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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Games and Stuff in Glen Burnie, MD is holding the third tournament in its Tournament Series on 5/21/16.

    Sign up begins at 11:00 am, and games begin at noon. There will be prizes for 1st and 2nd place for both play and painting, and the last place award for those that stuck through the entire tournament while being at the bottom table. There will be three two hour rounds, with a lunch break between 1&2, and a short break between 2&3 (15 minutes). There is a $10 entry fee, and experienced, casual, and beginning players are invited!

    The following link is to the scenario packet:

  2. On 12/4/2015 at 10:24 AM, Argentbadger said:

    Lovely painting all round.  The white on Ikiryo is really smooth - do you use lots of thin layers or is there some other way to get the effect?

    My favourite is Lust though.

    I pretty much prime black and then build up layers of color in thin layers. She started from a light brown leather color. I also glazed a very thinned down devlan mud into the folds of her cloth after I had built up all the layers. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Legend said:

    I looked at Leveticus, but the fact you absolutely had to have the Waifs (to my knowledge) put me off him a bit - plus the character himself, although pretty cool, doesn't appeal to me as much as others.

    Tara I was seriously considering to begin with, but again I'm just not a fan of the whole spirit thing (I'm not sure if the Nothing Beast and Void Wrteches are actually spirits, but.. they're spirit-like-things.) Perhaps if you can build her with the more humanoid ressurectionist/outcast models, then she would be a definite possibility.

    I don't use the Nothing Beast. Void Wretches are amazing scheme runners and should be in every Outcast master's toolkit. Move 5 incorporeal is great. Rusty Alyce is my goto, plus Trappers/other Freikorp.

  4. Round 2 was some guy named Don Johnson. Or Dan or something like that. Something something podcast, something something Before We Begin.

    I went with my Brewie 10T list.

    Brewie, Misdirection, Binge, Hold Their Hair Back


    Chiaki with Pull of the Grave


    Malifaux Child


    Ama No Zaku, recalled training

    Shadow Effigy

    Dan was using:

    Nicodem aka Nico-crutch, with some nonsense


    Morty with Corpse Bloat

    Carrion Emmissary Because it's amazing


    In a surprise move: Crooligans!

    This one was Extraction with Standard Deployment. I chose Search the Ruins and Catch and Release.

    I think Dan chose some killy scheme and Catch. Dan, correct me if I'm wrong.

    This was a terrain choked board and had a lot of narrow corridors,  which worked to my advantage in containing threats and allowing me to not worry about a lot of threats. Once I got going standing on the spot, it was difficult for Dan to get any head way. Brewie kept passing off attacks via misdirection when he didn't win initiative, and passed out of lot of attacks to his crew. I threw Ama to the wolves early, well, in Niko's face, really, and slowed the summoning engine for a turn, nearly killing the [wonderful person]. I herded the extraction point away from Dan, and used Brewie's abilities to hand out AP to his crew to get catch and release on a ton of models. I also used Brewie's heal to just have my models not die. Tanner's no cheat arua drained his hand and AP, and he was generally annoying. 

    I felt very much in control of the game, but the game took longer to play than I would have liked. By the clock, Dan beat me, as we ended a turn just past the 15 min threshold. If it had gone another turn, I feel I would have won outright, but Dan was dropping anyway, so... Winrar?

    • Like 2
  5. Round 1: Shen Long vs Collette

    Shen Long - Misdirect, Words on the River, Wandering River

    Samurai x 2 Jigoku/Earth

    Sniper x 2

    Shadow Effigy

    2 Tengu



    Collette, some nonsense, practiced production

    December Acolyte

    Silent one

    Myranda, imbuded energies

    Some other shenanigans and nonsense.


    Nathan and I played on one of the Dark Carnival Boards. I deployed first, at the top part of the L for the majority of my stuff, and my snipers a bit forward as bait. He, however, put his Acolyte in LoS of Shen Long and behind cover. I didn't think much of it, he fired twice, dropped two cards from my hand, and generally made me sad. And then the prompting happened. Three more attacks drained my hand utterly, stole ap from me, and made his first turn Miranda/cerberus based sniper murder possible. I was entirely outclassed, and out played. The Acolyte survived for three rounds, simply because I couldn't get the final wound off of it in round two. Nathan was a great player and ROFLstomped me.

    LESSON Learned: Kill the Acolyte first. Having no control hand for defense makes the rest somewhat insurmountable. The resource drain inherent in that model is ridiculous when married to prompt.

    • Like 1
  6. Take Mortimer with McMourning. Use Plastic Surgery.  Have a crooligan deployed near a point you want the crew to get to. Deploy all your living models near Mcmourning and in LOS of the crooligan. Use Fresh Meat; move your entire crew to the point where the crolligan is. Since Morty could be undead as well (yay, Plastic Sugery!) he can push off of it as well. It's a very efficient use of AP.  Use that and take corpse bloat on morty to get that Corpse counter as a zero.

    • Like 4
  7. Here's what I used at Adepticon to my own personal delight: 

    Ama as leader (more SStones that way) + Oathkeeper



    Malifaux Child

    Oathkeeper gives more attacks = more change to heal, Hannah has heals from Libby, or an extra attack, Child has a heal

    The child is there because I need four models, but he doesn't do all that bad if you can get middling rams in your hand

    Plus Hannah give you arcane reservoir and a high WP to take on tricky opponents. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Littlewicked said:

    Everyone saying Molly for these models what about Lucius.  They are minions and I could see him using them to muck about the board.  I can see them having the chatty ability which makes sense on a reporter model

    A minion with chatty? Hmmm... Seems powerful.

  9. Games and Stuff is holding the second of its Tournament series on April 9, 2016.

    Saturday,  Apr  9,  2016

    Games and Stuff,  7385  Baltimore  Annapolis  Blvd, Glen  Burnie,  MD  21061,  United  States 

    Malifaux  2E  Tournament

    3  rounds,  50  soulstones,  fixed  faction

    Gaining  Grounds  2016  will  be  used.  The  latest document  can  be  found  here:  http://wyrd-gam es.net/resources

    Registration  will  open  at  11:00am.  Round  1  will start  at  12:00pm. Rounds will  be  2  hours  with  an  additional  15 minutes  for  setup. •      There  will  be  a  15  minute  break  between  rounds. There  will  be  a  1  hour  meal  break  between  round 2  and  round 3. Entry  fee  is  $10.00 Prize  support  will  include  an  official  Wyrd tournament  kit  and  store  gift  cards. This  event  is  a  part  of  the  Malifaux  Tournament Series  at  Games  and  Stuff! •  Every  second  saturday  (baring  scheduling conflicts),  Games  and  Stuff  will  host  a  50SS  M2E Tournament 





  10. "If you see a symbol in the ability score, you get it in addition to whatever you flip. The target number is what you need to succeed. If a suit is in the TN, the suit is required to succeed. It doesn't matter how you get the suits; it just matters that the TN is fulfilled in the end. Of course, if it's an opposed duel, you will need to defeat your opponent AND fulfill the TN to make it work."

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