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Gremlin guy

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Posts posted by Gremlin guy

  1. It looks like there are some new home owners in town.


    Uh oh,I think some gremlins up and got citified!


    Hey! That's a sacred mystic site! And now there are pigs all around it.


    While Wong attempts to gather some mystical power, McTavish gives his gator a bath.


    I can feel the property value going down by the second.


    Rami is always on the job.


  2. I got a little more work done on my board and house. I need to buy a different set of hinges though because these are too close to the edge and the screw split a chunk off.




    I took a few more photos of the house, but my phone died in the middle of taking them. I'll post those when it has enough of a charge to send them to imgur.

  3. I assume you mean beyond the story titles listed on the podcast website: http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/


    No Spoilers (at least I don't think they're spoilers)


    Episode 1:

    Snow on a Tombstone - Rasputina & Seamus fight over the contents of a tomb

    Into the Breach - Viktoria rides train to Malifaux and meets Leveticus & Alyce


    Episode 2:

    Secrets Within - Rasputina at Ridley Station reading Philip's Journal

    Staying Dead - Samael & Justice discuss the aftermath of the Snow on the Tombstone battle


    Episode 3:

    Lost and Found - Leveticus & Sonnia dicuss Viktoria's arrival in Malifaux

    Rude Awakening - Lilith attacks Rasputina in a forest


    Episode 4:

    Dead Man's Hand - McMourning & Seamus make a deal

    Luck of the Draw - Viktoria gets her fortune told by Zoraida

    The Union - Rasputina meets Ramos

    Those are perfect. Also, I don't see a description on the web sight. Unless Tales of Malifaux 01 (through 05) is a description. Perhaps IIT shows differently on a tablet?

  4. The house is all coming together! Looks great! What did you use for the carpet?

    it's just a cheap piece of fabric I got from A. C. Moore, then cut to size. (sizes actually as I cut 2 pieces instead of making the corner around the stairs)
  5. Here you can see a group of dirty Ressers has taken over my house! Oh, and I've finished the walls for the second floor.


    Nicodem may be blocking the entrance, but he isn't blocking the fact that my stairs aren't painted.


    On the second floor are a bunch of leaping necropunks and a Belle coming up the stairs.


    Nicodem's vulture has found his way to the unfinished chimney!


    Here is a view of the ground floor without the top floor attached. I still havent decided how to paint the stairs. The floors have tabs that hold them together for the occasional table bump.


    And this is a view of the two floors side by side.


    I hope you like everything (except the ressers. They are too dirty to like.)

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks to both of you for the compliments! I've been pretty busy, although I haven't accomplished much since my last update.

    Here is a picture of the board I'm working on.


    Jus most of the frame, a few lines marking centerlines, and some paint on there for now. When done it will be a folding board. I was a little off on a few measurements, but since I did them in my head at Home Depot, I'm OK with that. A few cuts and I should fix there big line running through the middle.

  7. That looks like a great size. When I looked at pictures of my models next to my bricks, I thought they looked a bit like cinder block size. Then I remembered mass produced bricks don't need to be a certain size, just the same size.

    I'm building a game table too though and I'm probably using an idea like this for cobble stones.

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