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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. Cheers, appreciate you spelling it out for me. I really ought to pay closer attention. Reading the OP, I thought Hoffman might have been changed, and he was near the top of my wish list!

    As far as Guild goes we have only had two erratas to models and those were:

    • Diestro - Add restriction "Non-Master"
    • Flaming Bullets - Added the word enemy to "all models" to read "all enemy models"

    Then there were three cases of misprints:

    • Samael Hopkins didn't have rare 1
    • Francisco Ortega didn't have rare 1
    • Guild Guard cards from their model box didn't have the Guardsman characteristic. However if you had the Arsenal Deck 1 and original rule book they did.

    Guild as a faction doesn't have too many broken combos imo.

    • Like 1
  2. Seems like you went with a fun and original list. A suggestion would be to get another scheme runner, maybe another watcher since the lone one is going to have a big target painted on it since it is the only obvious scheme runner in your list.

    I might run the Watcher and Pathfinder in tandem. With the Pathfinder dropping down traps near the scheme markers the Watcher drops. If I place a Trap on top of a scheme marker my opponent will not have LoS to it.

    • Like 1
  3. So what I ended up doing was taking:

    • Captain Dashel 9ss
    • Guild Pathfinder 6ss
    • Doctor Grimwell 9ss
    • Mounted Guard 7ss
    • Mounted Guard(Bonus)
    • Watcher 4ss

    The results of my game last night versus Snowstorm:

    • Strategy was Guard the Stash. I took Cursed Object and Protect Territory.
    • Pathfinder's traps managed to cause my opponent to re-position a couple of models. In fact he had to dedicate a lot of fire onto one in the beginning.
    • Doctor Grimwell was really good at giving out the Cursed object. Same as Mounted Guard with his walk 6, also his aura of defensive was awesome for keeping him stuck in.
    • Watcher almost solo got me protect territory, but Blessed and an Oxfordian mage managed to block him.
    • Dashel managed to slow the Blessed one turn and gave out cursed object to her.

    Final Score:

    • 6/Dashel, 3 from Guard the Stash, 3 from Cursed object, 0 from Protect Territory.
    • 8/Snowstorm, 2 from Guard the Stash, 3 from Breakthrough, 3 from Power Ritual.


    • We both got 4 Scrip
      • Dashel: 3 from VP, 1 from declaring Myranda his Bounty.
      • Snowstorm: 4 from VP.
    • Barter
      • Nothing. We couldn't afford what we flipped.
    • Injuries
      • Pathfinder gained -1 to Ml actions.


    • I couldn't damage my opponent as well as I wanted. Cursed Object was a good alternative.
    • I could have done more damage if I could attack Wp.
    • Watcher needed more support and I would have won the game.
    • Pathfinder is strong table control. I should look into repositioning traps more and keep an eye out for combos.
    • Mounted Guard with 0 action focus from Dashel was great, but their defenses were down because of it. Very situational.
    • Doctor Grimwell is one of my favorite melee henchmen and his use of stones kept him alive. I will probably need his upgrade that gives him soulstones.

    Next hire will be Greed. She is just too good not to take for her attacks against willpower.

  4. Glad to see this resurface and that you folks find it useful. If anyone sees any errors or updates that need made let me know and I'll get it updated.

    New Henchmen have been added in Wave 3.

    • Guild
      • Doctor Grimwell
      • Master Queeg
    • Rezzer
      • Ana Lovelace
    • Neverborn
      • Angel Eyes
    • Outcast
      • Scion of the Void
    • All Factions
      • Wrath

    There are probably others, but I don't remember.

  5. Well, you could drop Hans for a Riflemen and a second watcher... but honestly it seems weird to have two mounted guard and no heavy hitters for them to drag around.

    Starting with the Judge or Grimwell would be solid

    I might swap out Hans for Grimwell then. I want to try to make Dashel work so I will probably keep him as my Leader, that way the Mounted Guard can push Grimwell around.

    • Like 1
  6. Started working on a campaign list for Captain Dashel. The only weird thing is that we are all going to be running this as a Nythera Campaign with the Strongholds. So I will be starting out with an extra Mounted Guard.

    List so far:

    • Captain Dashel 9ss
    • Guild Pathfinder 6ss
    • Hans 9ss
    • Mounted Guard 7ss
    • Mounted Guard(Bonus)
    • Watcher 4ss

    What do you guys think?

    Originally I wanted to take Riflemen, but I couldn't fit them in. Any ideas how I could manage it?

  7. I want to make a list of Masters( and Henchmen) that can change what a master can hire.

    Who can hire? And what can they hire?

    • Guild
      • C. Hoffman
        • MS&U Constructs
      • McMourning
        • Guild Guard, Nurses, Sebastian, Lawyers, and Zombie Chihuahua 
      • Lucius
        • Mimics
      • McCabe
        • Blacksheep
      • Sonnia
        • As Avatar - Fire Gamin, Iggy
    • Rezzer
      • McMourning
        • Guild Guard, Lawyers
      • Tara
        • Death Marshals
    • Neverborn
      • Lucius
        • Guardsmen and Mimics(Guild Lawyer)
      • Lynch
        • Darkened
      • Mama Z
        • WP equal to or less than 4
        • Swampfiends
      • Collodi
        • Puppet
    • Gremlins
      • Brewmaster
        • Tri-Chi
      • Mama Z
        • WP equal to or less than 4
        • Swampfiends
    • Ten Thunders
      • McCabe
        • Guardsmen
      • Mei Fang
        • Foundry
      • Yan Lo
        • Retainer
      • Misaki
        • Last Blossum
      • Brew Master
        • Tri-Chi
      • Lynch
        • Darkened
    • Outcasts
      • Tara
        • Death Marshals
        • With Karina - The Nothing Beast, Void Wretches and Guild Autopsies
      • Leveticus
        • Constructs or Undead
        • With Datsuba - Gaki and Onryo
        • As Avatar - Horsemen
      • Hamlin
        • With Nix - Hounds

    Currently: I only know what Guild can hire out of faction from memory. The others I'm a bit fuzzy on.

  8. Night of the Carver was a fun adventure. There were about two really great roleplaying sections and the combat sections were fun as well. For what it is I would definitely buy it if I had a Through the Breach group.

    Spoilers ahead:

    Part of the story involves transporting a bounty across the quarantine zone(might be badlands can't remember). Here are some issues and crowning moments of awesome:

    • Our party was three and two of us were pretty strong spell casters. We also had no suits on triggers so we were pretty good on hitting the TN to hit everything.
      • Tinkerer had a long bow that could paralyze.
      • Dabbler had fire engulf with reduce ap immuto.
      • Dabbler had electrical engulf with increase damage
    • First Roleplay encounter definitely set the mood. Spooky ghost stories in Malifaux.
    • First encounter with the enemy had not much Roleplaying, but I assume other fatemasters could take liberties.
      • Carver and another enemy were pretty beefy. If it wasn't for the Flame Dabbler we had the Carver would have downed someone within the second turn.
      • It should be noted that unless you can shoot into engagement you might be hosed.
    • Second encounter was a bit more roleplay heavy, but apparently it could have turned into a fight.This also played around with the idea of having a large group of people as one stat line.
      • Carver showed up again, but this time started working its way through the crowd. We took the opportunity to run in the opposite direction with our bounty. This was actually really sweet and added to the atmosphere of the game I felt, running away from a nearly invincible juggernaut.
    • Third Encounter was a lot more fighting and resulted in the Electric Dabbler getting taken down.
      • This also occurred because the Dabbler and the Bounty were both engaged with the Carver meaning that we had three randomize flips.
    • Fourth encounter had an exciting location and resulted in the first time our crew really synergized all together.
      • Not much to be said really after this.

    Long and short of it, I think this encounter would be perfect for a first session. After players have moved up the pursuits it might get a little lack luster. But the carver and other enemy in the adventure are definitely worth getting the adventure for. 

     I highly recommend it for an introduction to the Malifaux setting.

    • Like 3
  9. Yes..  Covered in the FAQ.

    37) Q: If two models are in base to base contact, and an Ability pushes one of them exactly 3” away, how much distance is considered to be in between the two models? Are they considered to be within 3” of each other?
    A: As base to base contact is considered to be exactly 0” apart, the models would be exactly 3” apart after the push and therefore still within 3” of each other.

    Perfect. That's what I was thinking.

  10. This is a simple question, I think I know the answer but I want to make sure I have it right.

    So I have two models, for simplicity's sake lets say it is the Hunter and Guardian.

    • Hunter is in Base to Base with Guardian
    • End of turn, the Hunter uses its ability to push 3 inches away from the Guardian (in this case directly away).
    • Guardian is has 3 inches melee

    After the Hunter pushes is he still within the Guardian's 3 inch melee?

  11. In my last couple of games I've been realizing that my Hunter placement at the end of game has greatly affected my results. Specifically for Interference, where I manage to forget that my Hunter is getting me VP and I push him towards either an enemy model or near the 6 inch centerline because its closer to my opponent's nearest model.

    I just forget that they aren't just melee killing machines with chain harpoons. And that they can do other things as well.

    How do you guys run hunters?

  12. Another thing to note about focus is that you can take the focus action multiple times, but when you remove the condition to use on an Action you have to remove all of it.

    With Guild Rifleman you Focus(1 action) then Focus(0 action due to Dashel) for a total of Focus +2. You then use your attack action to fire. That attack now has Focus +2 applied.

    It cannot be split up between actions.

  13. First thing that needs to take into account is that the Breach was created when Sorcerer/Wizards used magic to open up a portal to save magic.(TL:DR version).

    The fallout from this could have caused a lot of things to change. Especially consider the religious presence inside Malifaux. There are no churches as far as the backstories I have read, no religious clergymen. The only thing close are graveyards which appear to be run by shady individuals such as Nicodem. In fact the only religous models are the Exorcists, who the Guild just sort of allow to operate.

    This isn't to say that there are not religious people, just that religious institutions do not seem to be present.

       1. From what I can understand, while effectively a superpower, the Guild is not a Nation State or a political entity per se – much like, say, the British East India Company or Hanseatic League. Therefore, one have to ask the question if the Guild has its own Criminal Code, Obscenity laws etc. or whether it’s simply applying British Common Law (assuming the Guild is British)

     From how the lore treats the Guild it can be assumed that they are backed by some Nation. This is left up to ambiguity, however a key thing to know is that the Guild has a Governor-General. The state of Malifaux City is similar to how the Caribbean seems in tales of the Golden Age of Pirating. Of which while the law of the land was supposedly their homeland, but as a "frontier" the laws were not always enforced. In particular look to the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and old westerns.

    2. It is obvious that Malifaux is inspired by Victorian society to some extent, or at least the time period – with all the moral standards that implies. At the same time, it is also obvious that the Guild is a mercantile organization with primarily (if not solely) mercantile/monetary interests. Even if they are greedy Croesus-wannabes first and upholders of law and order a distant second – does the Guild nevertheless take an interest in the “furtherance of justice” and the “upholding of public morality”?

     There are Guild Officials that seek out justice, the original three masters are very much this. Seeking out the Necromancer, Demon, and Witches. You cannot be in charge if everyone thinks your organization only protects their self interests.

    Does the Guild condone prostitution and/or procuring? Is it illegal, regulated, ignored, legal or perhaps even by the Guild itself? Are there Guild-owned brothels and nightclubs, or are these private enterprises? It is obvious that prostitution and nightlife exists in Malifaux, but what’s the Guild’s stance on it?

    In many stories there are Guild Officials who have hired escorts or are caught at brothels. Rarely does it seem that the Guild actually owns said establishments, if they do it is only because a Guild Official owns it privately. These are apparently legal in the same way that it was in the frontier, it gets lonely working on a farm or mine and what better way to take you mind off of your sorry lot. It reminds me a lot of how Firefly treated the matter the upper classes do not care to ask who a beautiful woman is on your arm, but the lower classes it’s a lot less romanticized.

    It goes without saying that people are probably looked down upon if they go to a brothel, lower class more so probably.

    Does the Guild have Buggery (Sodomy) laws, Gross Indecency statures or the like? This is far from a “commercial” interest, but when you think about it Buggery Laws has been enforced in basically all western societies until recent modernity. Is it a matter treated with discretion, judgement or is it simply ignored?


    My vote is ignored. Malifaux is essentially a prison colony in most areas and there are bigger fish to fry, such as Neverborn and Rezzers.


    Does racism exist within the Guild? Of course, racism exists everywhere, but is it especially so within the guild? I’ve only ever seen Caucasian guild-members (save for Lucius, but he doesn’t really count, does he?) – would it be far-fetched to assume that the Guild harbors the same “White Man’s Burden”-ideas and thinly-veiled supremacist thoughts that were common in Victorian times? Or, once again, does commercial interest completely trump cultural disposition (if there s any)?

    Most of who the Guild hire seems based on ability rather than race or gender. But that is just extrapolating. For instance a Witch Hunter is very impressed with Ironsides in one story.

    I would be more interested to know if sexism is still there. Many stories show that the Guild has deep regard for Lady J, Sonnia, and Perdita. However, there is a lot of talk of Perdita and Lady J being poster children for the various departments. Think of them as the equivalent of Rosie the Riveter as far as the Guild Officials might be concerned.

    As far as race goes the 3 Kingdom immigrants seem to be second class citizens to most of the normal residents. Most being associated with the Ten Thunders a criminal organization by the Guild’s standards.

    Perdita's family is regulated to their own territory and do not appear to have official titles except for Frank(Mayor).

    The only two characters of African descent are Ironsides and Marcus. Ironsides being a brawler and Marcus an ex-professor I believe. The first African American Professor in a predominantly white college was in the mid-1800's so Marcus wouldn't be much of trailblazer.

    As far as Native Americans they are represented by Austringers on the table top currently. And they seem to be highly respected as far as Guild Guardsman go, but probably wouldn't hold any rank higher than such.

    Speaking of, Gremlins are technically natives of Malifaux, but are treated as vermin for the most part.


    • Like 1

    I think you're not taking the context of either of those two statements.

    1) "Models which fall" could also be interpreted to mean that some models don't fall, such as flying models. This is probably not what they meant, but just pointing out that it's not clear.

    2) "Vertical distances are measured while moving a model" - This is where I think you're not on the right track. If this was literal, then a model could not fly over a 50" building. You'd have to measure the 50" up, then the 50" down in that case. But we already both agree that the rules allow a flying model to fly from one side of a 50" building to the other side if they have enough move to cover the horizontal distance.

    1. Flying models do fall as any other model does. The only difference is that they ignore falling damage.

    2. Yes, this is literal, you do have to measure vertical distances when moving. However, you can ignore terrain when flying. There is no contradiction here. When on top of a building, you are clearly not ignoring the terrain and so should take vertical distance into account.

    1. Only while moving. You can push a flying model off a building and they will still take fall damage.

  15. I've found watchers to be pretty great.

    Death Marshals were my go to for the first few months I played, but I've since have stopped using them.

    When Lucius came out his Issue Commands with :tome s allowed me to flood the board in scheme markers. I was able to get Spring the Trap on Pandora, with Pandora spending all her AP to run away. It was pretty hilarious.

    Hunters are nothing to slouch at either. If my opponent is sending a Scheme Runner down the sides a Hunter can typically take it out and then drop scheme markers. Even better it can push 3 inches at the end of turn so it can push into base with enemy scheme markers to pick up. This has worked for me multiple times, especially if the hunter is too far away from the action to do anything.


  16. My number one suggestion is buying the Hoffman Box to use with Lucius. Hunters, Guardian, and Watcher are very necessary to have in my own opinion.

    As far as pure Guardsmen. Guild Hounds have the trait and are somewhat decent. Riflemen are very worth while.

    Guild Guard I've only have found useful for a few things. Guarding areas(turf war and recon) and attacking late game. Typically you want movement tricks to push them together so they are always getting their Patrol defense bonus.

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