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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. Feature Request:

    You can search for terms that you need like “Shockwave” but you can’t search for :blast‘s. Is it possible to search for that symbol when “Blast” (non-case sensitive) is searched?

    I imagine that other symbols might need this as well. And would increase scope. 

    • Agree 2
  2. Just played Dashel vs Hamelin. Very interesting match up, but Dashel couldn’t compete with Hamelin’s model count. I needed some shockwaves to take out the rats. But otherwise I was able to get the schemes before the rats overran me. 

    I could see Dashel’s crew being good against elite crews, but swarm crews seem to be a hinderance to him. 

    • Like 1
  3. I know its still early in the edition, but of the crews I've played I've noticed that I like Hoffman's playstyle a lot better than Perdita's new one. I was a die hard Perdita player before, but when I played her she didn't have all the movement tricks I'd surprise my opponent's with to shoot her up the board. Hoffman on the other hand is more versatile, his crew getting power tokens to use for :+flip and suits. In addition the Guardian got a major boost and armor is all around more useful than last edition.

    Personal experience wise I'd put Hoffman above Perdita. 

    Theory-Faux has me ranking from highest to lowest master and crew: Dashel, Lady J, Hoffman, Nellie, Perdita, Lucius, Sonnia, and Basse. But honestly I haven't played the rest of the crews yet.

    How do the masters/keywords match up in your opinions?

  4. Dead Man's Hands should be allowed into Tournament scene until GG 2021. As DMH is currently as playtested as they will ever be. Eventually the rest of the game will make these models unbalanced in either direction. In which case they will either be too powerful to allow into tournaments or too weak to be a viable option.

    • Agree 2
  5. 26 minutes ago, solkan said:

    That's a very gothic and all, but it has one significant problem.  It all involves a historical event that either hasn't yet happened, or doesn't happen, in the Malifaux setting.

    There was no American civil war, and no Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln in the Malifaux setting.  It was actually a significant plot point in the last few books of M2E that slavery ended in the US around 1906 by essentially Guild proclamation.

    Without the historical context, it just seems like a sad story.


    I'm not talking about pulling a person from history full hog. But having a reference to said historical figure.

  6. I was listening to a podcast about the couple who went to the theater with Lincoln the night he was assassinated. Clara Hamilton Harris was with her husband Henry Rathbone, but her dress was soaked in Lincoln's blood. After the assassination she kept the dress, covered in Lincoln's dry blood in their guest house, and people who stayed in that room could swear they could hear Lincoln's laughter at night. Her husband murdered her in her sleep and tried to take his own life.



    Very Malifaux in my opinion.

    What some people from history or pop culture would you bring into Malifaux? I.E. Reference like Phiona Gage is a reference to Phineas Gage.

    Additionally I'd like to see a Red Dwarf reference with a Miner who pals around with Steampunk Robot Janitor, Ghost of his Dead Bunkmate, and a Half-Man Half-Cat friend.

    • Like 2
  7. Incidentally I've been building a list of models and what they can do. So far Guild's only got 2 Manipulative and 1 Terrifying model, but 5 Ruthless models.


    • Pale Rider
    • Lone Marshal
    • Witchling Thrall
    • Exorcist
    • Warden


    • Allison Dade
    • Greed


    • Brutal Emissary

    Don't know how this would affect my crew choice based on scheme pool, but definitely will take those Ruthless models against Rezzers.

  8. 7 minutes ago, dannydb said:

    If tournament games are regularly only going to 3 then slow play is involved. You should be able to get to turn 4 70% of the time 

    Once people get the hang of M2e timing will speed up.

    As for tricks to get more movement, I've been looking into some movement shenanigans.

    • Perdita's crew can discard a card to perform an action allowing them to either walk or concentrate to push 4" towards an enemy.
      • Enslaved Nephalim can push other models a few inches away from it, which can be useful.
      • Santiago pushes 4" at end of phase.
    • Hoffman can give out fast.
      • Guardian can throw models 10".
      • Hunters push 4" at end of phase.

    So far those are the only crews I've played so there are probably more tricks out there.


  9. 4 minutes ago, Champignon said:

    Do not understand you

    yeh, he is a slave master in a world where slavery exist and he also a reference to literature character with slave-master theme

    but I don’ get it? Why is it bed? Or out of place

    Queeg isn't a slavemaster, he is a shipmaster. The Caine Mutiny is set in 1944. Queeg is an ineffectual captain who is mutinied against. So its ironic that he keeps soldiers in line.

    So slavery never factored into his story to begin with.

  10. 1 hour ago, Champignon said:

    why not? it's a direct reference to a book
    or you consider that book was too match?

    The problem is that Master is indicative of slave ownership, because he has the whip (In m2e, he used to hurt his men to get extra actions as well) he looks more like a slave master.

    1 hour ago, Daniel Walker said:

    Whats wrong with Master reference? 

    See above. Queeg is a fine character to reference, but his implementation made him look like a slave master. If he didn't have the whip and just threatened to shot his men I think it would have been better. But "cracking the whip" got into the game.

  11. I remember hearing about tournaments in the UK that used side boards.

    My own experience with Malifaux has been that having a few good answers is better than having the entire faction at your disposal. For instance a few of the top players didn't change their lists much in M2e. I did change my lists a lot to match the scheme pools and to counter my opponent, but I wasn't as nearly as effective as the top players. (I was ranked high, but fell off as I got less and less practice games in)

    • Like 2
  12. I'm glad Queeg has lost the "Master" title to his name. Originally "Master Queeg", he carries a whip. 

    For those who don't know who Queeg is a reference to check out the Caine Mutiny:

    If he was just Queeg it would have been fine. But calling him Master really crossed the line. Additionally having a Henchman model called "Master' is kind of confusing.

    • Agree 2
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  13. When you all are building a crew, how do schemes or strategies affect your crew choices?

    Like when Reckoning comes up I know I probably shouldn't take a summon master.

    Some insights I have (Pretty basic stuff, but I'm still wrapping my head around M3e):

    • Reckoning is great for Lady J.
    • Reckoning is not great for summon masters.
    • Power Ritual needs a lot of movement shenanigans, Guardian throwing a Watcher is good idea. 
    • Dashel's crew is good for Scheme Marker heavy pools.

    I've only gotten two games under my belt and M2e was a long time for me. So I'm still getting the hang of things.

    Any advice is appreciated.

  14. As opposed to Warhammer 40,000, Malifaux is not as Grim Dark when it comes to the masters you can choose I find. There is at least a couple of "Good Guys" in each faction and most (Not All) are written from a sympathetic light. It's not like 40k where the Chaos Space Marines flipped a switch and became evil overnight. Hoffman stops people from using organic tissue with cybernetics, but was a hypocrite because he was doing the same thing to his brother. Kirai was summoning the dead in order to get revenge on the people who killed her fiance. 

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