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Everything posted by AtomicKeen

  1. Your thoughts on these guy's ss cost? Fire Warrior (The "Tau Riflemen") Fire Caste, Rare 3, Shas'la [TABLE=class: grid, width: 150, align: left] [TR] [TD]Wk/Cg[/TD] [TD]Ht[/TD] [TD]Wp[/TD] [TD]Ca[/TD] [TD]Df[/TD] [TD]Wd[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4/-[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Pulse Rifle Rg 12 Cb 5Rams Dg 2/3/4 Abilities: Fire Caste Armor: Bulletproof 2. Companion (Shas'la) Mon'ka, The Killing Blow: When Shas'la companion them may share the effect of Target Priority. Hunter "The Kau'yon never covered hand to hand!": This model may not take a defensive stance. When this model is the target of a charge or melee strike, its defense flips recieve a [-] flip. Animostiy [Guild Riflemen] Actions: (0) Stand and Fire: If a friendly Fire Caste within 6'' is the target of a charge, this model may perform a ranged attack targeting the charging model before it moves. This action's effect ends when the model has performed this attack, or at the start of its next activation. (1) "Go to Ground!": This model gains the Guerrilla Fighter ability. (All) Combined Arms: This model performs up to three ranged attacks. This action may only be performed if this model is simultaneously activaed with one or more friendly Shas'la. Triggers: Cb(Ram) Firing Squad [Pulse Rifle]: Ignores Hard to Wound.
  2. Shas'ui Pathfinder Fire Caste, Rare 2 [TABLE=class: grid, width: 150, align: left] [TR] [TD]Wk/cg[/TD] [TD]Ht[/TD] [TD]Wp[/TD] [TD]Ca[/TD] [TD]Df[/TD] [TD]Wd[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]5/-[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]6[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]6[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Pulse Carbine Rg 8 Cb 5 Dg 1/2/3 Networked Markerlight Rg 12 Cb 6Ram Dg 0/0/0 (+1) Nimble Fire Caste Armor: Bulletproof 2. From the shadows: This model may be deployed after all other models, in or behind any terrain more than 12'' away from any enemy, or the objective of any strategy or scheme. This model may not be targeted by charges or ranged attacks until it performs an action other than pass if deployed this way. If multiple models with this ability are in play, players alternate deploying them in deployment order for crews. "The Kau'yon never covered hand to hand!": This model may not take a defensive stance. When this model is the target of a charge or melee strike, its defense flips recieve a [-] flip. Hunter Scout Weapon: Networked Markerlight: Until the End Closing Phase, friendly models ignore cover when targeting a model hit by this weapon. Pulse Carbine: This weapon may only be used once per activation. Actions: (0)Guide: (Pulse)4. Friendly models gain scout. Triggers: Cb(Ram) Mark Target (Networked Markerlight): End Harmless or pitiful on defender hit by this weapon. Cb((Ram)Ram) Target Priority (Networked Markerlight): Until the End Closing Phase, the next friendly model to make a ranged strike against the defender do so at +2Cb. Spells: (1) Underslung Photon Grenade Launcher (CC:12/Rst:--/Rg:C) Reduce the range of the Pulse Carbine to 6" and replace its damage with 0+slow/0+slow(Blast)/0+paralyzed(Blast) (0) Cloak (CC:10 Masks/Rst-/Rg:C) ranged attacked against this model receives [-] until the end of the closing phase A mix between a Guild Pathfinder (minus his traps, damage, and combat ability) and a Watcher (minus his movement bonuses and construct abilities). The pathfinder's shotgun has been replaced with a carbine that can give slow instead of dealing damage that ignores armor. Please review and give a cost so I can use him in my friendly games with my group?
  3. Well yeah... but getting people to play Apocalypse is so hard...
  4. Great idea with the Competetive Shooter ability. Now no one has to worry about Sniper stacking.
  5. I run the Guild Riflemen as regular Fire Warriors. My 40k army is Dieselpunk themed (the human element is all WWI British/WWII American) so the story goes that they slipped through a Breach in the Warp and crash landed in the badlands of Malifaux. I've been mostly playing McCabe (as a guy in a battlesuit) with Von Schill (as a Commissar). Would you suggest dropping these guys down to Rare 1? I have them rare 2 because they really are kind of glassy when you get down to it. Yes, Bulletproof 1 and Guerilla Fighter, but what I've seen in Malifaux is that combat and casting rule, whereas shooting is relatively weak. And to match their race's fluff, they are terrible in combat and will be hacked to pieces very quickly. I'll update their profile with your suggestions. I'm looking to make a very melee breakable sniper unit at around 7ss. Additionally, I wouldn't be using any named characters like Nino Ortega or Hans. A couple of these guys with less buffs, boosts, triggers and abilities will be my replacement. I'm trying to put together a small friendly list to use my stranded Kill-Teams against my friends, who run Ressurectionists and Neverborn.
  6. Ok, advice has been taken and the profile has been updated. Being able to use the Sniper ability has become a (2) action with built in strike, so the model will have the option between two normal shots or a single sniper shot, and the targeting matrix is now a (0) spell so Han's goggles arent an always on ability. The reposition trigger has been removed to give him less of a suit advantage.
  7. [Reposted in-faction for Guild SS cost] Shas'la Sharpshooter Fire Caste, Rare 2. [TABLE=class: cms_table_grid, align: left] [TR] [TD]Wk/ch[/TD] [TD]Ht[/TD] [TD]Wp[/TD] [TD]Ca[/TD] [TD]Df[/TD] [TD]Wd[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4/-[/TD] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]5[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Rail Rifle Rg 16 Cb 6(Ram) Dg 2/3/4 Fire Caste Armor: Bulletproof 2. Scout Guerrilla Fighter: Enemy models treat this model as Ht 1 when attempting to draw LoS to it. Weapon: Rail Rifle This model may not make Strikes with this weapon during an activation in which it makes a move action. This weapon ignores armor. "The Kau'yon never covered hand to hand!": This model may not take a defensive stance. When this model is the target of a charge or melee strike, its defense flips recieve a [-] flip. Competitive Shooter: This model has Animosity [Hans, Nino]. Actions: (2) Patient Hunter: This model performs a ranged attack which ignores cover, obscuring terrain, and intervening models when targeting. Triggers: Cb ((Ram)Crow) Headshot [Rail Rifle]: After hitting a defender with a Rail Rifle Strike, do no damage. Kill defender unless its controller discards 2 Control Cards or 2 Soulstones. Only models with the Use Soulstones ability may discard Soulstones. Cb (Ram) Critical Strike [Rail Rifle] Spells: (0)Networked Targeting Matrix: (cc:10/rst:--/Rg:c) This model ignores any enemy spell or talent that affects LOS. I came up with some character profiles to use my models in Malifaux and my buddies asked me to come to the forum and ask for a SS cost before I used them in our games. How much should this cost? Thanks for the help!
  8. Adran: I know I stuck this in Outcasts, but i play Guild (usually McCabe with Von Schill). Should I move it to get a more reliable read?
  9. Shas'la Sharpshooter Fire Caste, Rare 2. (Guild) [TABLE=class: grid, width: 150, align: left] [TR] [TD]Wk/ch [/TD] [TD]Ht [/TD] [TD]Wp [/TD] [TD]Ca [/TD] [TD]Df [/TD] [TD]Wd [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4/- [/TD] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]5 [/TD] [TD]4 [/TD] [TD]4 [/TD] [TD]5 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Rail Rifle Rg 16 Cb 6(Ram) Dg 2/3/4 Fire Caste Armor: Bulletproof 2. Scout Guerrilla Fighter: Enemy models treat this model as Ht 1 when attempting to draw LoS to it. Weapon: Rail Rifle This model may not make Strikes with this weapon during an activation in which it makes a move action. This weapon ignores armor. "The Kau'yon never covered hand to hand!": This model may not take a defensive stance. When this model is the target of a charge or melee strike, its defense flips recieve a [-] flip. Competitive Shooter: This model has Animosity [Hans, Nino]. Actions: (2) Patient Hunter: This model makes a ranged strike which ignores cover, obscuring terrain, and intervening models when targeting. Triggers: Cb ((Ram)Crow) Headshot [Rail Rifle]: After hitting a defender with a Rail Rifle Strike, do no damage. Kill defender unless its controller discards 2 Control Cards or 2 Soulstones. Only models with the Use Soulstones ability may discard Soulstones. Cb (Ram) Critical Strike [Rail Rifle] Spells: (0)Networked Targeting Matrix: (cc:10/rst:--/Rg:c) This model ignores any enemy spell or talent that affects LOS. I came up with some character profiles to use my models in Malifaux and my buddies asked me to come to the forum and ask for a SS cost before I used them in our games. How much should this cost? Thanks for the help!
  10. AtomicKeen

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