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Posts posted by Mason

  1. 4 hours ago, sycorax said:

    Rifles are great and all, and the (#) wait action makes for a good overwatch, lying in wait style of sniper but generally all the snipers have going for them, as far as I can see at least, is a high INT and a few rifles and mods with accurate to give + to attack. 

    That will change soon...

  2. 5 minutes ago, Omenbringer said:

    I have wondered Mason, why not put the condition description at the end instead of the action text? Wouldn't that make it clearer?

    Just because the way that the Action works. It's weird to say that a model gains Paranoid, not explain what Paranoid is, and then go on to explain what Paranoid is during the second part of the action. If you try to write it out a few ways with the condition at the end, you can kind of see what I mean.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Omenbringer said:

    Are you sure about that?

    It isn't worded very well at all and I can see this one being asked about quite a bit either way.

    Format wise they should put the description of gained conditions after all the other stuff. As is it just muddies things.

    He's correct. The quotation marks denote the beginning and end of the Condition.

  4. 33 minutes ago, sycorax said:

    The whole book by yourself? I assumed there'd be a team of you. 2 or 3 people at least.

    So the only other people involved were playtesters and maybe a layout guy?

    Impressive. If ever we're in the same part of the world I'm buying you a beer! 

    We had people to look it over and help edit as well, and my playtesters are pretty great at helping to ensure that everything ends up nice and balanced.

    I won't turn down free beer, though. :P

  5. 14 hours ago, sycorax said:

    I'd just like to say, now I've had a chance to sit down and read the fluff parts of the book, after a week of dealing with  character stuff and absorbing the changes to rules, that whomever wrote the fluff parts about the various historical breaches, and particularly the Tyrant The Dragon, is a full blown genius. 

    The way they have intrinsically linked a fictional world and it's characters to major events and philosphies of actual real life historical earth is a thing of pure beauty. Truly.

    I did the fluff (and the rules) for the book.

    I'm glad that you liked it!


    10 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

    My only gripe is the continuation of the reversed gendered pronoun usage. Just changing "him" to "her" and "himself" to "herself" in the text is really sort of missing the point in my opinion.

    I naturally default to using female pronouns when writing rules.
    If it feels like it's missing the point, it's because there really isn't much of a point, other than "that's how I write."  :P

    • Like 3
  6. Yup!

    Sometimes everything comes together and you can have a session that hits a Destiny Step like a freight train of awesomeness... other times, cut-away scenes and general theme make more sense. They're all tools in the Fatemaster toolbox, and most games will benefit from mixing and matching them to ensure a variety of approaches to the session.


  7. 15 minutes ago, Glennie said:

    Hi guys,

    Just a quick question. I'm struggling to understand the text box at the bottom of p.79 (of the new core rulebook), "any suit associated with a skill" in particular. Are there any examples of this anywhere in the book?

    Not entirely, I don't believe.

    The most common source of adding a suit to a skill would be the Specialized Skill Talent on page 221.


    Let's take a look at Lieutenant Davis, a Fated who happens to be a Guard. Lieutenant Davis has Defense 4 and the Stoic Defender Talent, which gives him the following Defensive Trigger:

    Df (:ram) Glancing Blow: When suffering damage, reduce the amount of damage suffered by 1, to a minimum of 0.

    That means that when he makes a Defense flip, he flips a card and adds his Defense of 4 to the total. If he flips a :ram card, he can declare his Trigger.


    It's a pretty nice trigger to have, but Lieutenant Davis decides that he would like it to trigger more often, so he takes the Specialized Skill Talent and chooses to add a :ram to his Evade Skill. Since Defense is a Derived Aspect that uses Evade, the :ram that Lieutenant Davis added to his Evade Skill also gets added to his Defense, which gives him a Defense of 4:ram.

    Now, when he makes a Defense flip, he flips a card and adds his Defense of 4:ram to the total, which means that he will always be able to declare his Glancing Blow Trigger.

    If Davis later picked up a Talent that gave him a :+fate to Evade Skill Challenges, however, this would not translate over into a :+fate to his Defense (that's what the second paragraph in the callout box on page 79 is referring to).


    Hopefully that helps!  Let me know if you have any further questions.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    I wonder if Gatreaux Bokor will now forever be known as the model they forced onto the game because people were hoping for new voodoo themed Gremlins :P 

    Often times, it plays out something like this:

    Fans: "We want more voodoo Gremlins in the game!"

    Designers:  "Oh, that would be cool, wouldn't it?"


    Just because the fans want something doesn't mean that it's forced on us. We're fans, too. :P

    • Like 4
  9. 16 hours ago, BlinD RoniN said:

    Is there anything gained with the Spirit Characteristic in TtB?

    Not inherently, no.

    It's essentially a characteristic that represents some degree of interaction with the spirit world, so you'll see it on ghosts, mediums, and possessed stuff.

  10. 6 hours ago, Steamtastic Vagabond said:

    Though in Under Quarantine: the Necrotic Machine is a Spirit Construct: is this an error, or planned. Due to how the beastiary is written, it's hard to know what exactly the creatures are, and why they are what they are.


    It's a machine that is also a spirit. There's probably some sort of possession or trapped spirit thing going on, on account of it being Old Malifaux technology.

    Note that Mediums gain Spirit right away, which means that most mediums will be Living and Spirits.

  11. 14 hours ago, BlinD RoniN said:

    2 questions

    1) in 2e Core it doesnt state that you are limited to 1 elemental immuto when  casting a spell, Can you add more than one or are you limited to one elemental immuto per spell cast?

    Mix and match to your heart's content.

    Or at least, to the limits allowed by your Grimoire.


    14 hours ago, BlinD RoniN said:

    2) How would you conclude the effects of a elemental bolt or strike that would have the Natural and the Wind immuto?  reason for this is if Natural goes off first then the target is rooted then pushed, or is the target pushed then rooted.

    Up to the Fatemaster, but I would strongly recommend Push then Root, for the sake of sanity.

    That means that you're spending +3 TN over 2 AP (spell to push and root, another spell to push and root) to get your +3 Root damage, as opposed to +3 TN over 1 AP for just using the Fire immuto. The average damage per AP is a little better with the push and root spell, but it's another casting attempt and takes two Immuto slots, so that's a fair trade. Of course, with Burning, you can always pump it higher if you're sitting on a high card, while the root damage is always fixed.

  12. Potentially, you could have a whole lot of zombies under your control, but that's not much help if you have to enter the civilized areas of the city or take a train to Ridley. It's not a bad way to ensure that you have a whole lot of zombies in reserve, but at some point, moving them a handful at a time becomes more time consuming than it's worth.

    Plus, as you noted, if you're not careful, the Death Marshals are going to move the zombie horde to the top of their priority list, and necromancers definitely do not want Lady Justice up in their business.

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