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Everything posted by Brewmaster

  1. The thread RETURNS! I've been a little busy working on making the bayou come to me, and I'm happy with the results! The following is the mostly based and primed army marching to Gencon with me! First up, A sample of me boys! Then, the best 80's punk band evar! And some boring stuff Here and Here S'omer standing next to what should be a fun conversion And... 2 Ht 3 models? Just picked up some plastiky bit I can glue to a base to help with the Mosquitos, but honestly I'm ready to try this painting nonsense people seem so keen about
  2. Brewmaster

    The Summer of S'omer

    My progress on making a crew for Gencon
  3. From the album: The Summer of S'omer

    2 Lennys? Well THAT can't be... the guy on the left is missing a hat and he's carrying a Gremlin under one arm... who could HE be (once I add a bit more flair to help)?
  4. From the album: The Summer of S'omer

    S'omer standing next to a totem sized mini with a greenstuff beard.
  5. Brewmaster


    From the album: The Summer of S'omer

    They're slop haulers...
  6. Brewmaster


    From the album: The Summer of S'omer

    In explodey and non-explodey!
  7. From the album: The Summer of S'omer

    My movers and shakers. They're kinda awesome or something!
  8. From the album: The Summer of S'omer

    we have here, Drunkey McHiccup, Gentleman, Puggy, and a gremlin named Sue.
  9. Shut up and take my money! ROFL... Were this the case, then Kid Tara and Dreamer could have awesome adventures around Malifaux riding their respective beasties like Falcor... Yup, Wyrd this is a sure-fire money printer.
  10. To use the following math: I enjoy : Skeeter head <Zombie chihuahua tail <Yan Lo's fu manchu Chiaki's head assembly = Crouching gremlin with frog on gun = double syringe Nurse
  11. Brewmaster

    The Sow

    The two are fairly even, it just depends on where you need the utility. Gracie is when you need resiliency, Sow is when you need aggressive.
  12. Hmm... I'd say it's about a draw with the Yan Lo box, worse if you don't know where the trouble spots are.
  13. The big thing is knowing how optimized your group is, and adjusting based on that. The book gives you static numbers to use; go higher the more High-combat group, go lower for lower. There are minor things to look at (use the minis game Manipulative over the TtB Manipulative for example), but really there's very little effort into translating one to the other.
  14. Putting together the box for my "Summer of S'omer" project. Honestly, knowing where the trouble is beforehand and having a little patience, the box really hasn't given me any trouble except for those hair-thin bits on the Skeeters (order of operations: put the legs into the base piece first cause if you save them for last, that delicate head is AWKWARD.) I LOVE how Lenny has turned out, and if you use the middle legs and the butt, TECHNICALLY the Skeeters can fit on a 30mm Getting ready to move on to the Bayous and will probably go cross-eyed from putting delicate pieces together with my sausage fingers.
  15. Fair play. I was looking at it from the where he gets used/ "he's not getting into Zoraida's box" angle. Honestly it makes for an interesting discussion of "do you build the Ulix box like Marcus' " or do a mix. What about Merris for Wong's box? Maybe drop the Bugs to 2? Cuts down the single box you'd run for her, and it's not like Merris doesn't synergize well.
  16. I could see the Sow in the box, and it just gets Marcus big. Personal opinion is we've still got all the Gremlin boxes except for S'omer, Zoraida, and Von Schill left from Wave 1. I'd think some of those and we see the specialty models get filled in. And I could actually see McTavish pulling a "Hog Whisperer" and getting packaged with one Gator, then a pack of two gators is seperate.
  17. Since those guys are second wave, it's going to be a while before they hit. I actually took the initiative and have kitbashed my own Mancha and Trixie to be able to use for Gencon.
  18. I can't speak for the other FMs, but the games I'm running have pre-generated characters. AND there's still spaces open.
  19. Brewmaster

    Ulix art

    This actually gets to an intriguing discussion about what a 'correct' Gremlin is. I'm leaning towards buying Ulix more now because the art puts him closer to the Ophelia design style which I like more TBH. Mah, while interesting mechanics wise, lost me with the "Hanna Barbera/ Winsome Witch" design. This is purely my opinion though, cause I certainly understand the flip of the coin.
  20. Anyone look at the outcast or crew box section of the online store? *ninja*
  21. The purpose behind this thread is I want a quick list to look at for who'd like to show up for my "Murder on the Rails" Half-penny Dreadful. For elaborate discussions, you can hop over to that thread, but for the sake of "Sure, I'll show up with my Fate Deck", post here!
  22. I guess Wednesday is almost the same as Saturday, right? >_> ... So, after some looking into when things happen and trying to understand the concept of time, I have decided on the following: Murder on the Rails: This event will happen Friday evening after dinner Number of Event Tickets: Zip, zero, zilch, nix, nada, none... the number of tickets required is exactly one less than one. Number of Players: Between 5 and whatever won't get me in trouble with the hotel. How Long: Until people get bored, but probably a few hours at least. I'm going to start up a new thread for a Role Call just so I know how many people I got showing up.
  23. (Forgot to post, Meet the Passengers is an intro to the NPCs) MtP: Marshal Jack Corbin http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Ethan_Ryer_595.jpg Guild members accompany trains heading to and from the Breach to maintain order and keep undesirables from causing trouble. At least that's how Marshal Corbin sees it. His life has been influence directly by the Gunpowder wars, so when given the opportunity, he signed up for guard patrol, and eventually landed on train detail. He's very no nonsense in his work, maintaining regimented stoicism. But he's a well rounded marksman and a formidable fighter. If "Union Jack" is on your train, you can breathe easier
  24. Meet the Passengers: Frank and Sadie Reed http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130718135826/baccano/images/f/fc/Isaacmiria.png Frank and Sadie are are dilettantes of the occult and mysterious. Equally at home exploring the bottom of their liquor cabinet as they are a new found Egyptian temple, they travel for excitement and intrigue. Naturally the promise of a centuries worth of mysteries in Malifaux since the first breach closed would bring our couple with lightning speed. Their wit is about as dry as their martinis, and more than one person has described them as "odd ducklings". Frank handles writing about their adventures, where Sadie covers the direct contact with occultism.
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