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Everything posted by Newobmij

  1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10603225_10204832083102084_7247259922425190839_n.jpg?oh=0c0684fbe4296baa54f3be242bbcda2b&oe=54A96CFB&__gda__=1418287774_e94db4def877a9c8af66bf050c293677 I've painted my dreamer crew a friend picked up for me from Gencon and tried playing it last week. I quickly realized that you should almost never hire three alps and three daydreams since they are so weak and easy to summon later in the game anyway so I need some extra nightmare models to go with the crew. I picked up a Lelu and Lilitu already but the problem is the rest of the models I need are out of print and hard to get ahold of. What I'm looking for: 1) Widow Weaver 2) Insidious Madness 3) Stitched Together And just because Johnny Cash as a Gunslinger is awesome: -Sue Here's what I have for trade: M&SU box, painted and assembled Guild's Judgement box, painted and assembled Hoffman box plus Mechanical Attendant, painted and assembled Hoffman Avater, painted and assembled Johanna alternate model, painted and assembled Plus I have a bunch of 40k Space Marines and cash is always an option
  2. My advice is to break the rope at the top arch. This way you can glue each arm/hand independently.
  3. Thanks. It just seems odd that they would take down their entire ordering system while back orders are processed. I'd think a simple "Orders may take longer than usual to process due to a substantial back log" message on the orders page would suffice while keeping the previous catalog as-is without the new models. In this way, I could still order a Hired Swords box or Latigo Posse from them. I can understand wanting to take care of current orders first, but in the gaming industry where most gamers have a plethora of choices, if you can't buy from company A then you'll just click over to the next game and buy from company B as most gamers are quick to spend their disposeable income. That's just my two cents. I'd still like to know if the folks at Wyrd are going to do any price restructuring to help mitigate the costs of all the mold problems and manufacturer shipping issues. I wouldn't be upset if $50 was the new MSRP for all crew boxes, which seems implied by the new kits from Gencon.
  4. I was just wondering how long Wyrd's webstore will continue to be down. It seems it has been down since shortly after Gencon and there has been no word on when it will be back. When the post-Gencon items come back, will there be any pricing differences?
  5. If you want, you can email me and I'll share with you the malifaux laser cut terrain files I've designed. I have two 1 story buildings, a water tower, a horse carriage, some interior furniture, a modular fence system and an outhouse. I have access to a 36" x 60" laser bed (textile laser), but limited access to wood boards bigger than 12" x 24"
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