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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. Greenstuff a scarf or cape/trenchcoat.

    Other than that I suggest looking at the Bloodmist model from Reaper Miniatures and then using the Deathmarshal box on the base. Then it should be a legal Wyrd Proxy, until we get a Miss or Alt sculpt for him.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Underworld king said:

    I wanted to try and field a simple guard list with models like Dashel, riflemen, hounds, sergeants and so on,  but I'm unsure on which master to bring.. does anyone have some good suggestions/list/tactics that they would like to share.?

    Dashel would be good to take in a McCabe or Lucius crew. Luna turns hounds significant and McCabe can buff minions with his upgrades depending on what you need. Lucius gets more range with his Issue command on those particular models so the synergy is there.

    Hoffman is looking for Constructs more often. So if you took wardens I could see maybe taking dashel.

    Perdita likes to have Family models, but for the most part she does well in any list for me at least.

    Lady J could support the minion models if she kills something, but typically this would be the Hounds and possibly Sergeants because the Riflemen might not be within range.

    McMourning is another model I consider to be very general in Guild. He doesn't add anything to the models you suggest except maybe Ignore Armor, but he doesn't ruin them.

    Sonnia typically likes to have a lot of burning on the field to increase her range. She doesn't synergize well, but like McMourning her play style doesn't hinder those models.

  3. Lucius was very good for me in 2015 Gaining Grounds. I've only fielded him twice in 2016 so I can't say much aside from the fact that Hunting Party and Show of Force are not his strong suit as he likes to have a good amount of Minions with 1-2 Henchman/Enforcer models. Models I take/took:

    Normal Range Commands

    • Hunters
      • Hunters get a bonus for attacking models which have not yet activated. Lucius could get an extra AP out of Hunters with their bonuses, plus giving them the focused condition will help a lot especially with their chain harpoon.
      • Also they benefit from Lucius's bonuses to Ml attack actions if they stay close to him. There is a reason why there was once Lucius art with him petting a hunter.
    • Death Marshals
      • Sometimes you take an Executioner or other slow close ranged model. Pinebox then move is two AP and you are only moving 5 inches. With Lucius you can up that to 15 inches of movement. He can issue command and commanding presence.
    • Witchling Stalkers
      • Extra AP means an extra condition removal.
    • Sanctioned Spellcaster
      • Because Arcane Shield goes away when it activates every extra AP keeps that shield up.

    For long Range Commands

    • Warden
      • Good 6ss model in general, has :+fate to horror duels which helps when Lucius uses Commanding Presence
    • Guild Rifleman
      • These guys are the keystone of a Lucius gunline. They are not my personal favorite, but they work in any case.
    • Mounted Guard
      • I'm still learning the model, but the mounted Guard is very durable for me and is great at getting into Melee.
    • Changelings
      • I've not used them, but going up against them these guys are sick. Combo them with Austringers and you have Austringer attacks at a Sh3
    • Guild Lawyer
      • :+fate to horror duels to nearby models is amazing and helps a lot. Also the Guild Lawyer's themselves have some pretty good cast actions.
    • Guild Pathfinders
      • Generally they are alright. They benefit greatly from Queeg as they have two 0 actions and getting two out a turn is great.
    • Guild Hounds
      • I haven't used them too often.

    Henchman/Enforcers I'd take:

    1. Queeg
      • Great instead of Dashel, imo. Though I've been list theorying with him recently.
    2. Dashel
      • Not the best in every list, but he is a force multiplier for Guardsmen.
    3. Francisco
      • The Upgrade model, not much to say. Lucius's swap places ability does work on non-minions so if Lucius does get engaged he can swap out Francisco and then Franc can flurry.
    4. Brutal Emissary
      • Gives out healing to nearby minions and gives Lucius an alright melee attack. Haven't used him yet because of the Cost
    5. Ryle
      • I just hear he is good, I've got no basis for that however.
    • Like 2
  4. Show of Force and Hunting Party have actually increased Perdita's effectiveness on the table. Both are suited schemes and either will come up more often than not. A quick breakdown:

    • Enslaved Nephlim
      • I don't use much, but it apparently is really good at re-positioning friendly models
    • Francisco
      • His El Mayor abilities is why people call him Perdita's Upgrade.
      • High value Melee attacks make him the most hitting model in her crew besides her.
    • Nino
      • Longest ranged Sh in all of Guild.
      • Spotter ability means that you can stop Enemy models from performing interacts over a wider area than any crew.
    • Santiago
      • Damage dealer, hard for me to pin down, but he is a strong model none the less.
    • Papa Loco
      • His "Take This" ability significantly increases the damage output of models.
      • His explosions can take out an entire crew if given the right conditions.
    • Abuela
      • Has the ability to give out the Family characteristic so as to make other models synergize with the crew better.
    • Pistoleros
      • Very defensive models that can ignore Wp duels such as Horror and Manipulative on their turn.
      • Give bonuses to defenses.
  5. 1 minute ago, Ludvig said:

    They should all just say -

    Step 1: Buy Perditas box, Hounds and Austringers.

    Step 2: profit! ;) 


    That seems to be what the advice boils down to in the end. Except Lucius who is - get another master :D 

    I'm hoping Lucius gets a buff at some point.

    As for the topic, I can see not having a single dedicated thread to a master. Mainly because Gaining Grounds being changed each year the models I recommend change.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    That is a great catch! Nana Ortega can also use them for armour, do you think she and Queeg could hit it off in some other synergistic way?

    Just by having the Elder Ortega give him the Family characteristic can change up his style. With Aura Ancestral up he'll go up to Wp8, double bonus is that with that and Pistoleros they will be at WP7 so they would only need a 5 to pass the Horror Duel.

    Other family benefits I don't remember off hand except:

    • Becoming a relocate target for Perdita
    • Nino's spotter ability.
    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, Dogmantra said:

    I do disagree about blasting off friendlies with his Boomer most of the time, mostly because you're sacrificing the 8 severe damage (or 12 on the Red Joker, which is a perfect single target "you're dead" button for moderately priced enemy models), which I've honestly found to be not too difficult to get off, even with only a Sh of 5.

    There is probably a cost benefits analysis that was not included. Honestly I could see chucking a severe to kill a model that is guaranteed to die/you don't need. Especially if the blast will hurt a model that is resilient if attacked directly, Silent Ones for instance.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Pride seems good but I'm really not sure what I would replace in most lists since she doesn't exactly win games on her own.

    If I anticipated a lot of incorporeal I'd have a look at adding her. Lucius would probably be better off with a spellcaster for the obvious reason but maybe in a Justice/Perdita list?

    Greed is pretty good, though I haven't been used to Ca actions in Guild yet. I'm not sure Pride fits with Guild, but Envy and Greed are good. Greed was so good that the Neverborn player in my group had her as a staple in his campaign lists.

    Recently the Xroad7 haven't shown up in my group. Even though most of us have them.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    Linguistics are never off topic! 

    Considering how far english pronounciation already is from spelling you might as well keep original spelling from other languages or just make letter up at random ;) . I think it's fairly common to keep spelling on loan-words.

    It not even limited to other languages. Ask anyone from Massachusetts about the names of their towns. Or even their sports teams... I'm looking at you Celtics or should I say Seltics.

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    The reason being the language known as english perhaps? Did they have the ä in older editions? Can't remember.

    The more pop culture that gets carried over from other countries and cultures, the more I am confused by English spelling of foreign words. From an English perspective there is no difference between L and R in the Japanese language.


    And in Germany W has a V sound. There are also a lot similar cases with the Russian language, but I can't remember off hand.

    Linguistical patterns are interesting, but also I need to remind myself this is a Malifaux forum sometimes. :D

  11. Put the Fear in ‘em
    Target friendly minion must pass TN # horror duel. If successful, target can perform a 0 action.

    The following is a list of models that can benefit along with their 0 actions and a brief description. The descriptions are deliberately vague and not reprints from the books. 

    Read as:

    • Name of Model = Horror Duel Flip >= Number to match
      • Action Name
        • Action effect

    Wave 1

    • Guild Guard = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Death Marshal = flip >= 6
      • None
    • Witchling Stalker = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Austringers = flip >= 7
      • None

    Wave 2

    • Guardian = IMPOSSIBLE
      • Immune to horror duels
    • Guild Hound = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Hunter = flip >= 7
      • Pounce on Chest
        • Force Move, trigger attack, negative Ml to target
    • Lawyer  = flip >= 6
      • Impassioned Defence
        • Hard to Wound
    • Watcher = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Pistoleros = flip >= 7
      • Shrug off
    • Warden = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Brutal Effigy = flip >= 7
      • Fear not the sword
        • Does not stack
    • Guild Rifleman = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Guild Pathfinder = flip >= 7
      • Set the Trap
        • Summon Clockwork Trap
      • Reset Trap
        • Move Clockwork Trap
    • Luna = flip >= 7
      • Warning Back
        • Gives out Defensive +1
    • Wastrel = flip >= 7
      • None

    Wave 3

    • Mounted Guard = flip >= 7
      • “Mount Up! Rank and File!”
        • :+fate to Df, does stack
    • Orderly = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Sanctioned Spellcasters = flip >= 6
      • Singularity
        • Stop force movement
        • Does not stack

    Hoffman ms&u models:
    Wave 1

    • Metal Gamin = flip >= 8
      • Magnetism
        • Force movement, damage, slow
    • Steam Arachnid = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Steam Arachnid Swarm = flip >= 7
      • Devouring Swarm
        • SELF repair

    Wave 2

    • Large Arachnid = flip >= 7
      • Temporary limb
        • Destroys scheme marker but it's not its activation. 
    • Soul stone Miner  = flip >= 7
      • None

    Wave 3

    • None

    Mourning Minions:

    • Nurses = flip >= 8
      • None

    Lucius Mimics:

    • Changlings = flip >= 7
      • In the blink of an eye
        • Force Movement

    McCabe declared as 10t:
    Wave 1

    • Dawn Serpent = flip >= 6
      • Calls unto the Chi
        • Heal
    • Monk of the Low River = flip >= 7
      • Calls Unto the Chi
        • Heal
    • Oiran = flip >= 6
      • None
    • Rail Worker = flip >=7
      • Shovel Faster
        • Attack Action, requires burning
      • Implacable Assault
        • Does not stack if taken twice
    • Illuminated = flip >= 6
      • Brillshaper
        • Heal
    • Thunder Archer = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Torakage = Wp6 <= 6
      • None

    Wave 2

    • Kamaitachi = flip >= 8
      • At the Crossroads
        • Push target friendly model
    • Ten Thunders Brother = flip >= 7
      • Dance of the Heavens
        • Either
          • Armor +1
          • 4 inch range melee
          • Draw a card then discard a card. Or heal.
          • Force move
    • Shadow Effigy = flip >= 7
      • Blend into Shadow
        • Does not stack
    • Komainu  = flip >= 7
      • Spirit Scent
        • Force move
    • Fermented River Monk  = flip >= 7
      • Ready for Another Round
        • Reactivate
      • Have a sip
        • Self gains poison
    • Monk of the High River = flip >= 7
      • Wander the Earth
        • Force move
    • Tengu  = flip >= 8
      • Still the Earth
        • Destroy scheme marker
    • Katanaka Sniper = flip >= 6
      • Blow Dart
        • Target gains slow

    Wave 3

    • Wandering River Monk = flip >= 7
      • Leap
        • Force Move
    • Obsidian Oni = flip >= 7
      • The Strong Grow Stronger
        • Damage target
    • Jorogumo = flip >= 6
      • Vicious Bite
        • Attack action
      • Wander the Earth
        • Force Movement

    Lucius declared as Neverborn
    Wave 1

    • Poltergeist = flip >= 6
      • None
    • Beckoner  = flip >= 6
      • None
    • Silurid = flip >= 8
      • Leap
        • Force Move
    • Sorrow  = flip >= 8
      • None
    • Terror Tot  = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Waldergeist = flip >= 7
      • Germinate
        • Markers that are removed when action is used again.
    • Young Nephlim = flip >= 7
      • None

    Wave 2

    • Gupps = flip >= 8
      • Leap
        • Force Move
      • Juvenile’s Wail
        • Does not stack
    • Insidious Madness = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Stitched together = flip >= 7
      • Creepy Fog
        • Does not stack
    • Wicked Doll = flip >= 7
      • All Sewed Up
        • Target Heal, +flips to attack
    • Mysterious Effigy = flip >= 7
      • Rapid Acceleration
        • Does not stack
    • The Depleted = flip >= 8
      • Drawn to the Light
        • Force Move

    Wave 3

    • Corrupted Hound = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Changeling = flip >= 7
      • In the Blink of an Eye
        • Force Move
    • Bloodwretch = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Bunraku = flip >= 7
      • Obscene Preparations
        • Focused +1, trigger +m

    Wave 1

    • Desperate Mercenary = flip >= 8
      • None
    • Freikorpsman = flip >= 6
      • Reference the Field Guide
        • Gain suit for activation
    • Ronin = flip >= 7
      • Seppuku
        • Sacrifice for resources
    • Hog Whisperer = flip >= 8
      • None
    • Oiran = flip >= 6
      • None
    • Torakage = flip >= 6
      • None

    Wave 2

    • Performer = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Freikorps Trapper = flip >= 6
      • Retreat into Cover
        • Force Move

    Wave 3

    • Bloodwretch = flip >= 7
      • None
    • Orderly = flip >= 7
      • None

    Note: Queeg has a tactical action that can allow minions to perform 1 interact actions as 0 actions. So any model that says None can at the very least drop a scheme marker if Queeg gets his tactical action off.

    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1
  12. So I've been looking at Master Queeg and Sanctioned Spellcasters am just not seeing why to use them. I went onto PullMyFinger and a lot of the Wave 3 models are just not in that much play it seems.

    I understand that Master Queeg is a bit of a Lucius knock off with his Put the Fear In 'em ability, but aside from that I don't understand what he brings to a crew. Which models benefit from his extra 0 actions? I can see the combo of using "Welcome to Hell, and I am Your Devil" and then walking next to a minion to 0 interact.

    Sactioned Spellcasters, I see mainly using in McCabe's or Lucius's crew, but again I don't know how they would work in a crew. If they were Cg 7 I could see pairing them with Mounted Guard for a quick Soulburst bomb, but without that they are late activation models with low ss cost and wound count.

    What am I missing?

  13. 3 hours ago, TacoTruckJohn said:

    Q1: Are Wardens a worthwhile choice? Or going for an Austringer (6) + Pathfinder (6) a better option?

    Q2: Are 2 hounds enough? 

    Q3: I had 1SS spare and spent it on Secret Objective. I couldn't see anything better to spend it on but I'm open to suggestions

    Q4: Captain Dashel (9) OR Francisco (8) + Wade In (1)? I'm thinking Francisco meets the combat niche but Dashel better complements the whole Guardsmen vibe of the gang 


    I've been having trouble getting my head around for the new Schemes. My problem right now is that Lucius benefits from a Minion heavy crew which means that a couple of the schemes. Show of Force(:ram) and Hunting Party(:crow) benefit from Enforcer/Henchman crew builds that I'm not used to running.

    As for the questions at hand, I agree with Myyra for the most part. Though he is some additional opinions:

    1. Wardens are really good.I haven't had a chance to use two at once, but one can really hold his own. A Pathfinder would be great on Interference and if Hunting Party is not on the table. Austringers would be good in almost any scenario. Play it by ear would be my advice on that.
    2. Depending on what you want them for. I can definitely see taking 2 hounds for Interference or Guard the Stash. But it certain scenarios they might not be as useful. Especially in something like Head Hunter.
    3. Lucius doesn't need a lot of upgrades compared to other Guild Masters. Secret Objective is very hard to pull off and benefits from a scheme marker heavy pool. I did well with it back in GG2015 in one game, but I'm not sure how it would play in 2016.
    4. Captain Dashel is a force multiplier for Guardsmen so your current list really benefits from him. Though Master Queeg might be a good alternative as well. This is completely subjective though as I've not used him yet.
  14. 16 minutes ago, Aaron said:

    Ack! Looks like there's a similar issue with the Guard Sergeant cards. All this plastic and no cards! They are also going to have to come off the sale.

    Sorry for all the changes, but we want to make sure no orders are delayed in case they don't come in when we're told they will. Thanks for your understanding!

    A bit of a mixed blessing for me. I couldn't afford every Guild model this Easter, but now I can. :D

    • Like 1
  15. On 3/2/2016 at 10:25 AM, jphealy said:

    I haven't had much luck with Nino, he denies marker dropping but never seems to do anything else.  Not that its bad just not sure if its worth the two models I would need to drop to add him.

    Not just scheme markers, but also Interacts so he is denying Marked for Death and Exhaust. He is only a Sh 5 compared to say an austringer, but he can really mess with an opponent if played in the right scheme pool.

    Also his built in :ram and :+fate to his attack is strong. Effectively his min damage will either be 2 normally or 3 with the :ram on flip.

  16. There is not much you can do wrong with Perdita.

    Depending on the strategies you can drop any one of these models for anything else. I could see dropping an austringer for a Death Marshal so Papa stays alive longer. Even throwing in Nino to deny any scheme that requires an interact would do you a lot of good. You have so much family on the board I'm surprised he is not on your list.

    Think about playing around with Diestro on Francisco, especially if you are pairing him with Perdita. Because Diestro gives all Sh attacks against models engaged with him :+fate and Perdita's Pistol is a Sh:ranged and Sh:melee. Also you don't have to randomize for him if your family, which means about half your list can shoot into his engagements(More so if they are within Austringer Range).

    I find two austringers to not be fun to play against, but that is a personal choice on my part and has nothing to do with the strength of the list.

  17. 2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    The triggers are a big part of what I like about trappers. The summoning isn't super reliable but can be a nice distraction. The trick is to not try and shoot people in their deployment zone turn one because that gets you charged. It's more about making it unapetizing for them to move into a certain area of the board that is important to the game.

    Its post like this that remind me how much Chess has prepped me for this game. It doesn't matter if a rook cannot attack anything if that rook is limiting where your opponent can place their pieces.

    • Like 1
  18. 18 hours ago, Myyrä said:

    How did you place those 4 (scheme?) markers when he can't interact during the first turn?


    18 hours ago, Hagisman said:

    I "From the Shadowed" him onto the building near my opponent's side of the field and after turn 1 I was able to have 4 objective markers inside(all outside of 4 inches of each other).

    After turn 1. Meaning by turn 5 I had 4 markers in that spacious building.

  19. I always end up taking them at the worst time(when make them suffer or new equivalent).

    The best situation I had with him was when my opponent and I defined that there was a second story building. I "From the Shadowed" him onto the building near my opponent's side of the field and after turn 1 I was able to have 4 objective markers inside(all outside of 4 inches of each other). I got breakthrough and protect territory(Both announced). But that was the best situation. Both my opponent and I agree that it was a jerk move, but still legal.

    Other than that I probably summon on average 2 clockwork traps a game with Pathfinders, which are immediately targeted by my opponent. But I find they are good for protecting markers. I also believe they are peons with an engagement range so they can be used to deny Interference points.

    I like to focus and shooting an enemy engaged by a clockwork trap with them. Their damage track is good and they could blast.

    • Like 1
  20. 6 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Since the mounted guard doesn't have a model you could swap it for two hounds. The watcher should definetly be Luna unless the entire board is some sort of flyers dream where you can reach untouchable places. ... Can't remember what Aionius does or if you had some specific synergy in mind with the guard but ai figured the marshal was a staple so I krpt it in.

    Yeah the watcher is just my go to for scheme running. I kind of auto include it now, but will likely swap out for Luna.

    Mounted Guards have the Cavalry Charge ability which allows Aionus and McCabe to move with their charge. And if you get a :mask on his melee he can chain activate any nearby friendly model. They are on par with the Hunter in my opinion as far as minions go.

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