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Posts posted by Hagisman

  1. I've only played Sonnia Criid about 5 times with a combination of box sets(Lucius and Hoffman stuff). But if you just want to have a budgeted list that can fair slightly better here is my compiled list for you with minimum number of purchases:

    Guild - 50ss Crew

    Sonnia -- 6SS Cache
    +Counterspell Aura - 1ss
    +Reincarnation - 1ss
    +Cherufe's Imprint - 1ss

    • Purfying Flame - 3ss
    • Brutal Emissary - 10ss
      +Conflux Of Incineration - 0ss
    • Samael Hopkins - 9ss
      +Witch Hunt - 2ss
    • Witchling Handler - 8ss
      +Disrupt Magic - 2ss
    • Witchling Stalker - 5ss
    • Witchling Stalker - 5ss


    Sonnia, Purifying Flame, Hopkins, and the Stalkers are all in the Box Set. You own the Witchling Handler.

    The only purchase you would need to do is make a Brutal Emissary Proxy, unless you own/purchase Sonnia's Avatar.

    The list itself has two summoning models; Sonnia and Handler. And the list also gives out a lot of burning while still being within theme. Its definitely not the best list as Samael Hopkins is very fragile for a 9ss model and a few of the upgrades are probably not useful, but it could be a good start.

  2. Yeah, the list I built was alright, but it fell apart early on against my opponent. The main issue was Aionus was diverted and he couldn't stand up against the Corphee/Corphee Duet. But all in all the game was the closest I had against an opponent who normally won.

  3. 1 hour ago, Vilicate said:

    I play Guild Lucius quite a bit.  I'd even go as far to say he's my favorite Guild Master; and probably my second favorite master overall (after Collodi, who he plays a lot like).

    I've been running him with 3 Guild Hounds in a Hunting Pack, roving the board, laying down scheme markers; all while tying up big, bad melee models with Lucius, and charging them with the dogs (who are surprisingly good melee models with the +flip from Lucius).  Since I often run him with Legalese, I can really hammer my opponent's scheme running at the end of the game (so not so great for Gaining Grounds, but good for the rulebook missions).

    Meanwhile, I've got a back line of Riflemen and Dashel, blasting away at whatever threats are (currently) rearing their ugly heads.  The two lawyers I usually take are playing midfield, one behind the Lucius hunting pack and one hanging out around the riflemen, in case Lucius wants to command them to do something.

    I've seen a lot of tactics and whatnot pan Lucius for being hard to use or people feel like he's not good...I think he's really, really solid.  Once you realize that it's not about him, and about using him to get your other models to kill stuff, he's great.

    I'll try and run a list like this and see if makes me more comfortable with Lucius in 2016. I used to run him a lot, but knowing that someone is still getting a lot out of him(granted rulebook schemes, but still) will keep me from abandoning him completely.

    Current List i'll try out for Reconnoiter/Interference:

    Guild - 50ss Crew

    Lucius -- 5SS Cache
    +Secret Assets - 2ss

    • Captain Dashel - 9ss
    • Guild Hound - 3ss
    • Guild Hound - 3ss
    • Guild Hound - 3ss
    • Guild Lawyer - 6ss
    • Guild Lawyer - 6ss
    • Guild Rifleman - 5ss
    • Guild Rifleman - 5ss
    • Nino Ortega - 7ss


  4. 1 hour ago, TeoKoz said:

    I want to use it to drop Francisco with Diestro on some model, then shoot its face off with no chance to respond (like companioning a Rifleman or something).

    Lucius gets charged, drop Francisco in on Lucius's activation. Lucius then Issues Command on first Rifleman(hopefully with :ram for focus), then Issues Command on second Rifleman (hopefully with :ram for focus) . O action to Hidden Sniper. Companion Guild Rifleman.

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  5. What Lackeys are For seems to me like an often overlooked action. i've used it all the time to get Francisco or Executioner within Melee range. Especially Francisco if I'm engaged as he can then get Flurry off.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Aeglos said:

    So the choice is now is to decide between

    Austringers (but I really don't like how they look :D) or Hounds (which are adorable) for scheme running.




    The Hoffman crew box.


    A Sonnia player's advice would be most welcome :)

    My suggestion is to go with the Hoffman box, but that is mostly due to the sheer amount of win that box is made of. Hunters, Watcher, and Guardian are some of the best Guild models.

    Barring that Hounds are cheap, but situational in my opinion. They do better with McCabe/Luna. And Peacekeeper will be hard to fit into lists unless you build around him.

    First thing I'd suggest is get a 50mm and make a really good Proxy/Conversion for your brutal Emissary.

  7. The Brutal Emissary will help you get those little cretins that have hidden out of line of sight with Sonnia's conflux. Ranged Burning +1 that ignores line of sight. :D

    For mobile scheme runners you can look at:

    • Guard Sergeants - They can throw Scheme Markers around.
    • Guild Austringers - They can allow models to move and interact
    • Guild Hounds - They are just fast scheme runners, but require another hound nearby to lose insignificant. But they also can 1 action Charge enemies near scheme markers.
    • Watchers - Fast scheme runner, but fragile.

    For scheme marker denial:

    • Executioner - His 0 action destroys scheme markers
    • Hunters - They can push at end of turn to get closer to enemy scheme markers.
    • Peacekeeper - Destroys scheme markers with a tactical.
  8. 4 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    I'm not sure I get it. Is the emmissary used for some sort of alpha strike? As long as McCabe goes after the emmissary (and additional bonus-walker) he can just bring the upgrade home automatically when he activates. It's a free walk compared to the other options.

    But when does the Upgrade return to him?

    If its when he activates he might be starting with 3 Upgrades and cannot return the upgrade. If its an action he can take then he is fine. I'm still learning McCabe so I might be wrong.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    The real question here is why you don't start with the badge of speed on the emissary? It is also 2ss.

    You'd probably want to get its reactivate off on a Minion model before giving it to the Emissary. Granted turn 1 either McCabe or Emissary will have to throw away an upgrade for the other to toss one to them. Both would start at capacity for upgrades in a perfect world.

  10. 2 minutes ago, LunarSol said:

    Gmorts has a good listing of this that includes upgrades in the max, but this is very nicely formatted.  Do the faction averages take into account the boxes listed elsewhere (and in odd cases, the loss of models from the boxes)?

    The list is actually taken from Gmorts. The averages, median, and mode were added by me. Tara was marked as Rezzer on his page, but that doesn't affect any of the values I've added.

    Yes, the numbers do take into account the cross faction masters.

  11. 17 hours ago, Bucket Monkey said:

    For me hunting party tends to be the Emmisary first up. With  Sonnia, McCabe and Justice he's a no brainier.  I'd always take the master specific upgrade so except for mccabes where he normally gets Glowing Sabre as his bonus upgrade, he wouldn't be good for show of force, even then I'm more likely to give that to a guild hound, warden or brutal effigy 

    I don't understand giving the Emissary Glowing Sabre. I always give him Elixer of Life. Regen +2 and his Strategy Regen makes him nigh unkillable.

  12. Faction Master Total SS Models Sec. Faction Faction only Stats  
    Arc Colette 32 9        
      Ironsides 32 6        
      Kaeris 21 6        
      Marcus 34 6     # of SS # of Models
      Ramos 42 10   Average 29.375 6.875
      Raspy 25 6   Median 29.5 6
    #4 Sandeep 22 6 * Mode 32 6
    Grem Mah tucket 29 6        
      Ophelia 33 8        
      Som'er 25 8        
      Brewmaster 31 6 10t   # of SS # of Models
      Ulix 29 6   Average 29.625 6.5
      Wong 28 6   Median 29.5 6
    #4 Zip 30 6   Mode 29 6
    Guild Hoffman 28 6        
      Lady J 30 6        
      Lucius 31 7 Nvr   # of SS # of Models
    #4 Nellie 23 6   Average 28.125 6.375
      Perdita 32 6   Median 28.5 6
      Sonnia 27 6   Mode #N/A 6
    Nvr Collodi 33 9        
      Lilith 25 6        
      Pandora 36 7     # of SS # of Models
      Dreamer 23 9   Average 29.25 6.875
      Mama Z 32 6 Grm Median 31 7
    #4 Titania 33 6   Mode 33 6
    Out Hamelin 22 10        
      Daw 28 6        
      Levi 26 9     # of SS # of Models
      Viks 32 7   Average 28.375 7.125
      Von Schills 34 7   Median 27.5 6.5
    #4 Parker 27 6   Mode 27 6
    Resser Kirai 14 7        
      McM 29 7 Guild      
      Molly 22 6        
      Nico 33 7     # of SS # of Models
    #4 Reva 30 7   Average 25.625 6.5
      Tara 27 6 Out Median 26.5 6.5
      Seamus 26 6   Mode #N/A 7
    Ten Lynch 21 5 Nvr      
    #4 Asami 26 6        
      McCabe 25 7 Guild      
      Mei Fang 27 6 Arc   # of SS # of Models
      Misaki 31 6 Out Average 27 6.125
      ShenLong 31 7   Median 26.5 6
      Yan Lo 24 6 Rez Mode 31 6
      *Note: Sandeep's box set includes an 8ss model that cannot be hired. As such the box is really 30ss, but only 22ss hireable.
      Total Overview        
        # of SS # of Models      
      Average 28.28261 6.717391        
      Median 28.5 6        
      Mode 32 6        
      # of Modes 5 27        
      Standard Dev. 4.897451 1.186274        


    • Like 5
  13. I play McMourning different than most people I know. I see him as a jack-of-all trades type.

    He is more durable than Lady J, but fills the same role for me. But McM is more of a solo master than Lady J in my opinion.

    The Nurse/Witchling Stalker combo while good is not necessary to what makes him awesome. Removing the Paralyze after healing with the Nurse is great.

    McM's Plastic Surgery/Judge combo is good, but I've never gotten it to go off.

    McMourning's poison output in Guild is not as high as rezzer and he does not have any summoning. His main compensation for this is the ability to fling out Ignore Armor, but he does well with just on his own. The Emissary and Sebastian help immensely with this.

  14. One thing I'd like to see is more acceptance not only of race and gender(these are not typically a problem in my area), but also of the LGBT community. I've heard stories at conventions of wargamers in other games who came out as LGBT, but left the hobby soon after. Each story had different reasons for not going to tournaments or game nights any more.

    I feel this might be more of at the store level as that's where wargames are typically played. I'd like it if maybe a henchman or two could just put on a demo poster at a store or on their forum post that they are accepting of LGBT. I know I wouldn't mind. Hell there probably is someone out there doing it and props to them if they are.

    • Like 4
  15. On 12/16/2015 at 11:24 AM, baggined said:

    So I currently have the Brewmaster and Wong crews, and I'd really like to pick up Trixiebelle.  I'm just unsure whether I should look for someone selling her single or actually pick up the Mah Tucket box.  Does anyone have any opinions on what Mah does that would get me interested enough in playing her that it would make sense in me picking up the whole box?

    From what the Gremlin player told me about her, she is the best support master since she affects all models regardless of range and line of sight. And hits like Lady J. But this is from a non-gremlin perspective.

  16. I'm getting into a Theory Faux mood as of late and it's made me want to re-evaluate the benefits of Enforcers. What with the new Schemes benefiting them more this has become a bit easier. My feelings right now boil down to 3 types of enforcers; those that are kill-y for Hunting Party, those that have staying power for Show of Force, and those that are both. I might look at this in depth later on, but what do you guys think? Which Enforcers work better at Hunting Party than Show of Force?

    Right now the Emissary and Executioner are on my Hunting Party list, but McCabe's Brutal Emissary might be more Hunting Party because he can take a McCabe upgrade.

    All Guild Enforcer List:

    Abuela Ortega
    Brutal Emissary
    Guard Sergeant
    Nino Ortega
    Nurse Heartsbane
    Pale Rider
    Papa Loco
    Santiago Ortega
    The Lone Marshal
    Witchling Handler
  17. 7 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    Taking some stalkers in your perdita crew might help with getting value for them.

    They're not good enough compared to other models without buffing witchlings but I figured the original post wasn't exactly aiming at winning the masters but more likely trying something new to escape the inevitable boredom of playing similar lists every game.

    Yeah. It's mostly I've bought the models and I want to use them more. Honestly a lot of Guild's "support" models are over-costed, imo. But I want to see how they could work outside of their "default" crew.

    The two models that come to mind are the Witchling Handlers and Dashel.

  18. I just bought the Witchlig Handlers and I was going over the back of their card. Only one ability and one trigger strictly call out the Witchling Stalker. (The trigger being to summon more)

    looking at the rest of the card they seem to synergize well with Minions in general. The only downside I see is that they are 8ss. But honestly they might be worth having at least one.

    i can see taking them in a Lucius crew and even in a Perdita one. 

    Lucius seems like a good call especially with the movement tricks she can do to push models around.

    My idea with Perdita is to have her walk up to a nearby Nino 0 action to give him burning to attacks(no limit on who gets it) and have him Hair trigger to give out Burning 3. 

    Im bad with list theory just based off of movement tricks so I could be completely off base. What do you tacticians think?

  19. 21 minutes ago, LunarSol said:

    I was going to comment on Lucius being able to buff Illuminated in his other faction and then... yeah :unsure:

    If there is one thing I've realized when playing Guild is that a lot of our Duel Faction Masters are more suited to their Non-Guild sides. This is complete conjecture though as I am the only Guild player in my group and those Guild players who come from nearby I don't get to talk to too often.

    The power levels across faction are pretty close together in my opinion. Though I'll agree now that Enforcer and Henchman based crews have gotten a major boost which has pushed Lucius's Minion style down to a lower tier of play.

  20. 2 hours ago, LunarSol said:

    As much as I like Dashel and a pair of Riflemen, I can't help but feel like 9 SS is too much to pay for the ability they feel designed around.  Austringers do less certainly, but the 7 SS left over can really make up the difference.  

    Its the force multiply factor of Dashel that you are paying for and he doesn't do it well. Although it does look good on paper, usually its not the best thing for your crew to do.

    How to Guild Rifleman with Dashel:

    • Activate Dashel(Do whatever with him)
    • Companion a nearby Guild Rifleman.
    • While no Enemies Nearby:
      • Wk towards.
    • If enemy nearby
      • 0 action focus from Dashel
      • If target is in cover
        • 1 action Focus
      • Else
        • 1 action Shoot
      • If AP is left then 1 action Focus

    This will result in +:ram:ram for Dashel being activated and using a focus action. Minimum damage will be 3, unless you flip another :ram.

    Continue with the Lucius Follow Up:

    • Lucius 1 action Move
    • Commanding Presence the Guild Rifleman who takes a horror duel and hopefully passes
    • If target is still alive
      • 1 action shoot
    • If target is dead
      • 1 action Move towards next target.
    • Next Lucius Issues command
      • If no Card >= 7 in hand
        • Stone for :+fate
      • If no Card >= 7:ram in hand
        • Stone for Ram
      • If Card >= 7:ram
        • 1 action Issue Command
    • Guild Rifleman then:
      • If :ram issue command and within range of Target
        • Gain focus and 1 Action Shoot
      • If :ram issue command and no target within range
        • Gain Focus and 1 action to either Walk or Defensive

    If you get your cards right you can get equivalent of 3 activations out of one model with a Sh action with min 3 damage. But at the cost of 2 AP from Lucius.

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