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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. 14 hours ago, Durza said:

    Carrion Emissary and a Nurse when I was playing ressers,  I'd take them in every list. I stopped for the last few games I played but spent the entire time thinking "If I had Carrion/a Nurse i could have..." 

    For funsies, take two Nurses and a Carrion with the generic Conflux. :+fate on the attack flip makes them rude, and the fact that they can chain into each other....

  2. I'll take the complaints about Reva, and file them in the "Nekima/Collodi/Neverborn In General" Drawer. It's about time we got a scary, scary master in terms of damage. All you have to do is get to her, and she's toast, the same as Asami. It's our job to make that hard as Colossus wearing a diamond overcoat. 

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  3. Remember, a crooligan's place is only 5 inches, meaning the Stake a Claim marker would be in range to be removed once the crooligan interacts again. It's the same with the Necropunk who has a 6 inch leap. When the (2) interact is done, all Claim Markers in six inches of the model interacting are removed, friend *AND* foe. So, neither can get far enough away. I think Sulirids leap farther, and therefore are Stake a Claim champs.


    Oh, I agree, but this situation can easilly be mitigated on deployment so as to not be able to reach the master and terrain is still a thing. You will cause mayhem against someone not on guard, but once people get savy I'd expect it to be a lot less useful to send the candle forward that much instead of keeping it closer to the centre or next to objectives.

    I'd agree. I that's why I lean toward the other limited.


    Again, what stops sonnia from immediately activating out ofthe radius.

    Absolutely nothing, but it forces her to spend AP moving in a direction she might not wish to. It might cause her to activate Sonia before she has any valid targets. Your opponent is reacting to you, not acting against you. And any AP she spends on walking is not an AP spent on blasting...

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    I'm a little confused about how you managed to attack Sonnia with Reva threw the Candle's corpse with those activations... It doesn't seem like Sonnia would be in range of attacks through the corpse unless she walked into range herself. 

    I think the play is that you move it first activation, and then use its zero, killing it and dropping a corpse marker within 3 inches of your target. 

  7. Regarding the new upgrades, the answer is no, for the sake of consistency. The upgrades are new, unfamiliar to most, and that spells disaster for competitive events. They *ARE* legal in the Narrative, as are all Wave 4 models.

    Speaking of Wave 4 models, Aionus is the exception to the rest of the Wave 4 models, but for good reason. He is not a new model, having been released early. Most of us have familiarity with him, or at least have been given a chance to get familiar with him. In that context, Maht and I can see no reason he would not be allowed.

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