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Everything posted by Clawz

  1. I have a design-based recommendation: on the white-background one, change the text to just black, not white outlined in black. It dances too much and makes it hard to read.
  2. Another option I might put forth: The Angler fish teeth are basically hollow and transparent looking. Perhaps just a slightly lighter colour than the surrounding flesh up towards the point, and then a thin, just in the crack white wash at the base? That way the teeth themselves looks like it's made from the same 'stuff' as the rest, of the creature, but is.. perhaps harder or more dangerous.
  3. Thanks for the compliments. I too found them the most difficult to colour-determine. Trying to imitate the random mix of outfit colours common folk would wear is... challenging. I recommend just drab everything. Think military paints or 'faded'. Good luck!
  4. At long last, after a few revisions, my Torakage are finally done! As always, you can find my rambling about how I painted them, plus luxurious 1500x1000px images on my blog here. For those who don't wish to endure a wall of text, or are just wondering if the link is worth clicking on, here's a teaser image to whet your appetite: From Torakage And finally, the rest of my work to date on the Ten Thunders are available in all kinds of places! Oiran: Wyrd Forums and Blog. Ten Thunders Archers: Wyrd Forums and Blog. As always, feedback, questions, and comments welcome!
  5. *bow* many thanks folks. I am so eager to get this crew finished, so I can finish the Viktorias, and play this game with my fiancee! She's scratch-building a Lord Chompy Bits, so it'll take longer for her to get her crew up and running.
  6. Hah you went red with Misaki too! Nice fire effects on Shang: He's tough to get to look like he's properly fire and not just weirdly orange...
  7. Hello Fine Folks of Wyrd After much work and freehand and photographing, I can bring you my next sub-group for the Ten Thunders crew; the Oiran! From Oiran Finshed I know you'd like more photos, and more close-up shots of the lovely ladies, and you can find them over on Counting Rivets my blog! Next come the Torakage, then Misaki herself with her brother, her mentor, and her friend!
  8. It is time for an update! I have finally taken pictures of the 'finished' archers. (quotes because let's be honest, they're never 100% done..) You can find the update on my blog of course, here: http://therivetcounter.blogspot.ca/2013/10/ten-thunders-archers.html And, because sometimes it's not easy to read through a whole blog, here's a teaser image; one of the three to convince you to check out m'blog or he'll shoot you in the face! From Ten Thunders Finished
  9. Grr, for some reason my post wouldn't go up and needed a 'moderator to approve it' so here's a second attempt at the same... Dracomax: Don't despair of it! I put up steps so other folks (if they like it) can follow along! Find some random extra bitz to practice on (or, if you're like me, one of the hundred-some models that have become 'bitz' >.<) RagingRodian: I am being as accurate as I can considering it's a blend of Japanese and Chinese: Where the outfits are perfectly historical, like with the archers, I'm going to push the accuracy. Looser ones, like the Oiran, get a more... creative interpretation. I'll have more stuff up by the end of the weekend I hope. I'm attempting Yakuza-style tattoos on the archers at the moment, and am not entirely happy with how it looks on one of them. Their clothes are pretty much done though!
  10. Dracomax noo! Don't despair! A lot of the stuff is just tricks and experimentation. Feel absolutely free to borrow my method, and wrap it into the stuff you can pull off! (It's why I'm forthcoming with methods: I don't just want pretty models, I want to play against them too! ) RagingRodian: I determined that similar to how the Ten Thunders are a hybrid mix of Japanese and Chinese (with some extra thrown in) I would be historical-ish. Basically, where I can geek out and go 100% historical, I would. Where I couldn't, I just do what 'feels' right. So far it hasn't steered me too wrong! Another update should be coming by (I hope) the weekend. I'm painting their Yakuza-style tattoos now, and I think they're working for the most part. I've been putting off doing their clothes because I will need to (want to?) do pinstripes on one, and if I screw that up, I'll have to repaint the entire kimono... In the meantime, anyone who wants to see what the Archers were very distinctly themed off of, here's a video showing it: ...and a historical (though colourized by someone) photograph of three archers at practice: http://theinfinitecurve.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/kyudoka-japanese-archers-c1860-photo-chopshop.jpg
  11. Hey folks, I've lurked a bit, and decided I finally had something worth sharing! I've been working for some time now on a Ten Thunders crew, self-delaying because I am obsessed with making them look historically accurate. To that end, here's a blog post where I talk about making their helms. If you look elsewhere on the blog, you can find a post regarding converting bases, and one about painting patterns; I'll have more as I have stuff I feel is worth photographing. http://therivetcounter.blogspot.ca/2013/10/ten-thunder-archer-helms-at-last.html From Malifaux Clothes
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