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Everything posted by Bam

  1. Oh man, They are so beautiful.
  2. Completed my first Guild Member. Dan.
  3. Thought I'd take some group shots of what I have, it's all with my camera phone as usual so the quality is a bit low. Ten Thunders: Spirits of Vengeance: The Guild's Judgement: Dan.
  4. Hey mate, I started with a white undercoat and painted a couple of thinned layers of yellow Then drybrushed/highlighted that with a 70-30 yellow/orange mix and kept adding more orange with each layer until it was pure orange. I then added a small amount of red to the orange to make it a bit more vibrant and drybrushed pure black onto areas where I felt it needed it. during each layer I would go back with a watered down yellow and paint it into the recesses to fix any mistakes. I'm not very good when it comes to explaining things, but I hope that helps The best thing to do is have pictures of fire on hand to reference as you paint. Dan.
  5. I really like the scheme. That base is awesome too.
  6. I haven't done anything with the Ten Thunders today, but I did get my new Guild stuff built and based. I've based them as if they're moving through the ruins of a town hit with some form of cataclysmic event. Lady J and the Scales: The Judge: Death Marshals: Close up of my favorite Death Marshal base: Riflemen: Austringer: I can't wait to get stuck into these guys, but I think I'll finish the Ten Thunders painting first. Dan.
  7. Thank you so much Haha, I actually thought that myself while painting him. I was going to add the caption "Screw this table in particular" to the photo but decided against it If I had the skills I would have sculpted some Malifaux cards on the table as if he's just lost a game of poker. I can understand that, personally the yellow scheme just isn't my thing so I settled on Turquoise. Thank you! I'm glad I could help I think I will, There is definitely a good community behind it Thank you all for the kind replies, My guild stuff just arrived so I'll be building that today. Dan.
  8. Hi all. I've been in the hobby for a while, But I'm new to Malifaux. I still haven't played a game, but I am loving painting the models Ototo: Shang: Crew so far: I also have the Kirai crew including Izamu the Armour waiting paint and some Guild stuff is suppose to be arriving in the mail this week. Thanks for looking. Dan.
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