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Posts posted by Joebill

  1. I nicknamed my Alpha Crawler "Mr Gaps". Even plastic like the Star Wars Legion models (not counting droids) would be better than these pre-assembled models. If they want to whipe the slate and do a relaunch down the road, they should definitely kick the pre-assembled stuff. Or they could figure out how CMON does it with Ice and Fire. I haven't had a problem with any of those. 

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  2. Regarding my scheme choices...  I need to learn to read. I thought Seamus was "that one resser who doesn't do lots of things with corpse markers" and didn't catch how Betty worked. The plan was to just ignore the loot ability on my guardsmen and go around killing his minions with Alan and 46. Thanks to Betty, that didn't work so much. I could have taken mirror schemes to LC and the guards would have done just fine on that. 

    Deployment was my other big mistake. I was the attacker, so I had them split into two piles, with a horse+Lucius/scribe in one and a horse+henchmen in the other. I stuck those on opposite ends of my flanks. The horse + Lucius were put down first and ended up much closer to the action. I think that, having seen where he put Betty, Sybelle, and a doxie, I should have put Alan down there as well. Crooligans and Seamus can go wherever they want almost (long as they go together), but the others have to walk. 


    Highlights of the game (for me):

    • Standing on a corpse marker so that Betty was engaged by 46 the moment she popped out, and thus unable to charge. 
    • Murdering the copycat killer turn one before it activated with a shot from a charging mounted guard. 
    • Lead-lined coat on 46 stopped way more than 2 stones worth of damage. 


  3. So to recap: 

    Tide pools work that way because magic, and by magic we mean balance. This is fine.

    Other water features are just a 'suggestion', and can be whatever. That's fine too I suppose. 

    Forests block line of sight through them, but not into them, despite the rulebook making no distinction between LOS crossing a little bit or all the way. Because that's how they solved contradictory graits in Malifaux, supposedly. Shakey about this one, but if you showed up at the store and wanted to play em that way, I'd be ok with it. 

    It just surprises me that while the rest of the rulebook is really tightly written, the terrain rules have contradictory text and "agree with your opponent" instead of making an attempt at an exhaustive list. Then they dedicate the entire next page to rules that are even more optional than the previous terrain rules, and a large picture of a gentleman with a gatling gun. 

  4. 2 hours ago, retnab said:

    Two rules to keep in mind for this:

    So, while Concealing terrain does not block Line of Sight (you can see the Gibbering Hordes units on the other side of a Tide Pool), because your LoS is crossing a piece of Concealing terrain, the Gibbering Hordes units have Cover from your :ToS-Range: attacks.

    That's not in question.  The question is why any sort of water feature would do that in the first place. Why is a pond the same as a wall or a forest? 

    The tide pools I can hand wave away with "because of magic" but literally every water feature is treated as such in he rules as they currently are.


  5. 4 hours ago, solkan said:

    “Blocking, Concealing” for forests is the same sort of contradictory traits as “Climbable, Impassible” in Malifaux M2E, And has a similar resolution:

     - The overlap between Blocking and Concealing is for what happens to things standing in the forest.  If you’re drawing line of sight into (but not completely through) the forest, you’re subject to Concealing; if you’re drawing line of sight completely through the forest, you’re subject to Blocking.  (The other way around creates Burning Man terrain.  :Burning:)

    Just like if you combine Impassible and Climbable in M2E you get terrain that you can stand on top of but not “in”.

    Probably it’s going to make for less confusion in games to say “Difficult, Concealing (low) inside area” for water.  

    I would love to do it that way, because that would make these rules understandable, but for two things. 

    First, Malifaux rules clarifications aren't necessarily how they mean to do things in TOS

    Second, while one can make whatever rules one wants for terrain features the players agree to put on the table, the Gibbering Hordes players are going to start every game with two or three areas of "concealing[low]" terrain, and we really need to know exactly how that is supposed to work. 

    Currently, shooting across a tide pool gives your target cover. It's not written any differently from how shooting across a Barricade or Stockade works. They're all "concealing[low]". Somehow, I don't think that's what the authors meant. Ponds don't do that, and if anyone knows of a pond that does, please post a video of it. 


  6. So the rules for concealing terrain state: 

    "This terrain does not block Line of Sight but can provide Cover as if it was Blocking. (see page 43)"

    Then the rules for cover on page 43 state:

    "When a Fireteam can draw LoS to a target but at least one of its sight lines is blocked by an object more than 2" away from it (this includes enemy Fireteams), the target is considered to have Cover from the Fireteam."

    So how does concealing terrain block line of sight to provide cover, while simultaneously not blocking line of sight?

    I have a guess - that it's supposed to simply grant the effect of cover to units inside it, but not to units behind it. Nothing in the rules as they appear in the book actually says that. Mostly I intuit it from the fact that rivers (and, more importantly, tide pools) are somehow concealing[low] terrain. 


  7. 1. Naw, it covers a little more than half of a 3x3 area. 


    2. No idea. 


    3. In hindsight - buildings. I've got streets and I just can't get into it. It's weird that streets immediately end in whatever table you had underneath. Buildings can be made as freestanding structures which make sense in the middle of a grass area. 

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  8. I've got this beautiful quick reference sheet and I want to make some more copies. It came from somebody's post on here, but I always just found it through their signature. I never could find it with the search function. The switch to the new forums has not made it any easier so I figured I'd just ask and hope whoever made it sees this thread. 


    It was in two versions - regular and printer friendly. It is the one with the turn tracker in the top right corner and the soulstone pool on the left. 


    If anybody knows which one I'm talking about and where to find it i'd appreciate some help. 

  9. I had fun with him yesterday. It was late in the turn. Neither person had a hand. I did it with recalled training blown so i could still have my max positives vs cover (the damage buff was nice too). Shot papa, triggered walking fire, shot santiago, triggered walking fire, shot papa again, papa blows up and puts santiago on one health. 2nd action finishes off santiago.

    This was the only time he fired all game.

    I had about five cards left in the deck by the time he was done eating through it.

  10. A wastrel perhaps? It's a 2 action to heal an ally with castoffs, but as long as it goes off you heal the rail worker for 2, and if you have the right suit (or just discard a trash card from your hand) you can teleport the wastrel around or take pot shots at people, or even heal him back up if ya need to. The look on my regular opponent's face when hard to kill has to be surmounted twice is worth it to me. You'd have to get McCabe's box i guess, but rail workers are excellent additions to McCabe's crew.

  11. If a model can charge while engaged, that model doesn't have to dodge a disengaging strike to do it?

    Also, just to make sure, you guys are saying you can walk into and then out of an enemy's melee range without a strike, so long as it's all in one walk action?

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