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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. For some other companies they make the pieces modular. So you could switch arms from one piece to another. Wyrd have very unique and interesting models that don't normally fit into this category of model. As such you can see differences between scale a lot more easily.

    I get the feeling a lot of this is coming from wanting to make the models feel like they are coming off the bases as a lot of my models are doing just that due to sizing issues.

  2. Just going through the Body of Evidence box set. A few people I know talk about how plastic cement can make joints and contact points bind very strongly. So I gave it a whirl.

    I have now realized that I might want to pick and choose when to use super glue vs cement.

    For instance:

    Sebastian's hand/bone saw - very small contact point, very thin. Applying super glue recommended because when applying pressure with cement plastic bent out of shape.

    Canine remains - large area. Contact points inside model. Liquid cement.

    Anyone else find this to be helpful? I used to just stick to one type, but plan on switching depending on situation.

  3. I'm not so sure. In the art work that wrist area isn't really clear enough to see what's going off at all. I think it's as people have suspected and the rendering process hasn't distinguished the distinct body parts.

    If it had been decided that he has only one hand due to a cutting accident (which is fluffy, don't get me wrong), why wouldn't it be mentioned in the fluff itself? Sebastian has featured in recent stories but I don't recall any mention of a stump? He *is* going to struggle to wield that saw with only one hand, unless he swings it around wildly like a dervish - something else that would probably have been referenced in recent fluff if it was how he fought surely?

    The front Art of the Mcmourning box shows him without a hand. The back of the cement saw is only held by one hand.

    There is also a bigger picture in the book. If i recall.

  4. So its currently between 32 to -4 degrees F outside and about three inches of snow outside. I used to prime on an enclosed patio, but I've moved and do not have that luxury any more.

    Any tips for priming models without going outside with spray paint primer? I'm hoping to get my McMourning completed by mid-january and not confident in being able to do so with this road block.

  5. Going through the Guild recently to figure out what I wanted helped a lot. I think the family has some fairly good models that I haven't had a chance to use yet.

    For instance only a few of the M2e book Guild models have extremely long range and even fewer have blast.

    I try not to be a power gamer and like to run with a theme first and foremost.

    Question I have is what master do you want to run?

  6. So far I've found the Executioner and Guild Guard to be a fine addition to Guild's Judgement. Though I find the Austringer to be a good pick as well.

    It all depends on what your going up against in my opinion. I think the Guild doesn't really go wrong with mixing and matching. Then again I've stuck with Lady J with minimal additions to the base box.

    Lone Marshal was a great crew pick, though he doesn't do well on boards with a load of terrain.

  7. Was looking at my cards today and realized that Guild Austringers and Death Marshals are the same points cost. Was wondering if anyone compared them before?

    The Guild Austringers seem good against Ranged Crews while Death Marshals for more Melee crews. Though I haven't fielded Austringers too much so I'm not sure about this.

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