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Everything posted by chmcho

  1. chmcho


    That blending is great, but the basing could use a little work
  2. chmcho


  3. McMourning - On the clock, plastic surgery, evidence tampering The Judge -Plant Evidence 2 nurses 2 witching stalkers 3 guild hounds Guild pathfinder With this crew you use the nurses to control the game and get your schemes, while 10 models should be able to work the strategy. Nurses can give the bonus walk to a dog, dog double walks, McMourning injects the dog for a turn 1 plant explosives. Nurses can also hand heals and paralyze out or make models unable to do anything except melee attacks. That with the witching status removal is powerful. The judge is there potentially for bodyguard or just to bully people out of quarters. The push from stand for judgement could pull your own models to a different quarter or your enemies.
  4. chmcho

    Lady J crew

    With my Lady Justice crew, I almost always take Last stand for the Unimpeded charges, but after that upgrades to taste. I am a big fan of Implacable due to the area control she can provide. It forces your opponent to either sit there and take her melee attacks or use pushes to get out of combat. Also, don't forget about generic upgrades. Badge of office is ok, but a little expensive for me normally due to its limited usefulness against some crews that just hit you multiple times for 1-2 damage. Plant evidence on the other hand has been a good one in my games. Finish the job is nice if you die, but the 4" push at the end of the game to place another objective could help you with the lower numbers that guild crews have. Plus, you can take plant evidence for 1ss on Lady Justice, the Judge, and the Lone Marshal for even more scheming.
  5. Hey guys, just curious on your favorite strategies and schemes for each of the guild masters. For example, I like the following when I am playing my Lady Justice crew: Strategies: -Reconnoiter - She does a great job of area denial and taking out targets that are anchoring down one of the quarters -Reckoning - Though she usually just kills 1 thing a tun, she makes it easier on the rest of the crew so all they have to do is pick off 1 more guy Schemes: -Assassinate - Her ability to generally take out a target on the charge makes her good at assassinate against most masters -Take Prisoner - Though she excels at killing, she can also prevent enemy models from attempting to disengage, making it easy to lock down 1 model and kill everything else around it -Plant Explosives - Though not necessarily done by her, if you take a death marshal with her, they do an amazingly well at this scheme with finish the job -Make them suffer - Picking on weak minions and peons off by themselves is a piece of cake for Lady J How do you use your masters, and how do you pick which you want for any given Strategy or Scheme pool? Let me know!
  6. I just started Malifaux about 6 months ago with 2nd ed and Lady J. I think that the biggest thing I learned with her since then is that her upgrades really make a huge impact on how you play her. For example, the Implacable upgrade is one of my favorites. The ability to lock everyone within 2" down is great, especially against models with a 1" melee. I find her to be very good at killing but if you can scare your opponent with her potential damage, she quickly turns into a huge piece of board control and forces your opponent to either deal with her or run, leaving the rest of the crew to drop schemes and score on the strategy.
  7. Looking good! How did you do your magnetization for the bases? That seems like a really good idea and I may have to use that for my set.
  8. Hey everyone, My name is Charles. I am a fan of miniatures and board games. I just got into Malifaux through a 2nd edition escalation league at my local store. I decided on Lady justice and picked up her plastic crew. I got Perdita in the Black Friday sale, and plan to pick up a Sonia box this weekend. I am really enjoying the game and community that I have found.
  9. I just started Malifaux with the 2.0 book after playing a demo. Lady Justice really appealed to me, so I get her crew and joined a local escalation league. The Judge and Justice are beat sticks in melee but I have been struggling to get as much use out of the scales.I am just now getting to the point of buying more models and I picked up the Guild Riflemen. They are in beta still but I like the models and their firing line(despite the needed toning down) seems fairly powerful. I think I am like you and when Lucius comes out I may give him a try.
  10. chmcho

    Bayou Boss

  11. chmcho

    Bayou Boss

    Som'er's crew box
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