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Posts posted by HegemonyKrcket

  1. On 5/8/2019 at 11:01 AM, Archangle said:

    You do realize cards are at the printer, and they wont change anything anymore unless its really broken?


    Whatever you think where they should be at, they are what they are.

    Fair... but I figured there's no harm in putting it out there.  


    On 5/7/2019 at 3:57 PM, Wenshai said:

    Lelu however, is a bit odd. Hes...kindve a support piece...kindve a mid level beater? (Effective 3/4/5 with poison), hes just open to not being the best beater due to condition removal. But at least that isnt everyehere nowadays

    I agree... very odd indeed. I'm pretty sure his damage is 2/3/4... unless I just have an old card... if it were 3/4/5 that would go a really, really long way. His blood + card cycling is really nice too. but there's just something missing about his aura... not sure what though

  2. I'm really liking a lot of the different tricks that the Nephilim can pull. They feel fast, killy. They have lots of black blood shenanigans that are more interesting than any in the past. And they use corpse markers, which is a resource Neverborn tend to ignore. So all great.  BUT...

    Lelu and Young Nephlim seem to need a little work - the former more than the latter. Not much, just a little.


    The Young are awesome. But I can't help shake the feeling they should be 6 Stones. They're clearly worth 7 at their current state, but I think the target cost should be 6ss. Which means they'd have to lose something. The only three options seem to be...

    1. Meat for the Young. It's nice, but is a little "leadery" for a mid level minion. It's also not really going to weaken them any.

    2. Fly with Me. Again, not really going to lower their effectiveness, but maybe just give them less options.

    3. Lower Mid Damage to 3. This would hit them where they're most effective, but it would easily justify dropping them a stone. It would also play into my issues with Lelu.

    Personally, I would drop Meat for the Young and Mid Damage to 3. I like the flexibility of Fly with Me, even if I'm rarely going to use it with the Young.


    Lelu is definitely missing something to make him a slightly different and/or better choice than a Young, and to put him in line with Lilitu for usefulness. Again, I'm not exactly certain what that would be, but here are a few ideas...

    1. Masochist Thoughts. Is a cool idea, but just... meh. As an Action I'm not going to use it versus just attacking someone. I know the idea is for Nephilim to always have the option of bleed on models near by at the end of their Activation to chip something to death and possibly summon a Terror Tot. But it taking up one of his actions means that I'm trading off damage and healing (for him and Lilitu) or poison for the possibility of less effective damage later. Maybe if...
          a. Make it an ability. I'm not sure if there's room on the front of his card, but this alone would make him worth the 7 stones, feel in-line with theme, and make him a beater/leader combo model.
          b. Make it a bonus action. This would give him 3 bonus actions, which would be weird. It would also be competing with two great bonus actions, so I'm not sure if that would fix my "problem" with it 
          c. Combine with Blood for Blood (somehow). I love Blood for Blood and have used it pretty much ever activation either before charging or to knock off that Hard to Kill health. If you balanced the card cycling, self damage, and aura I think it could work

    2. Sharp Claws. It's pretty meh. The range and +6 are nice, but the damage spread is mediocre and poison is underwhelming since he's the only poison damage in the Nephilim theme.
          a. Make Drink Blood built in. This would make the damage spread far more enticing since he would healing himself (and Lilitu) with almost every hit. But if it was built in I would NEVER declare the infect trigger if I wasn't already at full health - which would be very rare.
          b. Increase the spread to 2/4/5. Yes, that's a really nice spread, and it could easily heal him (and Lilitu) back to full in one activation. But that's the damage spread of a Young Nephilim and the sole reason I would take a Young over Lelu (every time). Additionally, in the three games I've played with Nephilim so far they've generally gone from full (or near full) to dead when my opponent focused on them. Additionally, I'd be using a ram and a mid/high card resource to heal anything above average. Still very strong though, admittedly.
          c. Mask trigger for a free Masochist Thoughts. Strange, I know, but it could make him more effective at doing the two things he seems to want to do, hit things and sort of buff.
          d. +Flip when he's below half health. I think he had something similar in the past. It would be the inverse of Lilitu, and help keep him up.

    Obviously, I don't think either model should get all of my suggestions. They're meant to be possible options to tweak them and get them to where I personally think they should be. 


  3. His sculpt really extends beyond a 30mm, but Wyrd is unlikely to change it because the model has been out and they don't want make players rebase models they've already built and painted. That was an issue from 1e to 2e as well... but I don't remember which model it was

  4. On 2/6/2019 at 2:31 PM, Kharnage said:

    Thiiiis. I really enjoy the flavor of malifaux gators (I find gators/crocs terrifying IRL, so I'd hope their malifaux equivalent to be at least moderately reminiscent) but their payout is not worth it. They have the same problem as Bloodwretches; having a 'beater' model at this price range means they have a kit mildly intimidating enough to consider it worth it to slay them, and not really having any reasons as to why that is a challenge. Wasted stones, whenever your opponent would like to cash in on that disparity. They'd either have to be so cheap that I don't mourn their loss, or scary (and probably more expensive) enough to give them more staying power. Given that these are 40 mm based apex ambush predators who's winning formula has been relatively unchanged by extinction level events and millions of years of potential evolution, IN REAL LIFE, I hope their malifaux equivalents are beefed up ^_^  

    The :crowExecute on such a cheap model is what's supposed to make them dangerous... but I'm not sure it's enough.

    • Agree 1
  5. Tangential Question: Can models still relent to friendly Attacks? If so, is the friendly Attacker allowed to declare triggers? I haven't found a place in the rules where it says yes/no specifically... but I've also not combed over them more than once.

  6. 7 hours ago, Angelshard said:

    @HegemonyKrcketwhat do you mean it's difficult to give stunned or slow?

    With a crow and a single ap a will'o wisp can give stunned, distracted +1 and slow... That is insane. 

    A wicked doll can give adversary, slow and/or staggered.

    Furthermore there's no way to resist getting the curse and removing it is extremely expensive. It doesn't even cost a card to summon the doll. 

    I truly cannot see how this is bad. 

    I forgot about the Will-o-wisp. So, yes, that would be very good... thank you for that as I'm doing another test game tonight (LOL).

    Summoning the doll does take a card, but it's a discard so it can be a Black Jocker... so it's not that much of a cost. Especially compared to the two actions from before.

    7 hours ago, Domin said:

    And don't forget that the curse is irresistable even for Masters, making "the puppet show" a powerfull tool to fight with them. 

    I also forgot about it being able to work on Masters, based on assumption left over from M2E.

    So I guess my biggest feeling of loss is the ability to use Burning/Poison effectively. Obviously I don't want it to be as effective as McMourning or Kaeris, but still worth the AP. And that the damage transfer is a little too weak, even considering wanting to reign in damage.

  7. Voodoo Curse feels a little too weak currently. Since damage on Conditions has already been reigned in considerably, condition stacking has been made more difficult, and the Voodoo Doll's health has been lowered to 3 it seems like all of the "problems" with 2nd Hemmed In have been removed. Add to that the Voodoo Doll removing conditions from itself at the beginning of its Activation, it's extremely difficult to double down on Poison/Burning damage.

    So if Voodoo Curse now only does 1 damage and a 1 condition rating then it doesn't seem worth spending any AP - even from a 4 stone model - to gain any benefit from it. In it's current state Distracted or Injured are probably the only things worth shooting for, as it seems very difficult to give your own models Slow or Stunned. 

    Even if damage transferred at a 1-to-1 basis the enemy model would still only be taking 3 damage in one "hit" before the Doll died. Which is more worth the cost of a card and AP because that's a solid Weak damage swing. It's "guaranteed" damage at the cost of more setup time. And if the conditions transferred at a 1-to-1 basis it would be a similar situation. It takes +4 for Burning or Poison to do 2 damage, that's going to be a lot of work for a non-specialized crew. And there are few other places that Neverborn capitalize on a target having either condition (Adze being the only one I can think of off hand). 

    I can, however, see how crippling it would be to stack up a high number of Distracted or Injured on a target making them all but unable to do anything for the remainder of the turn/game.

    I can also see some potential in AP efficiency of killing a Voodoo Doll in one swing, doing 3 damage to it's Cursed target, and getting a scrap marker for McTavish to eat, Vasilisa or Widow Weaver to summon off of, or what-have-you.

    Well, anyway, here's Wonderwall

    • Agree 2
  8. So far my only critique is that I'd like Penetrating Stench to be "cleaner" rules wise and possibly a little stronger. For example, making it an Aura 1" or 2" would save the headache of distinguishing between Engaging and Engaged by. And as it is written they only gain Stunned for their current activation. It would be nice if they didn't remove Stunned at the end of their Activation while under the effect as well. Just ideas.

    • Like 1
    • Agree 3
  9. Tier One: Collodi, Lilith

    They don't have any really bad Strat/Scheme match ups.  They don't really have any "hard counter" match ups with other masters.  And you can get an insane amount of work out of their AP.

    Tier Two: Dreamer, Lucius, Pandora, Titania

    All of these have some pretty bad match-ups by either Strats/Schemes or opponent Masters.  They all three get a lot of work out of the AP, so when they're not having to run uphill they can be incredible.

    Tier Three: Lynch, Zoraida

    I love both of these masters, but they're just not as effective as their compatriots.  Lynch just isn't flexible enough (in Neverborn) for me to take in a tournament.  And Zoraida doesn't get enough work out of her AP.  She's got a lot of stuff on her card and upgrades that rarely, if ever, comes into play.  

  10. Tournament - Gaining Grounds 2017
    July 29th, 2017
    Dragon's Lair - Austin, TX

    Standard Gaining Grounds 2017 Tournament

    11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Check-in & Registration
    12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Round One
    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Lunch
    3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Round Two
    5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Round Three
    7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Awards and Gloating

    ENTRY FEE - $10 USD

    Please pay your entry fee at the front register and then provide Robert (the TO, me) with your receipt.  If you’re wanting to have a model(s) judged for the Sexy Beast Award, please present the model when you check in.

    All Masters played in the event must be based and painted as per GG2017 requirements (pg. 3). Additionally, at least HALF of your crew must also be based and painted as per GG2017 requirements.

    All conversions and proxies are expected to follow the GG2017 requirements (pg. 3).  Official Proxies won’t be challenged.  If you have any models that you think might come into question please see Robert (the TO) before the tournament begins.


    Round One - Turf War, Standard Deployment
    Round Two - Headhunter, Flank Deployment
    Round Three - Interference, Close Deployment

    Schemes will be announced at the beginning of the tournament


    Mystery Boxes, LE Models, LE Cards, Store Credit, and more

    First, Second, Third Place awards
    Killer Smile - Player voted the most positive playing experience
    Sexy Beast Award - Best paint job on a table-ready model.  The model must be played in the tournament.  Please submit the model upon check-in.
    Stiff Upper Lip Award - Lowest ranking participant who completed all rounds.

  11. Gaining Grounds Tournament
    Dragon's Lair - Austin, TX
    Saturday - May 20th, 2017 
    11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

    50 Soulstone
    Fixed Faction
    $10 Entry Fee

    11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) - Check In
    12:00 PM to 2:00 PM - Round One
    2:30 PM to 3:00 PM - Lunch
    3:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Round Two
    5:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Round Three

    Check In
    Please pay your entry fee at the front register and then provide Robert (the TO, that's me) with you receipt.

    Painting Requirements
    All Masters played in the event must be based and painted as per GG2017 requirements (pg. 3).  All other models are expected to be properly based, but are not required to be painted.

    Conversions and Proxies
    All conversions and proxies are expected to follow the GG2017 requirements (pg. 3).  Official Proxies won't be challenged.  If you have any models that you think might come into question please see Robert (the TO) before the tournament begins.

    Round One - Extraction, Standard Deployment
    Round Two - Guard the Stash, Flank Deployment
    Round Three - Reconnoiter, Close Deployment

    Schemes will be announced at the beginning of the tournament

    Prize Support
    Mystery Boxes, Store Credit, LE Models, guilders, raffle prizes, and more

  12. A Stitch in Time (Act II) Part 2
    Through the Breach Global Campaign Event
    Dragon's Lair - Austin
    Saturday April 22nd, 2017
    2:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    We weren't quite able to complete Act II, so we'll be picking up where we left off.  If you weren't able to make last session don't worry.  With a little bit of hand waving we can work in any additional PCs that are interested.  

    There will be 8 pre-made characters for players to choose from.  So all you need to bring is a deck of cards (preferably with Malifaux suits), a few minis to represent any characters your interested in (and their subordinates), pencil and paper, a wicked imagination, and anything else that you think might help.

  13. A Stitch in Time (Act II)
    Through the Breach Global Campaign Event
    Dragon's Lair - Austin
    Saturday April 8th, 2017
    2:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    There will be 8 pre-made characters for players to choose from.  So all you need to bring is a deck of cards (preferably with Malifaux suits), a few minis to represent any characters your interested in (and their subordinates), pencil and paper, a wicked imagination, and anything else that you think might help.

  14. 2 hours ago, yool1981 said:

    I struggle to find Vasilisa's purpose. It does not bring so much to the crew, is not very durable and unsuited obey is really mew.

    I do not get why this model passed the beta test as it is. But maybe I need to give it a chance and it will unexpectedly shine.

    She's total garbage.  She's 11 stones of walks.

    Collodi changed like 50 times during the beta test, so I think she suffered from just not getting enough attention.  The only issues I remember coming up was her initial ability to sling-shot Collodi into an opposing crew somehow... but I never understood why that was such a big deal as he's kinda mediocre without back up.

  15. I agree with everyone about playing a Fated Collodi, mostly because I prefer that version more.  With that in mind I'd say you've got two things to balance defending your crew and murdering problem models.

    You've got a lot of options defensively.  Soft Cover from Stitched Together, Hodgepodge Effigy, and Waldgeists.  I'm a fan of all three, but the I take the Hodgepodge less that I probably should.  The Mysterious Effigy can help get models out of engagement or LoS if they survive an attack, but that doesn't help against Sonnia herself.  The Shadow Effigy can give a :-fate on the first attack against them which can make a huge difference.  And then Arcane can remove conditions.  All these are great options, it's just matter of figuring out which one your like best.

    Killing wise, I'm a big fan of Young Nephilim just because of the amount of damage they can put out.  Illuminated are more survivable for +1 stone, but they don't kill things as quickly.  In order to make them really mean you need a good way of putting out Brilliance and that's investing more stones then I'm normally willing to do.  Coryphee can also be good, but I find there Wounds to be too low against a ranged crew.  If you're focusing on paper cuts (a lot of small attacks) then Arcane is a good choice as it'll stack up burning on your enemy, which most of her crew isn't immune to.  I haven't played with Bunraku, but they look good and could easily replace the Young Nephilim if they're as good as I hope.

    But whatever you do... DO NOT TAKE VASILISA

  16. After a few more games my current favorite is The Tooth.  Her auto drop markers on her hitting has worked incredibly well as a bodyguard for Titania as well as having extra's lying around for Malifaux Provides.  A close second is The Thorn because of how much support she can put out with a 3" engagement and card draw is really useful.

    I'm about to start testing Queen's Champion more, so these two might switch spots.  We'll see.

    • Like 1
  17. 16 hours ago, wizuriel said:

    Page 36 of the core rulebook

    1. Resolve “Activation" Effects
    2. Generate AP


    They would get slow before generating AP

    Sweet.  Thanks.  That's what I thought, and none of my opponents argued otherwise.  But I heard some discussion of them getting slow from Curse of Autumn and then the Gorar could Paralyze them and I was like... "whaahh?"

  18. So I'm worried that I've been playing the Curse of Autumn incorrectly, but I've also heard it being interpreted two different ways on podcasts and discussions and such.  So I wanted to see if I could get it cleared up.

    When an enemy model Activates while engaged with one of the Knights (Tooth, Sword, or Thorn) they have to make a Wp 13 duel or gain Slow.  Does that slow take immediate effect before they generate AP, thus only giving them 1 AP for that Activation.  Or do they "ignore" it for that Activation and carry over that Slow until their next activation.

    I've been running it as the first ruling, because it seems cleaner and easier.  But it sounds like some have been interpreting it as the latter.  

  19. My 2 cents...

    I find that Nekima with Malifaux Provides and Fears Given Form is super survivable as long as you're willing to hand out Titania's taunt condition pretty reliably.  Put Tannen and/or Barbaros on top of that and I've had her clear out a crew before she goes down.  I haven't put any Changelings on near Nekima yet, but when I do I'll ditch Fears Given Form.  Titania and her box is not killy.  Period.  Full stop.  You  have to bring something in that's going to murder faces.  You'll just have to find out what works best for you.

    I never leave home without Tannen and I've been playing around with Graves some as well, and I'm liking him.  He doesn't kill as hard as Nekima, but he's super flexible.  Barbaros I'm fine with but I've been cutting him out due to cost.

    I consider Audience with the Queen and Behold my Glory auto includes.  I haven't played around with Queens Champion mainly because it looks like more work than it's worth.  I'm going to test it with Graves, but between The Thorn and The Tooth (I think... the Sword one) I've not had any trouble getting extra markers down.  Between the Tooth and Aether Connection I've not had Titania die yet, but that could be luck or my meta.  

    I have yet to be impressed with the Gorar, so I'd suggest taking Primordial Magic.  I would back up Necroon's suggestion of Mysterious Effigy, it's super useful to just walk and put down markers while it's giving Titania some defensive mobility back up.  Performer's are also really good.  I take them expecting to blow up markers for the debuff, but end up just running schemes away from most of the fray but she gets me VP so I'm never disappointed.  Same can be said with the Doppelganger.  This is one of the few times I can see taking a Silurid over a Gupps or Tots, because Titania doesn't have a lot of ways to draw cards, so a 5+ is much easier to hold on to than a Mask.  They are, however, taking up A LOT of your stones.

    My biggest failing with Titania so far is figuring out what to take to run schemes away from her bubble.  She's really damn good at taking care of everything in her area, but getting something upfield for leave your mark and such is not her forte.  So you'll have to take other models to make that work.

    I hope some of that is useful and not just me rambling.  :-P

  20. 23 hours ago, Sybaris said:

    I'd go for a Dracula style Nephilim.

    I have some notes from a few years ago that's a Nosferatu/Orlok based idea for a Rezzer/Neverborn dual faction Master.  Necromancers that used the corruptive and alchemical nature of black blood as a way to create ghoul-vampire-things.

    • Like 1
  21. 9 hours ago, feagaur said:

    The Mysterious Emissary is great in certain strats. Works well if you're running her in interference as pumping out Changelings off all the scheme markers that you're creating works a charm. He also goes well with all the pseudo lures that the crew has. Pulling enemy models into his hungry land markers.

    I'm looking at taking it with Nekima so I can have a big bubble of 3" 4/5/6 attacks.  Even if it's only a Ml 4, all I have to do is hit.

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