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Everything posted by Aldo

  1. Liked your infinity model, a suggestion, maybe you'll have less problems if sand a little mini before priming so the paint sticks more smooth to the mini (believe me, I found out the hard way about the difference between a little sanding and no sanding at all, it makes a world of difference)
  2. Yeah, I just got notice of that, I'm just missing the scales of justice and an student of conflict and I'll have the 2 starters, get the cards and the rulebook, and Im good to go for a good introduction Meanwhile Ill keep painting what just have
  3. Good Day All, I'm just getting started on this painting/playing thing, and just my luck I picked malifaux just when the M2E started so, the ones I painted will be 'outdated' In any case here are some of the minis I managed to paint the last couple of months, still WIP, since their bases are not finished, or some minior touches left Good day to all!
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