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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. 1 minute ago, Kobayashi said:

    So... will Ripples see more Masters or just more options... I wonder, I wonder...

    From this picture, we can glean the Truth!

    The truth that most man-frog monsters seem to be unaware of the dangers of smoking. Or that there is a particular breed spawned in Flavor Country.

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  2. Night Terrors are cheap, mobile minions, which helps with Recon/interference and even turf war/extraction. 

    Night Terrors are great with Kirai, as they are excellent targets for spirit swirling, summoning nodes (since they're cheap), and targets for her casting boost ability in a pinch. I'll gladly trade a Night Terror for a Hanged if need be. 

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  3. It's a free mini for playing a fun game. I think it's a neat thing that Sean does. If you don't want to use the mini in the game post Adepticon, put it on a cake pillar and paint it like a statue on a column. As a pro tip, the Games Workshop 25mm slotta base fits pretty perfectly into the hole in most cake pillars.

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  4. Spaces continue to dwindle, so get yours now!

    I'm fresh from a terrain day this past weekend, and we're actively working on our new town terrain set! We'll have quaint thatched roofed cottages to fight over! The buildings are good at breaking up sightlines, leading to more tactical games.

    We also had very large ponds that dominated our Bayou Still boards, and we wanted to make them less of a burden, but also still keep the theme and the severe terrain aspect. So we've started working on smaller ponds to add to our larger pond terrain set, leading to more varied tables.

    In addition to that, we worked up a few fences we can easily cast in order to mass produce them, so we'll see an increase of height one soft cover, a terrain type we wanted to increase from last year.

    Check out the progress at the Road to Nova blog!




    On 3/16/2016 at 6:30 AM, DaRedWun said:

    Just one thing: Please make this compatible with Malifaux.

    If only so we can put all these chars with giant swords in an arena and go "Let them fight!"

    As cool as that would be, it would be a nightmare to balance. Perhaps these certain models could proxy between the games, but total crossover... I don't think it would ve practically possible.

  6. 2 hours ago, apes-ma said:

    Are you making Jack killy by using the charge trick (put on firing squad injustice with the first attack, then rip it off with the second)? I'm most interested in trying the effigy with Jack since I feel like the cover will be useful, but I haven't worked out how to make Jack particualrly killy (disclaimer: I am very new to the game, and I still have a LOT to learn with Jack) - I find myself needing cards/suits with him though so the extra SS could be really handy if I can get him to start merking models.

    Charge jack in when target is in base with a Tormented Model, 1st attack, apply curse, 2nd attack, keep curse on, (0) tormented model to attack, 3rd attack, rip it off.

  7. Spider Swarms eat scheme markers, no? Given the amount of Scheme Markers likely to be out there, those might be a worthy investment for Pariah of Iron Leve, Performers would likely be excellent purchases for scheme marker shenanigans as well in a more general way.

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