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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. I found it strange that it is a skill but costs 1 SS... is it a mistake or is it the sole skill that has to be paid?

    Rules as Intended I would think its equal parts likely suppose to be:

    • Skill at 0ss
    • Equipment at 1ss

    Also you could compare Equipment versus Skills that give out actions. Pneumatic Legs is one of the most expensive upgrades as well which makes me lean slightly towards it being a skill with a SS cost. Its a pretty good ability especially for models like Mounted Guard who could Leap 10.

    From the list we have equipment that gives actions:

    • Can o' Beans - 1scrip, 1ss
    • Clockwork Seeker - 5scrip, 1ss
    • Flammenwerfer - 4scrip, 1ss
    • Katanas - 2scrip, 1ss
    • Ancient Scrolls - 4scrip, 1ss
    • Greatsword - 6scrip, 2ss
    • Relic Hammer - 5scrip, 1ss
    • Gatling Gun - 7scrip, 2ss
    • Those who Thirst - 7scrip, 2ss

    From the list we have skills that gives actions:

    • Expanded Palate - 2scrip




  2. Agreed w/ hagis. I'd say the shortest of short lists would be a doppelganger and riflemen (the latter b/c it's the only way I've seen to make dashel not a waste).

    BTW, how are people feeling he runs changelings?

    I found that Changelings benefit from being near Nino or Freikorps Trappers for the range so they can get their "overwatch" shot on moving targets. While Riflemen have good range their threat range is not nearly as big as Nino's.

    Seeing how a friend of mine runs his they also need a good position with LoS.

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  3. Back on topic, Pistoleros can help to pad out with more cheap, Family AND Ruthless models, and offer a nice buff besides. They also make great Penanggalan hunters :P If you have a LGS that still has metal models gathering dust in a forgotten corner you might be able to find the blighters, or an online retailer might have some still in stock. They're especially nice as they are (to me) nice sculpts and in one piece each. If you can't find any, I definitely recommend proxying them until their release; I know I appreciated having more bodies on the field running the Ortegas in theme when things like Recon came up.

    Pistoleros are on the list, I want the whole family ^^
    But I'll have to wait until the plastic models are out. I hate metal...

    What metals they are plastic, just one of the original plastics I thought:

    1. Hunters - These guys just control the board and because of their :+fate against models that haven't activated yet and their push at the end of turn they are auto includes for me. They are really strong melee models as well that can give out slow at range.
    2. Guardians - Mini-Francisco and I use the term mini loosely. He is an auto include for me in Make them Suffer due to his High armor Df trigger. Also putting Defensive +2 on a model like Perdita increases the chance of her getting her defensive trigger. As well as a heal 2 if I am lucky.
    3. Pathfinder - Unless Make them Suffer is on the table. Only summons that I can bring to any Guild crew in faction. Also the reset trap to 6 inches has fouled up my opponents a lot.
  4. @Chumbalaya: Nino's Spotter ability only requires LoS to a Family member to work, it's not about putting damage on models but rather stopping them from Interacting altogether.

    I get that.  I was suggesting to marry in a Freikorps Trapper so you won't have your other corner hugger sitting around with his thumb in his butt:P

    I don't know if I would dedicate 7ss+7ss+5ss worth of models to guard for power ritual.

    Then again Trapper has the range. Too bad only Abuela can make him a family member and again its only temporary.

  5. Really? I love the models in the McCabe box! I just would not use them outside of his crew, aside from Sidir.

    Is there anything in particular that puts you off?

    I just wasn't a fan of Indiana Jones growing up I guess. Also I dislike the idea of having cavalry in Malifaux, I don't really know why. I think it stems from the idea that McCabe can jump off his horse, but Lone Marshal and Mounted Guard cannot.

    Wastrels interest me as an alternative to Guild Guard. Sidir didn't impress me from when I went up against him, but I do like him on paper. Ruthless is also an ability I like having especially with opponents in my area using a lot of Manipulative right now.

  6. Nino made me realize the importance of defining every bit of terrain on the table. It was Squatter's Rights, along with some Interact heavy schemes, and my opponent deployed Nino on the chimney of a building with a pitched roof. We had declared that models could not stand on the roofs, but neglected to define the chimneys. The only ranged attack I had was Lilith's Wicked Vines. It was not a fun game, and subsequently, all of those chimneys were removed. 

    sniper nests are not fun in Malifaux. See the current discussion of it in the rules section of the forum.

    I've done it a few times but most of the time there is some version of lure on the table. 

  7. I'm not sure if I am in the minority on this one, but I just like everything inside the C. Hoffman box.

    • Hunters, great movement shenanigans. Also their Chain Harpoons are some of the best in Guild for giving out slow especially if the model hasn't activated yet.
    • Guardian, a hardy minion model that typically is great to take to deny Make Them Suffer, imo. Gives out Defensive +2 to models that doesn't go away until his next activation.
    • Watcher, a low cost model that has a high walk and can fly. Also it can deny models cover and if used properly could also give Perdita LoS to models that are hiding behind blocking terrain.
  8. Nino is not that hard to kill, and having LoS from corner to corner is really board specific.... but when it works, great. The Pistolero would be somewhat wasted, though.

    Making use of Spotter usually means I'm playing Squatter's Rights or Deliver a Message is in the pool.

    Yeah, the Pistolero was the lowest soulstone model I could think to use. Very situational I agree, but typically I don't see many boards that have cover near the edges.

    I could see with Reconnoiter on Corner or Flank deployment having 2 pistoleros and throwing them into the corners while Nino holds back in the deployment zone. But again it all depends on the board.

  9. So I was playing around with a simple combo for denying Power Ritual. What do you guys think?

    • Standard Deployment, Nino and Pistolero are placed in each corner.
    • Nino can draw LoS to Pisolero to activate his Spotter Ability.

    I'm definitely not :+fate that this is a solid plan, but I think it could hinder my opponent as they will have to deal with Nino. Currently I wish there was another Long Range Family member to help keep hold of that corner, but right now there isn't that I could find.

  10. So your problem is that the Ht of the structure and the Ht of the Railing/Wall are not taken into account?

    • So you have the issue of the Structure is technically Ht4 with a Ht1 Railing/Wall, there are multiple ways to look at this. All of this is in the Defining and place terrain section of the rulebook, but falls under the complex terrain rules that you and your opponent define:
      • Height of the Structure is considered Ht4, the Ht of the Railing is considered Ht5.
        • There is nothing that states that Ht value of a model is changed based on how tall a vantage point is.(Correct me if I am wrong I couldn't find anything in my 5min skim of the rules for Height). So technically if you had a Ht2 model on a perch behind a Ht5 piece of terrain while standing on a Ht 4 vantage point he could not see over it as his height is 2 where as the terrain is 5. This is impossible/Not useful at all for anyone.
      • Height of the Vantage Point is considered Ht4, the Cover is considered Ht1, but just so happens to be on Ht4 terrain.
        • This has its own problems. Ht2 model has to be within 2 inches of the ledge to shoot over it. You have to be within 1 inch of terrain to get cover. Therefore if you are within 2 of the ledge, but outside of 1 inch of the cover you do not benefit from cover. This is passable.
      • Height of the Vantage Point Ht5 and consider the Cover as part of the Vantage point.
        • This means that a model on top of say a Ht5 Vantage Point is always considered in Cover as he is always within 1 inch of cover. This will cause confusion as no matter where your model is it will be getting cover so long as it stays on the top of the terrain. As an added benefit Vantage Points without railings will also get cover unless attacked from a model on a piece of terrain the same height.  This is probably a good way to deal with the cover issue.

    Confusion has been reached and I need some Advil and a stiff drink to recoupe.

  11. There is a local tornement in a few weeks time. Faction locked. But master/crew flexible between the 4 games. 35 ss.


    I want to use dashell and 3 guildfilemen. Rest is flexible (dash can be leader or nonleader).


    This list won my other local group (3 of us joint 1st)


    3 guild riflemen,

    2 guild sergeants,

    2 guild guard.




    This time I'm considering the following (using Lucius rule bending).


    Go as declared ten thunders

    Take lucas mccabe, badge of speed, strange metal shirt, barbs

    Dashell, smoke grenades

    3 guild riflemen

    Ten thunders guild pathfinder.


    Anyone got ideas for alternate lists (must include dashell and 3 riflemen)

    Dashel and the Pathfinders are my go to right now for my campaign list. Positive flips within Dashel's :aura along with the clockwork traps +1 to Sh is amazingly good.

    However you have a few major disadvantages in both of your lists as far as I can tell(I don't play McCabe so I don't know everyone of his attacks).

    1. You don't have anything that attacks Willpower.
    2. You don't have any Cast actions.
    3. You have nothing that can hold off charging models.

    I would also think about adding Queeg to the list for the extra 0 actions combos well with Pathfinder. I'd drop 1 rifleman for Queeg. Add Watcher for dedicated scheme running and Greed for some Ca vs Wp that you need. You still don't have anything that likes Ml, but hey your playing at 35ss.

    • Dashel (Leader)
    • Queeg 7ss
    • Riflemen x 2  10ss = 17
    • Pathfinder 6ss = 23
    • Greed 8ss = 31
    • Watcher 4ss = 35

    Then you will be at a total of 35ss.

  12. Well, "Non-Austringer" is not really a name. Its the negation of a name. While I can agree with you, I think this is something FAQworthy.

    I'm on the fence about it needing an FAQ. It clearly singles out a model by name. But I understand where you are coming from. In the sense of yes it is an ability that calls out a model by name, but it is specifically for models that are not that named model. 

  13. In both Pre and Post Manifest he can treat two suits as if they were the other. Pre Manifest he basically gets 3 schemes instead of 2, but can only score 2 of them.Manifested he can stop models from attacking him and take controll of them if they fail a Wp Duel that he sets the TN for.

    He also gets a pretty decent Melee attack that does more damage against Models which are engaged by an other friendly model.

    As far as I'm concerned the Premanifestation is a lot better than the Manifested trait. I constantly have games where I made mistakes in scheme selection. But being able to go after 3 schemes instead of 2 is awesome.

    Imagine revealing protect territory and then doing plant explosives. Well, you have The Judge as your bodyguard target as well. You don't get scheme markers as dropped as much as you'd like, but the Judge hasn't been targeted at all by turn 4. Reveal the Judge is your Bodyguard and you can likely get 3 points.

  14. I prefer suits to look like they do on the stat cards. Not the almost-look-like-traditional-suits of retro, 2-player starter, etc decks. It really stands out with the Crow/Spade as it looks nothing like the stat card suit :crow.

    I also like the layout of traditional playing cards, where the suit symbols are prominent. I think the Arcane fate decks are pretty terrible because of this, they are really busy and the suit symbols are tiny in favour of naming the suit and having different background colours, neither of which appears at all on the stat cards. Readability at glance is much more important to me than the cards being fanciful.

    The easiest to read deck at a glance for me is def the retro deck. The artwork on the arcane decks is nice but as you mention too busy. Also the border on them make looking at them very difficult at a glance. Same with the TtB deck. All great decks but for me the most readable both across the table and in front for me is the retro. 

    My only problem with the Retro Fate deck is that the Red Joker and 11 of :rams look too similar. Because the 11 is a Jack.

  15. I really enjoyed the episode, but it did seem to me that Yu was artifically high because people seemed to be thining of his upgrades for some of his things. Likewise, fancois with his self damage, whilst the faction does healing, him taken on his own, he can't heal.

    Yeah, when I listening the upgrades did effect a bit. Francisco's for instance they did mention a couple of times that "even though X henchman was Yss he would be Y+Zss cost model if we added that necessary upgrade."

    There was also a lot of this model is just good on its own.

  16. 49) Q: If a model on a 30mm base is positioned perfectly on top of a 30mm Scheme Marker such
    that the Marker is completely covered, can other models draw LoS to the Scheme Marker?
    A: No. Note that in the case multiple Scheme Markers are stacked on top of each other (with nothing else on top of/
    blocking them) models may draw LoS to all Markers in the stack because Scheme Markers are not blocking.


    Its not very often that your opponent wants LOS to a scheme marker though. Engagement is normally enough to stop them removing it. 

    Completely irrelevant. The rules clearly state that models and objects with Ht lower than one of the models drawing LoS are ignored.

    As the days go by these breaks in the rules become noticeable. In my meta we've realized that technically single pieces of terrain such as a house that you can go into count as being within 1 inch of terrain no matter where you are in the house. Even if you are standing in the middle of an empty room. Because the house is the terrain piece. not the individual walls.

  17. Recently I've been trying to use more Mercenaries with Lucius and maybe Perdita, specifically because how a friend of mine uses Collodi with the Freikorps trapper.

    In one particular game I wrecked face with Envy and Hans. Which I might add to my Lady J crew if I ever take her out again. What do you guys typically take from the Mercenary pool?

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