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Posts posted by Rwwin

  1. Any chance of getting the building instructions on the website?  I picked up some of the building kits during the gencon sale.  I can figured out most everything that's shown on the box photos but am scratching my head at all the little bits and bobs that go inside.  There's pegs and slots for things, but I can't quite figure out what's supposed to go where.



  2. From the technical angle I'd add a couple of points to Kadeton's point above:


    1.  Copper and Brass have a higher thermal conductivity than steel which would make it better suited to boilers and steam piping.


    2.  Copper and Brass are less susseptible to corrosion than mild steel.


    When I'm painting steam punk models, if it's small, delicate or handles water/steam use brass.  If it's big, clunky and dry, use steel.

  3. I made two mods to my watcher plastic model.  I replaced the wings and added a clear acrylic rod so that it wasn't balancing on the extended leg.


    I replaced the wings with Dark Eldar Scourge "batwings":  I picked up mine when scourges were "hot" so they were a little cheaper than you'll find now.




    It took about a half hour of chopping and green stuffing to make them fit.  Fortunaely the scale of the scourge wing matches the "good" wing on the model so it's not to hard to get the new wings to mate up.


    After getting the watcher built I really didn't trust that one leg to hold it up without breaking so I drilled a hole up through his rear end and added a 1/8" acrylic rod to the base.


    I thought I had some pictures of it but can't find them.  I'll see if I can take some tonight.





  4. As gremlins aren't real, they are always in scale. Everything is always in scale.


    A fair point, however I'd predict that a consensus of opinion would have the three models (or at least the lass and Trixie) considered to look "right" if they match the Bayou Boss models and not the Kin models.  I think Ma could go either way (big or little).


    On the other hand, many more people cursed a blue streak (myself included) at assembling the Bayou Gremlis vs the Kin models, so looks aren't everything.



    As a customer I'm disappointed to see a response like this. Scale is a problem that Wyrd seemingly doesn't know how to fix and responses like this make me think that you don't care either. It's strange as every CAD program I've ever used has easy to use measuring and scaling tools built right in and yet even still we wind up with models clearly out of scale with one another.  And then when a customer expresses displeasure with this state of affairs it's treated publicly as fodder for a joke, instead of taken as an opportunity to admit fault and promise to work towards solving the problem.



    Meh, I don't mind the joke.  It's not like he hasn't seen the same message in at least ten other threads.  The proof is in the pudding as they say.  If gremlin models continue to get bigger and bigger, people will be less and less interested in them.

  5. I have the kit and although I don't like it, I don't believe it's a mistake.  It appears to be done on purpose as forced perspective.  If you look at it from just the right angle it looks great.  From any other angle, it looks a bit goofy.  As others have stated above, like it or dislike it, I don't see it being changed/fixed.


    I'm currently looking for some substitute wings.  The plastic dark eldar scourge wings look like a good fit.

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  6. I had a leg up on 3d sculpting (I'm an engineer that already knew how to draft in 2D CAD) when I started.  I made the mistake of learning on a program called Blender.  It's free and a very powerful program, but it was developed for animators and was very non-intuitive.  It's very well documented with many  tutorials and videos but I don't recommend it for starting off.


    When my son started to learn 3D sculpting he used a web tool called Tinkercad


    It's not very powerful but it is free and is intuitive for a novice learning the basics.

  7. I picked up the male set and one of my only complaints is that there weren't enough guns on the spure (I was trying to make latigo pistoleros). There are only three pistols in the male set so it might be hard to get more than one gunsmith per box without some extra guns.

  8. Do you mean for sale retail?  As she didn't show up for either the Wyrd Gencon sale or the Wyrd Black Friday sale, I would guess that she's not planned to see retail.  She does show up on ebay from time to time but be prepared to pay $70 or up.  I believe the standard Hannah model is supposed to be out soon though.


    The TTB Hannah was listed as an exclusive during the kickstarter campaign, so maybe Wyrd will be one of the few that stick to the "exclusive" pledge.

  9. Reminds me so much of a Warhammer Rat Ogre. That ridiculous chunky hook.


    That was my first thought as well, (chunky GW proportions, not necessarily the rat ogre).  My second thought was "oh, so many seams to fill".


    I'm not a Levi player but if I was, I'd consider some of the old confrontation Dirz monsters.  They're a little more on the fantasy side than the Frankenstin's monster side, but their cheap and come with a passable paint job.  (rebase, wash and a couple of highlights and you're all set).


    Nemesis Evolution

    Dasyatis Evolution

    Aberration Prime

  10. Hello,


    I'm in Colorado, USA and am looking for a Through The Breach Hannah figure.


    Everything I have for trade is new.


    Available LE kits:


    Black Friday Katanaka Sniper

    Black Friday Translucent Bette Noire

    Alt Perdita

    Santana Ortega (box has some crushing damage)

    Miss Terious

    2 x Miss Ery


    I also have some standard plastic kits:


    Of Metal & Flesh



    Claw & Fang

    No Shelter Here

    Teddy (standard plastic)

    Standard Hannah


    Or good old pay pal.

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