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Everything posted by gozer

  1. Is Wong any good with Stuffed Piglets? On paper it seems like it'd be a fun and effective synergy: running the Stuffed Piglets up to enemies and having Wong target them rather than the enemy for neigh-guaranteed severe hits. The severe hits cause blasts and the pigs explode for a massive ball of bacon death. If this might be a viable strategy, what other models would enhance or improve this crew?
  2. A mixed station bracket: a 40ss game where players have the choice to bring a henchman or master as the crew leader. In other words: which henchmen could lead crews against masters and win? Then, of those henchmen who could win, which are the most competitive (i.e. best)? Edit: A good example in my mind would be Nekima. I've seen her run crews as a leader against masters and do fabulously, but this was anecdotal and I'm not sure if it was a fluke or if she would be a solid choice in the "real world".
  3. In games of 40ss and under, which Henchmen make competitive leaders in lieu of Masters?
  4. Hey Graeme! We used to play Vassal like fiends about two years ago. Hit me up sometime for a game or 20.
  5. Plastics only! I'll need pics of models/items included in the sell! U.S. preferred for cheaper shipping/handling. Thanks!
  6. Does anyone else find this ability incredibly overpowered for its requirements? Even Leveticus' Unnatural Wasting has to get a bonus suit and hit moderate or severe damage to succeed. Additionally, his trigger does not include the 'Glimpse the Inevitable' effect. Right now Whispers from beyond feels like an 'I win' button against any crew that relies on healing or fewer high hp models. Anyone have some ideas to balance this ability a little better? Here are some of mine: Make it a (2) Action or restrict its use to once per turn. Make the TN require an additional suit. Make 'Glimpse the Inevitable' only last until the end of the turn. Make it a base Ca of 5.
  7. Which reduction is applied first? According to Damage Prevention on pg 47: "After determining how much damage the Master or Henchmen model would take, but before applying the damage, the model may spend a Soulstone to make a damage prevention flip." Incorporeal states: "Reduce all damage this model suffers from Sh and Ml Attack Actions by half." Is the models incorporeal nature part of the determination of damage? Or is incorporeal considered after the damage is applied? Thanks!
  8. Hey how much would you want fit for them assuming you still have them.
  9. I'm hoping there is a story behind this somewhere. Anyone care to illuminate?
  10. I'm aware of this but looking for further clarification. What I'm asking is whether this specific Illuminated model is representing a manifestation of subconscious thoughts, or if he's in the process of being turned into a Depleted - making that the Hungering Darkness attached to his back. To clarify, here is a link showing the model in question: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cFupVgQnBNE/UPh78UfQkvI/AAAAAAAAD4I/nMT-CKHorlA/s1600/illuminated2_6.jpg
  11. One of the illuminated models in the dark debts crew has a monster-thing growing out of his back. Is this creature a mutation from the brilliance or a manifestation of Huggy? If it is Huggy, why does it look so different from the model. I'm asking because it will influence how I paint this illuminated. Thanks!
  12. Could anyone confirm whether I need to make two purchases (the box set for the miniatures and the arsenal for their rules) to get one functional 2e crew? If so, this sounds pretty expensive for a new player, especially considering I also would need to purchase the 2e rulebook with an optional fate deck. My debit card will be sad.
  13. I appreciate everyone's help and advice. Thanks again! Has Jakob Lynch been released as a boxed set for 2nd edition yet? I saw it listed as 2e in the shop but I could swear that was the same one someone showed me for 1e.
  14. Thank you for your thorough response! I spent a couple hours reading over these suggestions and investigating a little more myself. Here are the Masters I really liked along with one I was surprised didn't get mentioned: Zoraida, Jack Daw and Jakob Lynch I really like the card manipulation and trickiness that these masters offer, plus their flavor is my style. So, I have a couple more questions with these three options in mind: 1. How expensive are these masters to build a respectable crew? 2. Which of these masters (if any) come in metal? I much prefer it over plastic. 3. Do any of these masters have glaring balance issues that make them weak (or overpowered)? 4. Have any of these been released in 2nd edition? 5. If you had to pick one of these three, which would you pick and why? Once I figure out how to use the "thank" option in the forums I'll be sending it out!
  15. I'm brand new to miniatures and the combination of low(er) cost, fast(er) game play and an awesome setting have lured me to Malifaux. The problem is I'm not sure which faction, master and crew would be right for me. So, here is a short list of the things I enjoy when I'm playing any game: 1. Play styles that involve thinking outside the box. Yay creativity! 2. Mitigating randomness. Nothing irks me more than winning or losing by sheer chance. 3. Easy to learn, hard to master strategy (eg. chess). 4. Anything Lovecraftian in flavor or style. More insanity, viscera and misanthropy please! Thank you ahead of time for all of your suggestions!
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