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Posts posted by Ludvig

  1. any news about the re-open of the henchman program?

    I'm pretty sure you won't miss it since it would probably pop up as a new thread on this part of the forum started by one of the officials and generate a ton of comments. A lot of people are waiting with you.

    • Like 1
  2. I think he has become my new "when playing against new players" master. I think he is far too restricted and feels like a henchman level. The master level is kinda lost on him. Apart from Secret Assets. Plant explosives in the pool? Done 1st Turn, 3vp.

    I think more and more Guild Stuff is "Lucius-focused". Orderlies are really good minions. The Emissary with Conflux can give you a lot of free SS with his 0 action (minions activating near him heal 3 HP) and Lucius with Backstab becomes a decent Melee beater with max 4/5/6 dmg and very possible 3/4/5

    Yup, things are looking better and better for him. It still means he is sort of restricted since you need to start every list with the same 10ss model and keep a "battery" or two around as well as need to cheat a highish ram for the heal every turn and keep a strict activation order. It's sort of ironic that he will need to do a bubble play since his "thing" is that he can command stuff from further away than the other masters in his book. With book 3 stuff out and hopefully some Wardens reappearing with an awesome sculpt I think we will be seing him functioning as intended. I am going to play him to death against anyone letting me proxy the Emmissary.

    I would still have a hard time recommending him as a staple 1 of 3 masters when considering how many of "his" models aren't out yet. Also - why can't we have Freikorps Trappers without buying double copies of the entire Von Schill box :( 

  3. What masters and models have you tried? How does it avoid the rooting? Both the Golem and Langston are absolutely disgusting to face but unless we know how they unroot it's hard to help.

    Out activating to keep him too far away from hurting anything and using a Teddy/Nephilim with retribution's eye seems like something I would try. Zoraida springs to mind since she can give extra AP to position your hitter from a safe place to within charge range (after the golem has activated). If playing against Ramos it can be hard to out-activate, at least after early turns but you should be able to deal with the Golem t1. The voodoo doll along with a couple of nurses are usually quite successful in shutting stuff down.

    The Widow Weaver should counter the Golem somewhat by being hard to hit and smacking it back forcefully, especially if Mr Loco gives her + to dmg (Zoraida again).

    There are some mercs with relic hammers I believe.

    If you can't out-range it altogether (let's face it, Imbued energies makes that impossible) you need to feed it something that forces it to get stuck within range of your counter. 

    You know that with brilliance on the golem a 7ss Illuminated hits almost as hard? Collodi can also do all sorts of fun stuff with his attacks and can easily force the golem to have to hit chaff with hard to kill, now that dmg isn't so scary anymore.

  4. Thanks for the tips Eclipse. I have most of the guild faction and some odds and ends in neverborn but haven't had time to build and paint much of my neverborn.

    If I was going for reckoning I might just use an austringer instead of a rifleman. Even with 14" range most crews have things that can engage you from really far away. When I field my own riflemen they often have trouble with freikorps trappers or katanaka snipers, austringers can hide from those and still shoot. Another problem is that most schemes require you to leave your deployment zone and as soon as you do that the enemy beatsticks can hide in engagement with something.

    I'm not sure how summoning changelings will help me give up less kills to my opponent? Please elaborate.

    @Barnes: I think there were some pandora specific tips above you could try out. You might also try models with fewer wounds but higher stats perhaps Vasilisa/Widow Weaver? I haven't fought hanged spam with Nvb but hanged are tough. I usually try to block LoS to the best targets. If you feel like an all or nothing approach you could use stitched together against hanged, that should have your opponent sweating. ;)

  5. The campaign was never meant to be balanced, more of a narrative experience for your group to enjoy the storytelling. There is a reason avatars still don't exist within the larger "standard" ruleset. You just have to hope the event doesn't coincide with Lilith's avatar being in the campaign or enjoy the show if it does.


    Lucius can do anything fairly well, given that he takes the right crew. To have a killy and balanced crew take some Rifleman and Dashel or Pathfinders with him as ranged units.

    Wow! If you feel Lucius heavily invested in riflemen is an good master for someone having trouble with reckoning you need to give me a few tips!

    In my experience riflemen and pathfinders aren't exactly what you would call sturdy models and you usually find yourself giving up way to many points and not scoring enough yourself. There is an awful lot of models in this game that can one-shot a rifleman. Illuminated and Geists are a different story.

    The few reckoning games I have played as Neverborn I have had some success with Zoraida but I have a very limited model pool in the faction (Lucius and Zoraida are my only masters).

    The posters above have some great tips. I have been utterly destroyed by both Pandora and Lilith and Nvb as a whole have some very nice combos of killy and survivable in one model.

    In my eyes reckoning is one of the strategies where it's hardest to score a lot of points so you need to think a lot more about denial while eeking out a couple of points by killing off models you have worked on weakening the turn before. Denying enemy scheme points and making sure you get full for your own also becomes super important. It can be a good strategy to up your game and evolve. Think about who your enemy is trying to kill and set it up so you kill it yourself/save it after they poured a ton of AP into it. You can also work on scheme denial.

    Specifically at rvdbarnes: Can you be more specific with what it is about reckoning you don't like? Who/what is you favourite master/models/theme to play generally?

  7. Dear Asmodai

    The pull my finger article on Sonnia actually narrows your choices quite a bit. It basically only mentions models from two other starting boxes (that you generally want to get no matter who you are going to play in Guild since it's the only way to get several staple models that will show up in a lot of lists) and Austringers (who you more or less have to actively avoid when building lists since they are so good you always want them). 

    That being said I have to agree with the people above that you come off as very brusque in your initial post. If you weren't aware this is something we do in our free time to help people out and courtesy goes a long way if you want that free help. If you don't want to read what others have said earlier and want to be served a guide on a silver platter I could give you a private rundown in exchange for a monetary compensation, just PM me.

    I'd try playing a few games according to the tips on PMF, figure out what you feel you are missing and then post again in a more polite way with more specific questions.Hope this helps!

    • Like 3
  8. I'm no expert on playing with gremlins but since you get a discount that encourages you to buy expensive models later in the campaign you might want to switch the bushwhacker for double bayou gremlins. That would also let you take pretty much any marker scheme unannounced and reckless to do it on the last turn while helping with out activating in the first couple of turns if you need to wait out something scary or avoid distract.

  9. It's in addition to the (1) which can be any (1) action.

    I beg to differ on the "no purpose"  What about distracting two models at the same time or removing distract from yourself and applying it, or distracting + cursed-objecting the same model, removing burning +2 etc. You just can't place markers with both actions.

  10. Gremlins.

    Never has a more unpleasant word existed in the English dictionary. Time and again, I find my poor innocent hellspawn on the receiving end of flying pigs, charging pigs and enough ranged damage to make the Death Star feel inferior. Even on the occasions when I move into melee, everything seems to Squeal and run away, before inviting me to inspect the end of a shotgun.

    I know there must be a way to beat them, I'm just finding it a little hard to see. I guess I'm mainly looking for general rather than specific strategies as such. My available models include: (... Shortened)

    One noteable absence from that list is Zoraida, despite having Juju and Silurids. This is partly because her playstyle is a little too similar to Lucius but mostly because she's dual faction with *those* things.

    Halp plix

    I'm noticing what I feel is a lack of the proper neverborn beaters in your list. Where is Teddy and The Mature Nephilim? Teddy has lovely, lovely pushes that cancel squeel and is tough to take down (especially if trying to shoot him when he has Mimic's blessing). The Mature Neph is often considered squishy but can do beautiful things to gremlin support models by charging through the pesky frontliners, it's also nice to one-shot the normal mooks with min damage. Again: Mimic's blessing on this guy makes shooty gremlins sad and you can set him/her up in cover and still charge which is amazing.

  11. As a lot of people have pointed out, other models would probably improve your list more. As someone who regularly plays Sonnia however, I think you should play only sorrows and never anything else ever!

    Even with turf war as your strat and a favourable matchup this list seems one-dimensional and you will probably need at least 2 models concentrating on schemes and not contributing to your bubble. How are your sorrows going to accomplish power ritual or breakthrough?  Add in that a competent opponent will usually try to block off the auras or stay outside the range of some of them and you are probably only using 2-3 sorrows effectively anyway.

  12. They can, be prepared to explain why to your opponent. ;) Be careful when you read your schemes however, Cursed object for example specifies "non-peon".

    Apart from that specific interaction the Pathfinders pack a mean punch if you can keep them alive, armour-ignoring blasts on a 12" ranged attack with that damage track is nothing to be scoffed at. Both models are good for learning when it's worth it to use focus if you are somewhat new. The pathfinder in particular have different jobs each turn depending on your hand since the triggers do very different things.

    Austringers also almost always focus, the exception is if they want to shoot into combat or are engaged themselves. 

    • Like 1
  13. An austringer sending his raptor with a note delivering an order to a non-sentient beartrap that then does whatever it is you do when you interact has to be pretty high up there... I guess the traps lights the fuse of some explosives it had brought. Or maybe it gets them from the bird already lit? Man this gets more and more probable!

    • Like 3
  14. Can't completely any actions but I think it would be refreshing if the new upgrades changed things up entirely. Maybe even dropping the most over-used actions to get a new take entirely on the master.

    Colette loses prompt but gains something else (something less ridiculous preferably).

    Sonnia loses flameburst but gains something still related to fire. I could see her being some sort of buffer/debuffer with the burning condition.

    Nico might lose reanimator to get even more buffs to the stuff he already has or some gimicky attacks that place markers and whatnot.

    Lucius could get an ability that he can actually pull off without cheating AND stoning at the same time...


    The abilities could tie in to the thematic crews since a lot of the models already have strong themes. I also like the idea of opening up for hiring more out of faction models to branch out the theme because lets face it, the designers at Wyrd are nice people but it seems just silly to add tons of stuff to the game that doesn't force us to buy more models. Strong synergy with crossfaction models would reinforce the need to branch out much like crossfaction masters are designed to do so while at the same time add some new angles to our favourite masters.

    • Like 2
  15. 1: More upgrades.

    2: An awesome Guardsman Minion and a Lucius buff.

    3: Make the Executioner an 8 SS Guild Marshal Minion instead (plays into 2.).

    Special wish: Not to be forced to make a Facebook account (which I despise) to keep a friendly, meaningless conversation with my Malifaux buddies.

    With more upgrades I could live with the Executioner staying the same on the card to avoid errata but getting a choice of two really good 0 ss upgrades unique to the model.

    For my number 3 I would like some more generic totems.

    • Like 1
  16. I would diversify your crew. I would stick with only running one stalker to start like you have, just for condition removal if you need it. Otherwise, some good choices are:

    - Austringers (useful in helping others achieve schemes, shooting into combat, doesn't need LOS, generally being annoying)
    - Hunters (can bring your targets closer to your melee, strong in their own right)
    - Death Marshals (unimpeded, can pine box big targets, hard to wound)
    - Maybe a watcher for scheme running if you think you need it.

    Generally anything that can support your slow movement speed and lack of shooting would help you quite a bit I think.



    Very legit advice right there, those four models are fantastic. You might also want to save towards another henchman, The Judge or Ryle are both very solid at range and in melee as well as quite tanky.

    As for the slow part I do believe that Hagisman's starting list has some of the fastest models available in the entire guild so should have no problems running schemes.

    @Hagisman: Have you planned on a particular master?

  17. In Answer to Artic Pangolin, and Ludwig

    Relay Information: The friendly Leader model may draw LoS (but not range) from this model to its target.”

    Unless the Leader is doing an action that will target the model, they are not engaged. We already know from the FAQ that yuo can disengage by just moving out of LOS, without moving out of engagement range (allows you to bypass the need for a disengagign strike). 


    And because of that I don't think you can charge a model on the otherside of the wall (you aren't endding your charge in engagement with the model), but you could walk up to the wall and stab through it. 

    You do not need to end a charge engaged, just "within engagement range".

    The leader can draw LoS from the watcher when targeting something but before targeting you check engagement (so from the master model to another model an no target exists) and if you are engaged you are not allowed to declare a gun attack in the first place so no targeting happens.

  18. I based the decision mostly on the look of the models in the box set and a sprinkling of if the model would play well with the other models I liked the look of. Took me forever to finally decide between a few chosen themes. I used pull my finger to take a look at the play style of the models and see what I would probably like more.

  19. I would also say that since you 'may' draw LoS from the Watcher, the Leader could choose whether or not they were engaged for the purposes of using :ranged actions or making Disengaging Strikes. Cornercase but interesting!

    How did you come to that conclusion? You do not have a target when checking if you are engaged so you will still be engaging/engaged by whatever model you are engaged with normally and thus be disallowed to do the attack in the first place. Additionaly you are not considered to engage the model near the watcher either since engagement is measured from yourself (and the watcher never allows you to measure the range from it, just LoS).

  20. Models don't benefit from cover against :meleebecause the cover rules are specifically defined to only affect :ranged

    My point exactly.
    I believe the watchers abilities are intended for use with shooting, not melee, using it in this way feels like abuse of a hole in the rules hence why I said I would like a ruling, otherwise I wouldn't allow this in a tournament, or at least if it was allowed there would now be line of sight both ways as you've now punched, hacked or smashed holes in a wall.

    So you are fine with Ryle's shots passing through 8" of solid terrain without leaving a way for the enemy to shoot back but he can't punch through a wall? Anyone can shoot through a house or solid ground because of watchers, the ability makes little sense from a logical standpoint.

    As the host of a tournament you are of course free to rule any way you like but I would caution you to try and stick to the actual rules as much as possible. I say this because you and the tournaments you organize might end up unpopular with some players if you ignore rules and make house rules that aren't known far in advance.

    As long as you give a list of house rules to people so they can prepare for it they can't complain so that might be a sollution.

    • Like 1
  21. I know it's been some time but I believe I have found something that can shed some light on some of the things we disagree on (actions in the case of Bengt) and why Abuela can't take an action clearly listed on her card for Solkan.

    Our argument seems to be about the interpretation of the word "printed" more than anything else. I now see that you both have a different definition of this word (that is not defined in any other way in the rules of Malifaux). I see no possible way to resolve this disagreement. I will just leave this argument at us agreeing to disagree. I will keep playing my way, you keep playing your way. We will just have to hope this doesn't show up in a tournament game between us (which is highly unlikely anyway). I will no doubt be seeing you in future discussions on this forum ;) 

    I'm seriously curious how you come to that conclusion. The backstab paragraph is printed on Conflux of Tyrany, I have not disputed this. But Mimic has another requirement, the thing being copied has to be an Action. You obviously think the paragraph is an Action, I don't.

    But I agree that neither of us are going to change our minds short of a FAQ.

    I think I came to that conclusion after discussing printed with Solkan. Now that I have gone back through the discussion in a more rested state I see that you and I had differing views on what an action is while Solkan seems to agree on my definition of an action but not what printed means. Please see my comments on actions below the Solkan quotes.

    Just to clarify: I have never said the entire paragraph is an action. I know the entire paragraph is an ability. I reason that even though it is part of the text of an ability it is still clearly a defined action. I believe that an action can be part of an ability granting it (like Brewmaster and Abuela for example) in exactly the same way that a condition is still a condition even if it is described as part of a trigger for an attack. Since you don't like my collages I will refrain from using one but will try to explain here: 

    Imagine an attack action. Imagine that attack action has a trigger. Imagine that trigger applies a condition. Now triggers and attack actions are described as separate thing on the same page as actions and abilities (the overview of the card (page 20?) So if an action has a trigger that results in a condition being applied - are you saying that no condition exists, no trigger exists and it is only an action since the entire paragraph is clearly an action? I think something can be a part of something else and still be defined as an action, trigger, condition etc. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to declare triggers and you wouldn't be able to apply conditions through triggers or grant actions to other models with abilities (Such as Brewmaster's Take a swig).

    At the bottom of this post is what I think defines an action in malifaux.


    Your explanation fails your own demanded criteria.  Please show me where in the rules that it says Abuela cannot perform Gentle Push since it's an action printed on her card.

    The fact that she has an ability that grants the action to other models does nothing to remove the action from her card.


    Nothing in the rules state that you can automatically take any action printed on your card. You can take the actions printed on the back of your card since that is where the unique actions the model can take are listed.

    Nowhere whatsoever is it stated "a model may take any action printed anywhere on it's card". If an action is listed anywhere other than the list at the back of your card under the headings "attack actions" or "tactical actions" it needs to have text making it available in some way like Abuelas and Brewmasters abilities and most upgrades. The brewmaster can take a swig since everyone in an aura can take it, Abuela can't push herself since only friendlies that aren't the same model can take that action. The Doppleganger however can take any (1) action printed on a card or upgrade, not just the ones listed at the back. The Doppleganger cares not if the action is available to the model it mimics.

    You're backing up none of claims with quotations from the rules, or actual proof.  This gives me quite clear grounds to claim that you're violating the clear English definition of the word "listed".  Abuela Ortega's card lists an action on the front side in the ability, in the same way that it prints that action there.

    Please provide the rules quotes which specify that actions must be listed in the manner that you've described to be usable by the model.  You continue to fail to do so.


    Place a two story building on the table, and place a model on the second floor of that building.  Doing so makes the following statements true:

    • The model is in/on the building.
    • The model is in/on the building on the table.
    • The model is not on the table.

    Likewise, an action defined in an ability printed on a model's card is not an action printed on the model's card.

    Polite Push is not an action printed on Abuela Ortega's card.  It's an action defined in the Ability Roll Me Closer Dear, and Roll Me Closer Dear is printed on her card.

    You still haven't showed me the rules text that tells me to ignore the standard english definition of the word printed in favour of a more specific version of printed that is a specific Malifaux rule. 

    You are telling me that Abuela ortega does not have text printed on her card that describes a (0) action called Polite Push. That text does not exist according to you. You have yet to give me a reference that states actions have to be printed separately to be defined as actions in this game.If backstab is an action described in print on the card the doppleganger can take it. If it is not an action described in print but some obscure sort of ability then Lucius will not be able to take an action by this card being in his crew since no action exists.

    Then please explain to me why Abuela Ortega can't use the Polite Push action herself if the action is printed on her card.

    It's text properly formatted as an action, it's identified as an action as part of the ability.  It's right there.  If the other model can use it, why can't she?

    My explanation that she can't use it because it's not printed separately from an ability is the same explanation for why the other model can't duplicate it:  it's not printed as a separate action.

    Edit:  Please note, for the record, that as far as I can tell you're the one ignoring plain Rules English meanings.  The game uses a fixed format of cards, that format has meaning and is clearly illustrated in the rulebook.


    I'm not sure which plain Rules English meanings I am ignoring. I am not even sure I recognize that term. There is a difference between an english word defined by a dictionary used in writing in a game and the specific game terms defined in the rulebook by an entire paragraph (those terms which are frequently written with capital first letters).

    Why can't Abuela take the action printed on her card you asked. Well here goes: Because the card itself clearly states she cannot! I am quite sure models cannot use actions granted by abilities specifically saying the model is forbidden from using them. That I gather from plain english. I am still confused by your reasoning here: You are saying that the reason Abuela cannot take (0) Gentle Push is not that the action is specifically prohibited from her by the ability that grants it to her but that you think it is not printed on the card? Are you saying that if something clearly says "this model can't do this" that you can find no rules reason to not let the model do it? I would say that a model can take actions printed on it's card as long as nothing specifically prohibits it (as in the case of Abuela). Remember that specific rules (such as the cards) trump base rules. This is described under "breaking the rules" ( a box wth text, p 19 in the small manual) somewhere in Chapter 2 Core Mechanics in the big manual (don't have a page number).

    By your reasoning you are also saying that Brewmaster cannot use "(1) Take a swig" since it is not printed separately on his card but in the context of an action.



    @Solkan and Bengt 

    Regarding actions I checked the index of the rulebook to find the definition of an action. In the small manual it's p 35 (and the big one is p 37 I believe). 

    (Starts with flavourful stuff i didn't print here) "(...) ; models in Malifaux have a range of Actions they can perform during their activations. Some actions, like the Walk Action, are standard to all models, while others, like Sebastians Bloody Harvest Action, are unique to specific models.

    Actions are listed on each model's stat card. The Action's AP cost is in parenthesis, then the name of the Action, then the Action's effects. An Action's AP and name are capitalized and in bold so that they are easy to recognize.

    Whether standard or unique, all Actions fall into two categories, they are either Tactical Actions or Attack Actions."

    The part about the AP cost and name being capitalized so they are easily recognized caught my eye in particular. I would say that this is the game's definition of an action. It certainly suits every action I have ever seen. It also is a clear way to differentiate them from abilities etc. Even on the upgrade card for Lady Justice previously mentioned the formatting of the text makes it apparent (to me at least) that it is two actions that are being described even if the card itself doesn't actually states that she gains two new actions.


    I also found "printed" mentioned in the rulebook (sorry if this doesn't concern you Bengt). It is not defined as a game term where I found it but it is used to describe that the suits are printed on fate deck cards. That implies to me that printed is used within the context of the rules to signify something that has been put on paper through the process of printing. If anyone with a digital copy of the book could do a quicker search I would be much obliged!

  22. I believe that since it is an entirely new attack action it has a separate flip affecting it. That makes the old accuracy difference (or whatever it's called) redundant and you use the new one instead (including expended focus). I really can't back this up with the rules, I think this was more or less concensus on an old discussion but I'm not 100% on that. Slug is just an extra damage flip and so belongs to the same attack in a much more pronounced way. The extra attacks are not "this attacks damage flip" basically and focus doesn't last the entire action but just gives the attack and dmg flip of the action the :+fate. The old action isn't resolved until free attacks are done but the extra attack is not the same action.

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