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Everything posted by CritterKiller32

  1. Awesome realistic paint scheme! Especially love the blood splatter coming out the back of the zombie's head.
  2. "The end if nigh. The dead have returned to this world. There will be pain. There will be suffering. We are awake as was foretold. You will direct us." --Rider to Leveticus Tried to step up my game for the second round as the competition is a lot more stiff. This is my first attempt at a diorama, I think it came together pretty well. All minis are Wyrd too! Plastic Leve, metal Hooded Rider, small Hanging Tree, 1 zombie from the plastic Mindless Zombie box and 2 zombies from Nicodem Avatar.
  3. I've recently started looking into TT proxies as well, and here are some I particularly like: Lone Swordsman: Tale of War, Hiroki. Big bulky guy perfect for a 'solo' model. Would either remove the secondary weapon from the mini or replace it with a sheath. Tengu: Hell Dorado, Corvus Harriers. The steel blades on their wings are perfect for the 'Razor-Edged Talons' attack. Komainu: Zenit Komainu. Bulkier than the Bushido minis to better fill the 40mm base.
  4. Also, I didn't realize, I am posting through my boyfriend's account here.
  5. Thank you guys. I'm a fairly new miniature painter. My boyfriend got me into it. He is also in this competition. This is my fourth model. It's funny, my other models were those beautiful angels models. I was looking for something to use for Fool's Gold and as soon as i picked this one up, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I used fake crystal bits from a game for the gems and painted them with a glaze,
  6. "Uhh, sir? The giant is demanding a gold gatling gun or else he'll refuse to 'lead' any more skirmishes against Guild outposts..." "Fine, give him whatever he wants! Give him a gold gun, gold-plated armor, or even gold teeth for all I care. If he only knew how much Scrip we were getting off the Soulstones he's raided he'd ask for a lot more." "Thank you sir. I didn't want to be the one to tell him no." "You're dismissed. And soldier, try to get him to put on some pants for the next mission..."
  7. Just released v1.24, the last update for the Wave 3 Beta content. Sorry it took a bit longer, as I wanted to read back through everything and make sure I didn't have any typos. The beta content will remain unlocked until the official cards are released for retail purchase at GenCon 2015 (I assume), then it will go back to being locked.
  8. Thanks! I would like add Campaign support, I think that would be pretty handy for keeping track of your Crew's progress. I haven't been keeping close track of how much the beta campaign rules have been changing from week to week, but before undergoing such a large effort I'd at least want to wait until the beta is concluded before putting in the support framework.
  9. You should be able to install it on a Kindle. I can see that some testers have done so. Maybe see if this works: http://www.gizmag.com/how-to-install-google-apps-kindle-fire-hd-hdx/30736/
  10. Not currently. Since this started as a project for my personal use and I have no iOS devices and would basically need to rewrite the app from scratch there's no plans to do so. If official support was ever a thing I was hoping someone on Wyrd's end would be experienced enough to do it more quickly than I could, or there'd be monetary compensation for me to slog through it
  11. That change wasn't meant to hide information, it was made more with a final version in mind where with the Browse feature you care less about the stats and more about speed and each entry taking up less space. I'm planning on adding a separate more detailed search where you can filter and sort by multiple fields at once.
  12. Version 1.20 Uploaded Features/Improvements 2/10 Beta updates Added support to build Crews for Henchman Hardcore and Enforcer Brawl games Added support for scoring for Henchman Hardcore, Enforcer Brawl, and Treacherous Ties games Improve Browse scroll speed Separate Trigger text by horizontal rule for easier distinction Fixes: Wrath hirable in >25 SS games Prevent 'Hair Trigger' Upgrade from being taken by non-Family models Fix crash when setting Crew's SS Goal
  13. Version 1.19 Uploaded Fixed all known crashes seen by testers Fixed issues with new 'Restrict to SS Total' setting New parsing to display Model Abilities & Actions in an easier to read format Click the name of an Action/Ability to hide its rules text New Setting to auto-hide the rules text of common Abilities (Armor, Hard to Kill, Terrifying, etc.) Added 'Links' button to Home Page with a few simple URL links Known Issues with Existing Features: 'Restrict to SS Total' doesn't handle the Mercenary tax, so models costing 1 more than remaining SS appear in list 'Restrict to SS Total' doesn't handle free McCabe Upgrade that Conflux of Exploration allows Upgrades that don't fill an Upgrade slot aren't takable if the model was currently full of Upgrades; must be taken before full Few of the Rider's target numbers for their ultimate abilities don't fit well into the space allowed in the parsed view
  14. Thanks for the suggestions, Rori. Tweaked the layout, margins, etc and I like it a lot better now. Remove the extra row that only had the 'AP', 'RST', and 'RG' labels; that was the biggest space waster. Added the gray color for non-flip Actions so its not just a big white space. I want to stick with the base and target values right on top of each other, as that's information that I always reference and want it easily viewable at a glance. Still needs a big graphical improvement, but that's not my forte...
  15. I'm working on making some changes to parse through a model's Actions and display them in an easier to read format, rather than just the line of text that is on the normal stat card. Here are some pics of the layout I have going on now. Action type (Ml, Sh, Ca), base and target values are combined into one area. Right now the color indicates the Action type (red = Ml, blue = Ca, yellow = Sh), but I plan on replacing that with an image (sword = Ml, Peacebringer = Sh, something magicky = Ca). Damage output (if it exists) is printed to the right, and the rest of the stats are below the Action's name. This layout looks OK for most Actions, but for Tactical Actions that just have an AP cost it is a lot of wasted space. I'd like to keep all the stats in the same location for each type of action so its easy to reference at a glance. Anyone have suggestions to how the stats could be better laid out or what they'd like to see?
  16. Version 1.18 has been uploaded. Sorry for the delay since the last update, was migrating the app to a new build environment which took a bit more time than expected. Content: Book 3 Beta Updates: Includes 1/27 and 2/3 updates Features: New Setting 'Restrict to SS Limit'. Restricts hiring options during Crew building to the maximum SS total. (Example: You're at 47/50 SS spent, when you try to add a new model or Upgrade it will only display those with a cost of 3SS or less). There is a known issue with Merc tax not being taken into account) Re-implemented option to transfer a newly built Crew straight to the Encounter page without having to do the Save/Load steps (I never save my Crews, was really annoying) Polish: If the Killswitch Upgrade is removed from a Crew, all Decoy Upgrades are automatically removed Prevent popups when clicking the score or wounds number on Encounter tabs Fix spacing issues with dynamically added Trigger text Remove model stat line from Browse views to save space and increase speed Remove '0,0,0,0' text from Collection entries until the model status tracker is fully implemented Decrease spacing between an Action and its Triggers so they appear more as one entity If no Crew is loaded into an Encounter slot, show help text and disable summon/cache controls so new users don't try to create a Crew from here Bug Fixes: Fix crash on Home Screen orientation change Fix crash when entering certain characters into a filter Fix several database typos Fix lock-up when trying to Load a Crew when there are no Crews Fix several Upgrades which were improperly displayed in its holders rules text Fix possible database search crash
  17. Something like that is already in the app If you long click on the Scheme, a menu will pop up that lets either player add secret notes or to reveal it publicly.
  18. Book 3 Beta content (new models, upgrades, and avatars) from 1/20 has been added to the app! Rules text for beta content is unlocked, so you have access to the information for easy testing. To browse just the beta content there is a new drop-down filter option called 'Meta'. Type in 'beta' to filter to only the shiny new stuff. As always, let me know if you encounter issues, find typos, etc. Enjoy! I'll try my best to update the rules within a day or two of the weekly updates.
  19. I'm working on getting all the new Book 3 Beta data added to the app. New Models are complete, wrapping up Upgrades, and then on to the Avatar changes. I've got permission to unlock the rules text for the Beta stuff, so it will all be viewable in the app for easy testing! Looking to have an update available in 1 or 2 days.
  20. I asked this one a while back: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/98912-widow-weaver-web-marker-base-size/
  21. Small update to add support for the 5 new strategies in the Gaining Grounds 2015 document. v1.14 -Added support for 5 new strategies introduced by the Gaining Grounds 2015 document. New setting for choosing which strategies you'd like the app to use for Standard Encounter auto-generation (classic only, new only, or randomized).
  22. We're not allowed to use the full rules text from the cards. I've transcribed all of the rules into my own database and am not using images of the cards, so if I had free reign of the info I would be able to just unlock the 'Lock Arsenal Deck content' option and have a full-featured release. To get official support I'd need to do iOS/Windows support, Arsenal Deck monetization, tournament organizer features, etc. which I'm not able to get done in a set timeframe with the limited time I have to spend on this project. So unless Wyrd picks up where I left off I don't think that will happen any time soon. I have been getting the itch to work on this a bit more, though, and there seemd to still be a decent number of people using the app. So we'll see what I have time for in the near future. Thanks for the encouragement!
  23. This has been on the shelf for a bit. Lacking official support, I can't enable the main feature of viewing full card stats so that kind of kills my interest in spending a lot of time on this project. I plan on updating for errata, avatars, and new models when they are released, but haven't spent much more time adding any new features because of how much time it takes and other stuff going on in my life nowadays. However, I have really been wanting to start development again, so something new may be coming in the future...
  24. This, because you can spend all of your available AP, and then still take a 0 AP action. Running out of AP doesn't immediately end your activation.
  25. Hmm, I just tried to reproduce this and couldn't get it to happen. How were you trying to add the Performers/Mannequinns (i.e. were you tyring to add two at a time using the right-to-left swipe gesture, or adding them one at a time)?
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