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Everything posted by Nymie_the_Pooh

  1. I think the two part resin is the same stuff that gets used on bar counter tops and similar surfaces if you want to see it in person. The stuff is very clear usually so if you do use it then you may want to add some inks or paint to tint it. It's not as easy to use as say realistic water. It warms up when you mix it and you basically have to work it in layers. Not a huge problem when looking at miniature bases, but it can be time intensive if you want something you can use to make a pond or something similar as well.
  2. I say use whatever you have easy access to and get started. I know too many people that held off on painting because they worried about having the right paint, the right brush, the right medium, the right whatever. It's art. There is no consistently right way to art although there are correct ways to do techniques which is what most painting advice covers. I still use craft paints from time to time and mix them with my hobby paints. GW, Vallejo, P3, Army Painter, and Reaper are all fine brands. I would pick one where you can buy local if you want just one brand because you never know when you might get the itch to paint something and have trouble mixing the exact colour you want. All of those brands mix with each other so which of those brands you buy to start is not all that important, but I understand the urge to not have to learn the properties of different paint lines to start.. If you buy a spray primer then make certain it is primer and not spray paint. I know Walmart brand only comes in grae, but it will be sitting next to flat black and flat white paint so it is easy to think they are primers as well. I feel the best things to focus on to start are simply getting paint on the model and mixing some of your own colours.
  3. Thanks. That was what I was trying for. I loved the feel of your piece.
  4. Thank you. I am trying to get better about documenting what I am working on.
  5. Not as long as the sculpting. I was in a bit of a panic as I was still sculpting going into week two.
  6. If you are unfamiliar with sculpting then it might be a good idea to practice on something else. A bead of the approximate size of the head (a little off is fine) stuck to a toothpick should work for testing things out. Edit: Alternatively, letting a head shaped orb of putty cure on the end of a toothpick might actually work better.
  7. Thanks. I doubt I would have done anything like this without the prompt from the theme.
  8. Hello. I have been lurking since a time before Malifaux was a game, or even a word I had heard. There were just a few really great models and some interesting hobby material back then. I bought into the game with the first book. I joined the Southern California Facebook group and later A Wyrd Place when they formed. I did not sign up for the forums until after the Through the Breach kickstarter. I wanted to read the opinions of other people that also bought in, but those forums were closed at the time unless you signed in. I do not believe I have made any posts before today. I am introducing myself now because I signed up for this year's Iron Painter. I have been impressed over the years by the talent exhibited during the competition. I hold no illusion that I will make it to the final couple of rounds. Proceeding into round 3 will depend upon luck of the draw in round 2. My intention is to submit something each round regardless of if I am still in the running or not. Like many people, I have personal issues and they happen to be a driving factor for me entering. I want to have the experience of being a participant. The only way to do that is to actually join. I do not want to look back and wish I finally joined in regardless of where I feel my skill level is in relation to my fellow participants. Thank you for taking the time to read the ramblings of a silly hermit. I probably should have done this years ago.
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