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Posts posted by gribble

  1. 7 minutes ago, Butch said:

    Where can I see pictures of all the alternate sculpts?

    Not in one place unfortunately.

    GMorts has some on his unboxing blog: http://gmortschaotica.blogspot.cz/p/unboxing-malifaux.html

    There are also these Wyrd newsletters which show some of the others:

    I think that is most (if not all) of them.

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  2. 46 minutes ago, Mrbedlam said:

    Sure but if you do that, Von Schill has 1 AP left to walk 5"? Seems weak when Hamelin could just obey the two of them and doesn't care about being on the backline. 

    Fair enough. I haven't yet played Hamelin, so can't comment on that. I suppose Hamelin has the downside of not being able to act as a second SS when needed. :)

  3. 6 minutes ago, Mrbedlam said:

    After the first game I just can't see a reason for the Oathkeeper one. There's just not very many situations where effectively changing out a master ap for a minion/enforcer AP is worthwhile. 

    Maybe it's just because I'm a newbie, largely playing against other newbies... but I've loved this upgrade. Being able to swap out one of VS's AP and give it to e.g. Lazarus or the Strongarm Suit has seemed to be incredibly powerful. Especially in the first turn of the game when I can walk and give it to both of them for a future turn. Walk + Rapid Fire on Lazarus or Walk + Charge on SS has been amazing.

  4. 2 hours ago, Carrrl said:

    They don't have one without add on, and I don't think they will. The 270 price is for late backers, that why you probably don't see it. 

    Annoying, but makes sense I suppose if Dual Commander costs $270 as a late pledge.
    What I'm after is a level with one of each faction (including commander level miniature stretch goals) plus two of each (non-miniature) stretch goal and rulebook. There are two of us here, but we'd like to have all of the factions.

    Seems the only way to do that is to go Dual Commander pledge, plus Dual Commander add-on. While we can give up one rulebook in the pledge and get extra minis, we can't for the add-on. We'd much rather have extra minis than a third rulebook, but it's already a very good deal so c'est la vie I suppose.

  5. 13 hours ago, Carrrl said:

    They have done that, but at $270 for the 1 rulebook.

    If you are refering to only 1 set of add-ons, then the last part of your question is a bit off.

    Maybe I missed it then, because I don't see that. I see the dual commander *pledge level* with one rulebook for $255, plus a dual commander "add on" for $300 (which presumably has 2 copies of the rulebook?).

    Where is the dual commander add on for $270? Is it not under the "Pledge Level" add ons in Backerkit?

  6. 12 minutes ago, Furio said:

    However i'd love some form of expansion for PWU.

    You and me both. Been looking through old Wryd chronicles issues, and there is a ton of PW style art for models which never even got a first edition miniature... would love a big PWU expansion which included the old PW minis that weren't in PWU, and perhaps some of these other images made as models for the first time.

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Nathan Caroland said:

    This Rasputina box doesn't include an adventure booklet: it's just the models. 

    On another note, we'll have a list of goodies out for next week's Black Friday / Company Birthday sale come Monday afternoon. Right now, everyone's off at PAX Unplugged to show off Malifaux, the Other Side, and board games to the masses. If you're down in Philadelphia, swing on by the booth to say hello!

    I can't decide whether to :( the first point (no booklet), or :D the second point... Roll on Monday!

  8. 32 minutes ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Those are two significant differences, and arguably the Unimpeded is the most important on some tables. But the Df of 6 vs 4 has a bigger impact than just durability. It means that it's significantly harder to stop the Arachnids from disengaging.


    It's not something I'd be worried about if I didn't own Arachnids but did own Fire Gamin. But if you own both, more often than not the Arachnids are superior for this purpose.

    Cool, that does make sense - I hadn't thought about disengaging (as I said, newish player). :)

    Well, I own neither, and I'm not likely to pick up a full Arcanists crew for a while (if ever) - I'm mainly sticking to Outcasts and TT, with a little Ressers... and if I do branch out beyond those 3, Neverborn would likely be next. Though I've found it's pretty hard to stick to just the one faction, so never say never I guess. Well played Wyrd...

    Anyway, back on track, if I don't currently have any suitable Arcanist minions, and would prefer to pick up the minimum I need for the riders, it sounds like Arachnids are the best way to go for general purpose summons? They do kind of fit the Mech Rider aesthetic better than Gamin as well, so that's an extra point in their favor.

  9. So, contrasting Fire Gamin and Arachnids, I don't really see what makes the Arachnids so much better as scheme runners? Admittedly I am fairly new to the game, so I'm probably missing something...

    They are the same (not spectacular) speed, and have no abilities that interact with scheme markers... is it just their added durability and ability to move freely through severe terrain?

    Are there other good general purpose summons to consider, or are the rest very dependent on specific situations?

    Also, I picked up the Levi Avatar to use as the emissary in the first turn (I don't like the look of the hodgepodge emissary)... how exactly does that work? As it's a proxy, I assume it means I will have two Levi models on the table the first round of the game (the actual master and the emissary), then remove the emissary/avatar model? I assume it's not legal to remove the standard Levi model instead, given the differing base sizes (the Avatar model suits the horsemen theme better)? How about if I was able to mount the model on a removable base and switch to a small base?

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  10. I like the idea of running this, the only issue is that I don't have a lot (well any) arcanists minions for the mech rider to summon. From looking at the battle reports and things, it seems that arachnids are - or at least were - the go to summons.

    If I was going to just pick up one box of things to summon for now, would people recommend arachnids?

  11. The exact relevant rules text is: "While using the Walk Action, a character can leap horizontally... <info on calculating distance>" and "Jumping is done as part of a Walk, Run, or Charge Action... <info on AP cost>".

    So IMO the rules text is ambiguous and could be read either way. This is simply the way I'd interpret it as it makes the most sense, and is I believe the intent (I can't believe the intent is to increase movement distances by such large amounts).

    @Mason would be the one to confirm 100% if needed.

    And yes, I agree that show boating isn't really an issue. It's a big investment, and not game breaking IMO.

  12. While admittedly not 100% clear from the rules text, I'd say that any jumping distance is intended to be part of the Walk/Run/Charge distance moved,  not in addition to it.

    The relevant text seems to be: "Jumping is done as part of a Walk, Run, or Charge Action" in the third/final paragraph of the Jumping section on page 294.

    E.g. If a PC has a Walk of 4, a Charge of 6 and a (standard) Height of 2, then when they take the Walk action, they can move up to 4 yards, and at any point up to 1 yard of that distance can be a horizontal jump. If they take the Charge action, they can move up to 6 yards, and at any point up to 2 yards of that distance can be a horizontal jump, etc.
    With a successful TN 5 Athletics Challenge, they can Walk up to 4 yards, and up to 2 yards of that can be a jump. If they hit a 10, up to 2.5 yards can be a jump, if they hit a fifteen up to 3 yards, etc. If they manage to hit a 25+ (somehow) then all of the 4 yards Walk distance can be jumped. Alternatively, they can Charge up to 6 yards, and up to 4 yards of that can be a jump, up to 5 yards can be jumped if they hit a 10 on the Challenge, and all of it (i.e. up to 6 yards) if they hit a 15 or more on the Challenge.

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  13. Not sure this is the right place for this, but I can't find a better forum...

    I've been catching up on the Malifaux story via the Breachside Broadcast, and I just listened to the story from Twisting Fates about The Washhouse / Department of Ungentlemanly Affairs. I loved the story and hoped they might be featured elsewhere as well, but a quick search of the Into the Steam PDF didn't turn anything up. I figured that would be the most likely book to have more information.

    Have they featured anywhere else in Malifaux stories or games?

  14. 1 hour ago, Clousseau said:

    Lost Love has always been a newbie friendly tournament, hence the fixed Master format, though to be honest the general Malifaux scene is also friendly to new players anyway. 

    The Enforcer Brawl will also be a good way to meet the regulars and get your eye in.

    Great, count me in. I just got the email as well, so will enter via there!

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