't ever utilize it to it's full value (So a clear case of YMMV).

  16. As has been stated above, it's really not difficult to back an elite crew with Ramos's usual mass summoning. I usually run Joss, Hank and Johan with Ramos and still outactivate my opponent by turn 2 if everything goes according to plan. Upgrade-vise I use Under Pressure and Field Generator with the last one depending on the situation, usually Electric Summoning though I've recently discovered the awesomeness of Arcane Reservoir. I find Combat Mechanic to be a bit of a trap, as using it eats up your precious scrap that might not even be there when you need to heal, as well as hand if you're unlucky, since you will want to cheat a weak healing flip. As a support master Ramos doesn't want to be fighting too much himself, so his activation consist of summoning, putting up Arcing Screen and getting in to position, maintaining a :aura6 death ball that gives everyone :+fate to Ml and Df. Then use the summoned spiders to either run schemes or latch onto enemies, making them easier pickings for your beaters.

    In a nutshell; elite heavy or not, Ramos always wants as many spiders as possible.

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