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About CyrDraconis

  • Birthday 04/02/1983

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  1. Looking around for advice with Mei as well. Basically ran battleboxes plus Doppelganger/Thunder Archer & Rail Golem, and win on VP or no I've never felt so useless on the table. Part of it was some really bad cards, both out of deck and in hand, but still - little ranged power and smaller threat ranges meant I got Lured in and Miseried to death, or whiffed stuff and got Miseried to death, or had to hit myself and got Miseried to death...you get the picture. I was trying to play to scenario since we had (and both I and my opponent chose) Reckoning, Frame for Murder, and Line in the Sand; I got Frame off and that was it. In short, ow. Tactical help, if possible, knowing that I presently have the Rail Crew, a couple of Archers, Gamin, and the big guy available as models?
  2. Alas, but Wyrd is still the king of 'and -why- is that a separate piece?' for me. I was lucky enough to buy a couple of 10T Archers assembled already, but I've also put together Mei Feng's box (Mei's boot, Emberling's tongue, Kang's ponytail...), Metal Gamin (those feet...), and Willie (just...why?). Friend of mine just bought the Von Schill box. Looking over his shoulder....the heck is up with the Trapper and the Freikorpsmen?
  3. Awesome, thanks! I have this strange compulsion to try out running with one or two of each monk, maybe a couple of 10T Brothers and Archers...and if I remember my fluff correctly, there are still two River Styles we don't know about yet, as well.
  4. Do we know what's in Shenlong's starter? I remember hearing Shenlong/Yu/Peasant/fire monk x2/drunken master x2 from the local wyrdo, but I may be misremembering at that. I've recently started playing again after a bit of a hiatus, and I still really like the whole idea behind the 10T; Shenlong's crew really caught my eye out of the new stuff.
  5. There's a bridges-and-islands table at my FLGS that I'm dying to try out Seismic Claws on. Price of Progress I'm still waffling on, mostly because in my admittedly-limited experience Mei Feng is either fine or dead, with little opportunity to heal.
  6. Cool! This'll be a big help planning for model orders.
  7. Sympathies! Finally got my box together - Model Master plastic cement works quite well - and wouldn't you guess which piece I managed to drop? Only took ten minutes to find that stupid boot... And I will say this - compared to some of the models I've seen, the Rail Crew still has a lower and why is that a separate piece? factor than some.
  8. A lot has been made of the fate deck as a game mechanic - I just want to say that the Retro deck is one of the nicest decks of cards I've handled in a while, period. The antique look, incorporating the numeric value into the face cards, and the spots for weak/moderate/severe are all excellent touches; physically, the deck is a joy to shuffle, very crisp and slick. Thanks, Wyrd!
  9. Thanks for the welcome. Yes they do, like Ronin in my first demo game finding out that Ice Gamin blow up when they die! Pain train indeed - the moment that hooked me for this crew was the end of my second demo. Kang tosses hot coals to light the Judge on fire; Emberling nudges over and barfs out a scrap marker; Mei Feng chains Railwalker - Railwalker - Jackhammer Kick, and finishes the Judge with a flaming Tiger Claw.
  10. Just dropping a quick hello. I tried the game back in 1E and just couldn't get into it - but 2E has really sucked me in after just a couple of demo games, and with the tide of new releases it's become quite popular at my FLGS. Always liked the Ten Thunders stuff, and with two Misaki players already in reisdence, I've up and ordered a Rail Crew. Looking forward to getting more games in, and already planning for a few supplemental pieces. I have my eye on some Metal Gamin and 10T Archers, and maybe kitbashing a Rail Golem. At least I'm somewhat used to fiddly models with lots of tiny pieces - I play Convergence of Cyriss in Warmachine!
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