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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. 7 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Wouldn't that be an "unhidden sniper"? ;) My beef is basically that Lucius doesn't have a free upgrade that makes Freikorps trappers count as having the guardsman characteristic and being native to guild instead of mercs. I'd even be prepared to pay a stone for it.

    It would be a blank base. ?

    Seriously though it would be cool. The upgrade idea for Trappers is too much against fluff for me. Von Schill hates Guild iirc. 

    • Like 2
  2. So I've been thinking about how Guild has models that get boosts if a model they attack has already activated or hasn't activated. This will be great with Nellie IMO. So far the list is this:


    Allison Dade



    If target has already activated buff

    Warden - +:ram against models which have activated. 


    Phiona Gage: Wrath of the Guild upgrade- :+fate to damage against already activated models.

    If target has not already activated buff

    Hunter - :+fate to attack against unactivated models. 


    Pistolero - Df aura

    Allison Dale -Damage enemies if they use an attack action before she activated. Heal friendly models that activate near her if she has already activated.


    Am I missing any?

  3. 1 hour ago, Cinnamon Bear said:

    I think I'm so used to putting my own models in boxes that I completely neglected to remember the utility of Aionus attacking enemy models that the multiple death marshals could be boxing. Still, he's an awfully big chunk of points, and I'd say that might be more of an either meta or strats and scheme based call.

    Death Marshal Recruiter and Aionus are very similar, but Aionus doesn't have the must discard a card to attack buried models that the Recruiter has. So Aionus helps keep the card resources down. The 13ss is a high detriment, but I think it can work. The only problem is getting models buried.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Oh, are you planning on dropping Santiago to low wounds and keep him alive through the recruiter? I like that idea!


    Like cinnamon bear I really don't see the point of Flames of the pit in these lists.

    I like that idea as well. I didn't mean for Santiago to be in the list. I was just using him as a place holder for te recruiter and renaming him. But I like the idea. I'm gonna put that in my pocket.

    Flames of the Pit was going to be to give it to Guild Marshal models, but remembering it only affects Death Marshals I'm throwing it out again.

    So I'll swap out upgrades for something else. 

    Aionus is to attack buried models more reliably. 

  5. What do you guys think about him? Currently I'm looking at a Lady J list that looks something like this:



    50ss Crew

    Lady Justice -- 6ss
     +Last Stand - 1ss

    Aionus - 13ss

    Death Marshal - 6ss

    Death Marshal - 6ss

    Death Marshal Recruiter - 7ss

    The Judge - 9ss
     +Flames Of The Pit - 2ss

    Watcher - 4ss


    But this list will be looking more likely:


    50ss Crew

    Lady Justice -- 4ss
     +Last Stand - 1ss

    Aionus - 13ss

    Death Marshal - 6ss

    Death Marshal - 6ss

    Guild Austringer - 6ss

    Death Marshal Recruiter  - 7ss

    The Judge - 9ss
     +Flames Of The Pit - 2ss

    I like the idea of being able to keep my models alive with him. Though I know the tactics/strategy to have a full hand with him is going to be key.

  6. 1 minute ago, LunarSol said:

    3 Chain Activations if you Chain into the Emissary first.

    Oooh... Mounted Guard. ?

    Still Mounted Guard/an accomplice, the Emissary, and 2 other models have to be alive turn 4. 

    While you get 2VP from the strategy. At this point you probably have already won. It'll get you better Differential but probably won't win the game. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, 4thstringer said:

    I've been thinking, and this is probably a bad idea, but what if you created a crew with a lot of companion, and part of your plan was to drop it first turn to slow half their crew (probably the most effective models given most people like to move their weak models first) on the first turn.  Basically go for highest number of actions denied.  let you establish yourself much further up the board than your opponent, keep your opponent from getting into position, and establish control over the board early.

    I'm not sure this would be successful, but there is a part of me that really enjoys the idea of this, and combining it with a full complement of traps put into unavoidable places to waste even more of your opponents activations and establish what can only be described as reverse activation control.

    Brutal Emissary might be your best bet for that. 2 chain activations after his turn 3(need 2 destined). 

    But by then your opponent either has been kicking butt that Brutal is either dead or you are down too many models to make it worth wild.

    I think it's best use is for Show of Force and maybe a Hail Mary late game  


  8. On 8/6/2016 at 7:40 PM, Cinnamon Bear said:

    Yeah, unfortunately its near unreadable for me. Also, any word on the SS for each of the new boxes? (I know its early but theres always hope)

    You are in luck


    On 8/6/2016 at 7:34 PM, Ryin said:

    Nice list. Pretty interesting. Though the yellow boxes with white text may not have been the best choice...

    Seems like a 30SS game is a good way to play box on box, if that was your thing.

    Still not sure I'd want to screw around against a 14 point Kirai list though >.>



    Wyrd's forum automatically changes black text to Grey. Had to switch it. Should work now.

  9. 1 hour ago, Rathnard said:

    It's not a modification. Just Rare 1. Justin's right though - there is a way to use Curfew more than once. 


    I'm curious to see how long it takes for people to figure this out. ;)

    I'm not sure if I like using the Terracotta as a Devil's deal target. It's essentially an exchange of SS for cards. So unless I have a crappy hand I won't use it. 

  10. 1 hour ago, trikk said:


    can you confirm?

    Disproven in my original post. You can only use it if you are out of activations and your opponent isn't. Then it only affects his unactivated models  of your enemy  

    So unless you are taking only a handful of models and your opponent is taking a ton it's very Situational. Good against summon crews, not Nico though. 

  11. 50 minutes ago, solkan said:

    That earlier post should be "If I told you everything, the post would get disappeared as spoiling too much." 

    You'll have to wait to get the book before you can use the model, anyway, so being vague about numbers isn't unreasonable. :mellow:




    28 minutes ago, icebreaker said:

    I've bought a book and will wait it for a month, of course I want spoilers!!! )))

    See above. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, trikk said:


    Df? 6?

    Wds? 7?


    Ml? Damage?

    Sh? Damage?

    If I told you everything then you wouldn't buy the book. :lol:

    Hes above average on every thing and he's got competitive SS cost that is equal to his wounds. 

  13. 1 hour ago, trikk said:

    Calling @Hagisman!


    Curfew is something except Rare 1? Non master?

    Seems great vs Alpha strikes. Allows you to run 6-7 model crews. Works on all models?


    Numb to the World()
    Non-master? Rare 1?


    A Debt to Guild()

    This allows Francisco 3 min damage 4 atacks.

    Ryle with :ram upgrade can also be very good, like Sidir and even Abuela with 3 damage flips. 

    I`ll probably have 2 of those. Seem very powerful, and if Nellie gives Fast, a Fast Bishop with this can be hilarious :D

    Curfew is just rare one. The rest I'll update

  14. 19 minutes ago, Ashlian said:

    Hi, just wondering if some people are willing to give some info on the new marshals in Rof. naturally i don't ask for exact rules and stats, but more a general explanation like:

    1) how many do we get? (is the chained prisoner thing part of a large base marshal or are they new minions?)

    2) minions? enforcers? henchman? low/medium/high SS range?

    3) what do they do? (again not exact rules but just a general purpose)

    4) do they have HtW?

    5) can tara hire them?

    1. They are 40mms and are rare 2. The thralls are seperate models.

    2. Enforcers which are Similar costed as Exorcists.

    3. Attack buried models, keep alive Guild Marshals, and give out the Guild Marshal characteristic. 

    4. Yes.

    5. No, they aren't Death Marshals, they are Death Marshal Recruiters. 

    • Like 1
  15. So I know a bunch of people don't have the book yet, but I hope some of us can help alleviate some concerns and help increase knowledge on the guild front. 

    First off, I know people were talking about the new Death Marshal models and those chained guys, thinking that they were the same model. They are in fact seperate models.

    Nellie is already known.

    Printing Press(PeonConstruct Journalist)

    probably the best Totem guild has, which is great because most of ours are situational at best. Armor 2 with 4 wounds. It's got a below average df which hurts it. It's abilities are Arcane Resevioir(same as Hannah's) and Mistep which deals minimal damage to enemies that are pushed in base with terrain and models near it. Mistep is situational but good against models like Teddy.

    its melee is good at disengagin strikes and can give out slow. But it doesn't do damage unless you get its trigger. It's zero chain activates Nellie and gives her Evidence.

    Phiona Gage(Henchman Living Journalist)

    she is a melee beat stick. She is Living with no construct shenanigans with Hoffman sadly. But she is 6's all around with an ability that ups her Df in terrain. She is Hard to Kill, and has a really good melee that can hit multiple models or give them negatives to Wp tests. This combines well with Nellie's Wp attacks. Also if you fail a Wp test near her she gets to attack. No ranged attacks

    Allison Dade(Henchman Living Journalist)

    she is a long read needless to say she has really good stats and an attack with Multiple triggers. Her activation means everything for her abilities as they do different things before and after activation; one hurts enemies if they try to attack the other heals allies.

    Her attack slows and can do some damage if Guardsmen are nervy. It's triggers can destroy scheme markers, do more damage, or do pushes.

    the rest of her actions can reveal your opponents hand to you if they don't discard a scheme marker. Another is a condition that does damage to the target when they activate.

    Reporters(Minion Living Journalist Woe)

    Similar to Allison Dade they are manipulative. They also have multiple triggers in their attack and unimpeded.they have a Tactical  which can destroy scheme markers and replace them with your own and Reference the field guide as a zero. The attack is complex but it auto triggers push target enemy(cannot target allies) away from it, can damage target with condition when it activates, slow, or negatives to all attack actions.

    Death Marshal Recruiter(Enforcer Living Guild Marshal) Rare 2

    He has an ability to stop Guild Marshals within an aura from being killed by an attack by healing them to one wound instead.(can affect leaders) it can zero to give out the Guild Marshal characteristic, non-leader only.

    It can attack buried models(look out Aonus) as long as you discard a card. 

    It doesn't have a pine box but it does have glimpse the void on its melee.

    Witchling Thrall(Living MinionWitch Hunter)

    12 wound 9ss minion that has impossible to wound and auto passes horror duels. This guy has Lucius's name all over him. It's melee vs df has auto triggers depend on opponents Wp, one heals his wounds the other causes opponent to discard a card.

    It's ranged attack can make a target's Wp 6 which can benefit Sonnia and models like the Thrall that get bonuses against Wp6 models, because they attack Df they don't have to worry about the boost. 

    There is a zero action to push him towards a friendly model but if you get a crow he has to trigger that he attacks the target.



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