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Everything posted by Vulthrundir

  1. I saw this thread last night and decided to give it a whirl. I used slightly different colors because of what I had available, but the results were fantastic. As soon as I get the base done I'll post up a pic. EDIT: Here's a pic of the finished product. Magnificent tutorial by the way.
  2. Since posting external links to the pics seems not to be working out for me, I'm gonna try to see if uploading them directly will work. EDIT: Yay it worked!
  3. So, I want to apologize for the tiny pictures... new bigger ones should be up soon (pending mod approval... I guess the forum isn't sure I'm not a bot... I'm not I promise) But yes the Galadriel doesn't have eyes. It looks fine in person but the pic is kinda creepy. I did the model to practice blending on a wet palette. I may go back and add eyes sometime as well as touch up a couple of other things I noticed. Thanks for the reply. Better pics soon I promise -Vult Hopefully this one goes through...
  4. Hi, This is my first post... not Malifaux, but I figured why not. I've been painting for about 10 years; I started with GW but have long since decided to branch out. I'm thinking about getting into Malifaux as soon as I'm done with my SAGA Vikings. The first is a Galadriel from the Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit: The second is an old GW Skaven plague priest: ...the cellphone camera seems to have done an admirable job. Links are clickable. Let me know what you think. -Vult (I tried posting this a bit ago, but I think the internet ate it... if this ends up as a double post I apologize.)
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