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Posts posted by HegemonyKrcket

  1. On 10/6/2016 at 2:32 PM, D_acolyte said:

    There really is not any focus on her with non swampfiends, does anyone have exp with her with a puppets theme.

    She can't really do a "Puppet Theme" much anymore since she can't take the Effigies, Coryphee, or Mannequins.  They moved all that over to Collodi, which is fine because he's really damn good with them.

    • Like 1
  2. Divergent Paths Achievement League

    Dragon's Lair - Austin, TX
    Wednesday Nights from 7 PM to 11 PM
    9/21/16 to 11/20/16

    Is the Divergent Paths world event not enough for you?  Do you need more crazy things to do this fall?  Then you're in luck, because we're holding an achievement league during the world event.  Collect points for playing games, painting models, building terrain, getting tabled, maxing out your VP, mirror matching a Master v Master, and oh so much more.

    Make sure to get in touch with Robert (that's me) to get you Achievement Packet to track your progress.  And when you're at the store make sure to sign off at the back register if you play a Divergent Paths Scenario.

    You can contact me here or via email to set up a time or just drop in on Wednesday night and ask for Rob (that's me).

    And feel free to check out our group on Facebook Austin Malifaux

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  3. 1 hour ago, orkdork said:

    With wisps, Zoraida is one of our most powerful masters now. I posted a list a while back that is absolutely nasty, to the point that I don't play it outside of tournament play anymore (or tournament preparation). It's heinously powerful, and actually not fun for opponents that aren't playing highly-tuned lists, as it can table them by turn 3 without them having any recourse.

    I'll mail you a cookie if you link to this list.  :-)

  4. 1 hour ago, orkdork said:

    With wisps, Zoraida is one of our most powerful masters now. I posted a list a while back that is absolutely nasty, to the point that I don't play it outside of tournament play anymore (or tournament preparation). It's heinously powerful, and actually not fun for opponents that aren't playing highly-tuned lists, as it can table them by turn 3 without them having any recourse.

    I'll mail you a cookie if you link to this list.  :-)

  5. On 9/6/2016 at 7:39 PM, Nemikan said:

    1. Does the dmg from failing the wk duel (I'll call it "bubble") count as hazardous terrain damage (which then would causing the model to become immune to the "bubble" dmg till the end of the turn) or just normal damage?
      1a. If you took the dmg from the "bubble", would you also be immune to the dmg from landing on the Hungry Land Marker?
    2. If you're within 3 of two Hungry Land Marker's does it cause 2 checks if you end a walk inside both of them?

    Thanks for the clarification!

    1.) Yes.  "As if entering it" is meant to refer to entering the Marker/Hazardous Terrain.  1a) Yes.

    2.) Yes.  Each piece is a separate piece of Hazardous Terrain.  So taking damage from one and/or passing one does not affect the other. 

    Sidenote: If you pass the Wk dual you're not immune to the damage. So if you are moved/pushed/placed again you'll have to do the Wk dual again, or just take the damage if you hit the Marker.

    • Like 1

    That seems to be correct as far as i can read. They really precised their intention in the timing by saying "after completing all pushes", and pounce attackss occur each time a model is pushed.

    That's what I was hoping.  Gives them a little more "survivability" then I initially thought.  They look hella good.  I might have to dust off some zombie-wolf minis to give them a test run.


    I think "insanely good" is a bit hyperbolic. You spend 9+3+SS cache to get a beater and some scheme runners. It's probably the first two Gupps that are going to do most of your scheming, what with summons not being able to interact on the turn they arrive. Occasionally later summons might do something useful but it wouldn't be every game. So in practice you get the beater a little cheaper than if you bought a beater and some scheme runners outright. And while the Wisp doesn't need to get that close to the enemy there are ways kill backfield stuff and disrupt this, possibly before you have summoned any of your scheme runners.

    Sure, it makes Spawn Mother better, but then she wasn't very impressive before.

    After the first 2 Gupps, the rest are there to die so SM can get a +2 Dmg.

  8. I just wanted to make sure that my reading of a Rougarou combo is correct.  It's involves a combination of his Pounce Ability, his (0) Action that pushes enemy models towards it, and the crow trigger on said Action.

    I don't have the cards in font so me so I can't remember the names.  But the crow trigger says that after completing the pushes you can place the Rougarou in base contact with a model that passed their Wp dual (was not pushed).  This leads me to think that you can get an Attack against each model that ends their push in close range and then "teleport" away from the models he attacked, possibly then mauling said model.

    Is that correct?  Am I missing something?

  9. Gaining Grounds Tournament
    Dragon's Lair - Austin, TX
    September 10th, 2016
    11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

    That's right boils and ghouls, the time is coming for another chance to test your skill, earn some Scrip, and hopefully win some minis.

    50 Soulstone, Fixed Faction
    $10 Entry Fee

    11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) - Check In
    12:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Round One
    2:30 PM to 3:00 PM - Lunch
    3:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Round Two
    5:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Round Three

    Round One - Guard the Stash, Corner Deployment
    Round Two - Turf War, Standard Deployment
    Round Three - Reckoning, Flank Deployment

    Schemes will be announced at the beginning of the tournament

    Prize Support
    Mystery Boxes, Store Credit, and more

    • First, Second, Third Place
    • Most Sporting - Player voted most positive playing experience.
    • Pret a Porter - Best paint job on a table-ready model(s). The model(s) must be played int he tournament
    • Like a Virgin - Best performance with a crew lead by wave four master, scored with TP/Dif/VP by GG 2016 rules.


  10. On 8/17/2016 at 10:30 AM, feagaur said:

    I wouldn't say Tarot Reading is garbage, I would say its situational. I wouldn't take it with all my Zoraida builds, but almost all of my swampfiend ones I do.  Being able to save a SS on McTavish is half of the cost of the upgrade but also allows you to bring in other swampfiends such as wild boars or gators in Neverborn. Until the Wisps come out the 1AP heal of the voodoo doll is saving an AP from having to re-summon the doll. And the scheme marker move can be devastating to an opponent. It will stop Convict Labour straight off. It can move the scheme markers out of 4" for setup. It could cripple detonate the charges. Again situational but all of Zoraidas upgrades are situational.

    If you think about it, Hex gab gives you attacks to use on the doll. But that means you're using Zoraida's AP to damage something through the doll when there are enough models out there that will do it better.

    Animal shape gives Zoraida lots of movement and means of escape, but I very rarely move her more than once or twice in an entire game. And anything that wants to get close will be having to go through the rest of my crew. Admittedly there are crews that will do that quite easily, but that just makes this upgrade useful against those crews.

    I would say Crystal ball is the only upgrade that's worth taking every time. In my opinion Crystal Ball also makes 'On Wings of Darkness' defunct. As I said, for me ( and other may be different) Zoraida rarely moves so has no real use for flight. And she has so much card draw potential that getting an extra card when using a SS is a little Meh.

    But like I said, this is my opinion. Others might prefer something different. I mean, I usually take a nurse rather than Iggy just so she can aid the rest of the crew too.

    Winds of Fate is too expensive for me to worry about.  2 AP and a :mask.  And it means Zoraida is in a dangerous position.  Willowisps might make it worth while because if they die I'm not worried.  And they can move and do it in the same Turn.  I can just have models near their Markers, or have Mctavish/Boars eat them.  I don't know how to use the Boars too well, but I always regret taking them.  And as much as I like the look of the Gators I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them.  I'm paying the 1 SS for McTavish so I can have all 3 the upgrade slots.  It sucks, but it's been worth it so far.

    Hex is a (0) which she has literally no other (0), so it's not losing any AP.  Additionally, it's best use is the built in "No Soulstones" which can effect masters and set up for a kill.  It's also good on VD to setup a Henchmen.  I'm going to do the actual damage with another model.  Hex Bag is an auto take for me.

    Animal Shape is also too expensive at 2 Stones and 2 AP.  Wings of Darkness makes it obsolete.

    Crystal Ball and Wings of Darkness are really, really good together.  Starting the turn with better cards allows me to either look at my opponents hand or discard a card for free.  Takes no AP.  It's also a must have for me, but I also choose the wrong option all the time.

    I'm experimenting with working in a Nurse and/or Iggy again.  Once She comes in I'm going to start trying Spawn Mother and proxying Wisps.  We'll see what happens.

  11. On 7/12/2016 at 6:26 AM, feagaur said:

    If you're not doing so well with Hex bag have you thought of replacing it with Tarot Reading. It would mean you save a SS on McTavish and would give you the option to move scheme markers.

    To be honest its usually the only upgrade I take on Zoraida. I usually put upgrades on my other models.

    Because Tarot Reading is garbage.  2 AP, extra suit, and all I can do is MOVE scheme markers w/in 4"?  1 AP to heal my voodoo doll is okay, but chances are he's going to die in one hit.  And if I'm not taking 2+ swampfiends then I'd rather take the Merc hit and use that slot for Crystal Ball or Wings of Darkness.

    Soon enough I'm going to start proxying 1 or 2 Will-o-wisps, but that means I have to squeeze out some points from somewhere.  I really like McTavish but 11 SS is a lot of investment.

  12. So I've been testing my above list against more aggressive lists and I'm finding that it doesn't have the killing power that I need.  With that in mind I have two thoughts.

    Iggy to combo with Voodoo Doll to stack Burning and "Can't use stones" to drop whatever I need to.


    Nurse to give Waldgeists and/or Bad Juju a +2 Dmg on ML, as I found their 2 min to be garbage.  LOL.

  13. On 7/7/2016 at 9:30 AM, Twg said:

    I was surprised to see Young Nephilim in any tournament list. Personally I find them under whelming, but I'm glad someone's finding a use for them. 

    Lillith rarely leaves without Doppelganger, Primordial and the effigy. I also rarely leave without Nekima. Then swap in various models depending upon strats. I really like Silurids for any marker related shenanigans.

    Young work well as Scheme runners for Turn 1 and 2 and then shift gears to killing on Turn 3+.  I'd really only take them if I'm doing Rapid Growth and then throw them at Enforcers, because getting a Mature is a game changer.  They're also really good Personal Puppets for Collodi because they murder face, their open loop of Blood Frenzy can be really brutal and is worth it even to cheat to match as it's going to effectively double your damage if you hit on the second one.

    Doppelganger is awesome, but I'll only take her if I have 2 good attack option to Mimic.  Otherwise she's an expensive scheme runner that could be replaced for 4 SS.  I do, however, love her in the right lists (see my Zoraida list for example).

    Primordial Magic is amazing and should almost always be taken.

    The Mysterious Effigy is underwhelming to me.  The (0) is good, but the cheat aura is hyper situational (and thus not that good).  It's an okay scheme runner that's more survivable than a Terror Tot or Gupps, but with less mobility or other tricks.

    I've only ran Nekima a few times, and I've only really seen her shine twice.  She's super expensive and though she does kill face I find myself building around her more than just using her.  At that point I normally take a Mature and move on with my day.

    Silurids (as I've posted elsewhere) are way overpriced and don't bring much to the table that I can't get else where.  95% Gupps/Tots can do the same job, and that 5% just isn't worth 3 SS to me.  If you can get a 7-9 model count with a Silurid then by all means take it, but I'm generally moving around 1-2 stones to avoid waste and keep my 6-7 Cache.

  14. I just haven't seen the necessity.  The only reason I can think of is to deploy a Waldgeist up in hopes that it gets killed so I can unbury Bad Juju, but I've found I actually want to start with Juju on the table because otherwise I'm giving up at least 4 SS just to have him move up, when I can more easily Obey him 4-12 inches up, have his Activation, save on the stones, and keep the Psychological advantage of him being on the table.  It's tempting to try to treat Juju like Killjoy, but I've found that the restriction of friendly Swampfiend really hinders doing so.  Instead, I've found using him to create chaos and waste opponent AP on Turn 1 and 2, then punishing them for killing the rest of models later is a far better use of the stones.  It pigeon holes you into using mostly Swampfiends, but that's becoming less of an issue over time.

    Otherwise there's no real reason to be that far up the table.  With the Waldgeist ran as blockers I only really need them to move far enough to meet my opponent, which is rarely more than 16".  If I go into the game with a plan of how to control where we fight then I don't need to be in their face immediately.

  15. On 7/7/2016 at 9:30 AM, Twg said:

    I was surprised to see Young Nephilim in any tournament list. Personally I find them under whelming, but I'm glad someone's finding a use for them. 

    I was too, but he uses them very well.  Turn one they mostly get into position to drop a marker or attack if the chance arises.  He'll also soften up models with Barbaros or Lilith and then finish them off with Graves or a Young to turn them into a Mature.

  16. I've also posted it in another thread but I'm testing the following Zoraida list:

    Zoraida (Neverborn) Cache - 6
    -Hex Bag
    -Crystal Ball
    -Wings of Darkness

    Bad Juju
    -Fears Given Form
    -Eternal Fiend




    I take Convict Labor no matter what along with another Scheme based on what I think I can get out of my opponents.  Juju and the Waldgeist run defense while the Gupps and Doppelganger drop Markers on the table.  Zoraida Obeys and Bewitches as need be.  McTavish picks off wounded models, joined by the Doppelganger after the Markers are in place.  If Juju has died then I throw the Gupps at something to bring him back.

  17. On 6/29/2016 at 3:02 AM, Mutter said:

    I started out with Lynch as a Neverborn and eventually turned Ten Thunders, and I've never looked back. Opinions are split on this, but I think he's a much stronger master in TT. Reason being that his biggest liability is the slowness of the crew, and playing him in TT is like continually pushing the NOX button on your engine with all the pushes and the Fast ...

    I've been on the receiving end of this but never played him at TT.  It's seems like the TT get more use out of his card cycling and discard cycling.  Only the Terror Tots really get anything out of it Neverborn side, but freaking everyone in TT seems to have a "Discard to..." ability.

    Lynch is really good at killing things in Neverborn, but most of the time that's just not enough.

    • Like 1
  18. On 6/30/2016 at 4:29 PM, HegemonyKrcket said:

    Zoraida (Neverborn)
    -Hex Bag
    -On Wings of Darkness
    -Tarot Reading

    Bad Juju
    -Eternal Fiend
    -Fears Given Form





    My basic plan is to start with Juju buried and the Wildboars up field (dueto From the Shadows) and then charge them into the opponent and cause as much havoc as possible.  That forces the opponent to either let the boars run wild or kill one and unbury Juju near them.  Meanwhile, Gupps and Doppelganger are running schemes while Zoraida and McTavish support whoever they need to however they can.

    I just finished a Tournament were I ran this list for the first match and didn't do very well.  I was playing against Perdita and it was Flank Deployment (which infamously sucks), so I ended up getting killed off pretty quickly.  It was a game where both sides played pretty haphazardly so we ended up being 3 to 5.

    Game 2 I swapped out the Boars for Waldgiest, Tarot Reading for Crystal Ball, and Deployed Juju on the table.  I did considerably better this time as all I really had to do was annoy my opponent with Juju and the Waldgeist while McTavish picked models off as the Gupps and Doppelganger got me Convict Labor.  It ended up being 9 v 3.

    Game 3 I rant the same list and played the same.  After locking down Convict Labor I the through the Gupps in the middle of my opponents markers to deny them Convict Labor and then draw the attention of a Henchmen, get killed, and score Frame for Murder (at 2 VP because it was Turn 4).  But ended up 8 v 0.

    With Z I found that I didn't really use Hex Bag that much in the two games I won.  If something was in range I gave it a shot, but didn't work too hard at it.  Because of that, I could see ditching it.  I also didn't summon the Voodoo Doll once during game 2 or 3, but I did in game 1 and it didn't do anything useful.  It failed to Hem in and got one shotted by Perdita immediately after.  

    Because of this I'm considering dropping Hex Bag and taking Primordial Magic.  It helps me cycle cards, can insignificant scheme runners, and can sure up convict labor in an emergency.

    But the list I was happy with was as follows:

    Zoraida (Neverborn) Cache 6
    -Hex Bag
    -Crystal Ball
    -Wings of Darkness

    Bad Juju
    -Eternal Fiend
    -Fears Given Form

    McTavish (Merc)



    • Like 2
  19. On 7/3/2016 at 7:14 PM, Vanilla_Dice said:

    Problem with your question there is that there is no real "list" that would win a tournament.... sure lilith may have a couple of usual suspects she would bring along.... but the list would change from game to game depending on schemes and strats.



    As much as I wish you were right, there are players that take the exact same lists regardless of Schemes and Strats, and they are competitive in tournaments.  One of them down here int TX runs a pretty straight forward Lilith list and has placed in all the tournaments I've been to.  He uses Lillith with a Nephilim heavy crew, using the core of his crew to distract/kill while dropping markers, and adjusts accordingly after that.  It's surprisingly straight forward and yet incredibly effective.

    I've also played against another competitor who's base Arcanist list is...

    Silent Ones x3

    Ice Gamin

    December Acolyte x2

    And they do most of the heavy lifting.  The Gamin buffs the Silent Ones and then they just attack, attack, attack through any ice mirrors they can until your crew is dead.  Meanwhile any other models present are dropping markers or doing whatever else they want.  I've seen it with Rasputina, Collette, and Mei Feng to pretty much the same effectiveness.


  20. Shifting Loyalties Campaign

    Dragon's Lair Austin
    Six Week Campaign
    July 6, 2016 through August 24th, 2016

    "Welcome to Malifaux. It's a mysterious city filled with amazing oppurtunities and untold dangers around every corner. Each allyway could lead towards a great destiny or an untimely fate. No matter what happens it'll be a great story to tell your friends.

    "Welcome to Malifaux. Do try to not get killed."

    If interested please feel free to message me here, email me, hit me up on Facebook, or just show up to a Wednesday night.

  21. 8 hours ago, MetaphoricDragn said:

    Always wanted to try that set up with juju and boars, just never had the chance to invest in it yet.  I would love to see some battle reports.

    I'm hopefully going to be borrowing the models from a friend for a tournament next weekend to try them out.  I'll let you know how it goes.

  22. On 6/8/2016 at 10:57 PM, HegemonyKrcket said:

    My Current list to test is as follows:

    --Hex Bag
    --On Wings of Darkness

    --Fears Given Form


    Mysterious Effigy


    Mysterious Emissary
    --Conflux of Fate


    I've only gotten in one game with it and it worked well but I'm looking at replacing the Effigy with a Tot or Gupps.  I'm also thinking of trying out a Young instead of the Illuminated, but it's survivability was pretty awesome. 

    So... I played an aggressive and competitive Tournament with this list and it just didn't last.  After some pressing it crumbled pretty quickly.

    Since Zoraida is very dependent on her crew, but she can also multiply their effectiveness, I'm trying to figure out a crew combination that is both really good and can only be ran with her (due to Swampfiends or Enthrall).  In the meantime I'm trying out a Swampfiend list that looks effective in most Strat/Schemes.

    Zoraida (Neverborn)
    -Hex Bag
    -On Wings of Darkness
    -Tarot Reading

    Bad Juju
    -Eternal Fiend
    -Fears Given Form





    My basic plan is to start with Juju buried and the Wildboars up field (due to From the Shadows) and then charge them into the opponent and cause as much havoc as possible.  That forces the opponent to either let the boars run wild or kill one and unbury Juju near them.  Meanwhile, Gupps and Doppelganger are running schemes while Zoraida and McTavish support whoever they need to however they can.

  23. On 6/10/2016 at 6:33 AM, feagaur said:

    I've  been trying out the following list. Works really well in some strats, schemes. But falls down in strats like Reconnoiter.


    Zoraida + Tarot Reading





    then either Barbaros for his pushes or Hannah to copy the lure

    then fill out with a couple of Tots.


    Zoraida goes first and obeys Liitu to giver her and Lelu positive flips to all duels. Then either moves them forward or pulls out the Doll to Hem something.

    Lelu then goes and does his 0 action to push and give him and Lilitu pounce. Then the nurse gives them +2 damage on Melee and you use the doppleganger to lure things into the pounce bubble. If you lure things close in you can get a minimum damage of 7 off as free attacks. Or lure things once within 4" for Lilitu's pounce then lure again for both their pounces. (that is if they're stood close together).


    I managed to take out Graves and Izamu in a single turn doing this.

    That's a lot of work and a 21 stone commitment just to make a kill box.

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