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Everything posted by tollboothmusic

  1. Cheers all. Had a minor scale disaster with a signpost that i thought i'd measured correctly......... only to put Samael next to and then thought, ah...... see? looks ok on its own then you put the figure to scale next to it. Anyone play a custom 54.235453mm scale version of something and want a signpost that has Malifaux points of scenic interest on it?????? Otherwise this is getting converted to a gallows!
  2. Ah cheers Gorbad - useful to know, those are the next on my 'make&do' list
  3. Hey all Just thought I'd share some low and full cover wall sections that I just made for comment/general abuse! Really simple construction if anyone's interested - ripped cork sheet / cork, balsa, coffee stirrer, paper shim & kitty litter rubble / bit of foliage. Black poster paint primer, grey base, light grey highlight, bonewhite detail. Vermillion graffiti & miniature victorian public domain posters. Sepia wash & agrax earth shade. Mounted on foamcore. Total build time about 2 hrs + drying.
  4. From the album: A Wilderbeest with a paintbrush....

    Some homemade general cover wall. Ripped cork sheet; cork, paper & kitty litter rubble; javis and GW foliage; mounted on foam core.
  5. I'd agree with Fenton and sorry, I did forget to mention that his package prices are sometimes worse than the individual model prices (though I think that might be a WargameVault thing rather than Dave himself) Some models seem to be on special this week until 15th - not sure why but I just bought one I forgot to get in his new year sale and it was about $2 instead of 4.
  6. Hey there Dave Graffham's models can be bought thru Wargame Vault for download at: http://www.wargamevault.com/browse.php?manufacturers_id=2985 Dave's website for query's etc is at: http://www.davesgames.net
  7. Labels definitely the way to go but it was a cost thing to begin with as Dave's models were so cheap and we had no custom terrain. I need to find a good supplier in the UK online for print stuff as full page labels are fearsomely expensive at most of out local PC stores
  8. At the moment I cut all mine by hand, which is a bit laborious but it's ok. At the moment, i print out onto fairly crappy normal inkjet paper and then glue to heavier stock card. It's much better if you print direct to card, but my printer hates me and only feeds cards about 20% of the time, so i get fed up. As far as I know, Dave doesn't supply RoboCutter files but I've also had a look at the WWG stuff and it looks beautifully made. I love the Pathfinder series. Dave reckons his models take about 1-2hrs to make, but I'd factor in a bit longer to be honest. There can sometimes be a little mismatch in inner and outer walls but i've usually put that down to printer errors not Dave. A bit of trimming and then edging with either black primer or even Sharpie does the trick. I then usually add in a few scaled down ripped posters (see plaza ruins above) and i've started making other little elements to go in them and they come to life a bit. I usually mount them on one of Dave's 6x6" cobblestone kit elements as well for ease.
  9. Hey there I quickly dragged the first few models off the shelf and stuck Sonnia and Sam in them for scale. The Low Ruined Plaza Corner (with the ladder) needs a bit of work just to 'sure it up' at the mo as I made it in a bit of a hurry and it's leaning slightly, but nothing fake props can't cure. The rubble pile and ladder are my own additions, all Dave's models are Print & Build. I tend to print them at default which Dave reckons is 28-30mm, but it really doesn't look out of place with this lot. If I really want to get detailed, Dave has provided scaling charts for your printer to up and downscale the kits. All the kits are layered PDFs too so you've only got to print a few variants out and you have the makings of a small town. His kits are about $2-5 each but he does some corkers. Every now and then he also does a bargain day on WargameVault and kits are all $1 which is when I bought most of mine. Some of his poles, barrels and logs can be fiddly to do and often it's as quick to recreate then off the plans in balsa or cork.
  10. From the album: A Wilderbeest with a paintbrush....

    Dave Graffham Low Ruin House w Sonnia for scale
  11. From the album: A Wilderbeest with a paintbrush....

    Dave Graffham Ruined Plaza
  12. From the album: A Wilderbeest with a paintbrush....

    Dave Graffham Tall House Ruin
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