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Everything posted by Domoto

  1. I love the Plastic Slop Haulers honestly, the main one reminds me Mickey from the Rocky Series. I guess it's mostly because I absolutely loathe everything about the metal one :/
  2. Well, I would say it's a mix of layering and then a tiny bit of glazing where the edges are too hard. For a medium I use a mix of about 60% water, 20% Winsor & Newton Artists Acrylic Flow Improver, and 20% Master Series Paint Drying retarder for all of my thinning
  3. Here's a WIP of Lenny, pretty happy with how he is coming out so far
  4. Haven't had nearly as much time as I would like to paint, but I have made some more progress. The Bayou Gremlin on the right is mostly done barring the after effects, the left still has a ways to go, but so far I am really enjoying painting these guys
  5. Thanks! yeah I was really happy with the overall skin tone. I had a lot of gap issues with the face and the left side belt. The whole box itself had a decent amount of gap issues in my opinion, was not a joy to assemble (especially those blasted Skeeters ), The whole kit required quite a bit of Green Stuff (the irony!) and fiddling, That being said it's a blast to paint
  6. Hey all! So I attempted to get into Malifaux back in 1.5 but for various reasons it didn't happen, but I am happy to say I tried again and it's worked out much better this time I am relatively new to painting (have only done about 5 or 6 models over a long period of time) but I grew up around it, I also read A TON about it (techniques,supplies ect) I decided on Gremlins as my faction this time around and am loving it so far, this log will mostly be Gremlin models because of it I am using a Webcam for now which doesn't quite show all of the detail but it's the best I have access to I figured I would start this log now and first up Som'er, I still have the base to do and effects like dirt/mud but most all of the groundwork on the model itself is done and I am pretty happy with how he is coming
  7. Being new to actually playing Malifaux, not the universe or it's models, I was very excited to finally get my Hands on the Som'er box as Gremlins is the faction I decided to play. I am not new to assembling models and do clean mold lines, use filler ect. I found this box to be a huge pain to assemble. There was quite a lot of filler required, multiple pieces did not line up properly and things like the Fishing rod gremlin left arm were just not fun. The skeeters were I think the worst of if for reasons explained in the un-boxing. Now this does not mean I do not like the models, I love the models! I am mostly going off having assembled the Red Chapel set and some of the Dark Debt's box not too long ago for something to do while I awaited the Som'er box release. I didn't seem to have near the issues with them that I did this box. In the end, I am loving the models now that they are assembled and happily painting them, but it just seemed like it took way more work for this particular box :/ You summed up pretty much all of my thoughts whilst I assembled it myself so great post
  8. I did, I imagine they are more than capable, was more just wondering since I imagine there is more than just myself e-mailing them, would like to avoid any messed up situations, especially if I am the cause of it. and the confirmation e-mail was also a just wondering as I've used other similar services before and some do and others don't
  9. So I wasn't sure exactly where to post this but here goes.. So i received a Dark Debts Box recently and the models/sprue was all in tact but there were no cards or bases inside it...so I submitted the Mispack form...however the first time I forgot to mention the cards as well were missing (stupid silly me XD)...so I re-submitted it..I can't seem to find a place to contact Wyrd about hopefully having the cards sent as well since there were 2 submissions, and I don't want to submit a 3'rd or use a form that is not made for general inquiries... Also, for anyone who has used this, are you supposed to get a confirmation of submission e-mail? just wondering, I realize it will take a little while to hear back from them, but just want the process to be as smooth as possible for both parties Thanks
  10. Would be a little silly if they didn't allow sleeves. It makes shuffling easier and protects the cards which see lot's of use during a game. I myself use Dragon Shield Clear sleeves on my Puppet Deck, while they are plastic, this gets rid of the slippery-ness, while still showing the whole card.
  11. Just finished Teddy today, I had a blast doing this model!
  12. Well these aren't technically the first two I have painted, I've attempted at painting a warjack from Warmachine...but never quite finished...so I guess these are the first two I have finished, Thanks for the comments!!
  13. Hey there, So I am not so new to wargaming, but I am new to Malifaux and I decided with this game I was going to get started on painting right away rather than just play with primed models. These will be some of the first models I have painted (I've only painted 2 models before and never finished :Confused_Puppet1: ), although I have read quite a lot about painting/techniques and such. Feedback and comments are always welcome! Sorry for the not so great lighting and pics...it's from my Phone XD So here are the first two models I have done Collodi and a stitched together:
  14. Hey there, love the Podcast, helped me confirm my choice of getting into Malifaux, thanks for everything!

  15. Well, I am definitely glad I didn't get any Doom n' Gloom about mentioning Collodi, so I went ahead an ordered His box, Stitched, Weaver Widow, Mysterious effigy, Teddy, 1.5 Rulebook and the plastic Puppet Wars cards (I couldn't help it on those XD) down the road I will definitely look into the Brutal Effigy, thanks for the responses and the advice everyone I look forward to joining you beyond the Breach!
  16. Wow, thanks for the quick responses! Well, as for going with Collodi I was going to get the box, Stitched, Weaver Widow, Teddy( even if he can only come by WW summon...I love the model anyway!) and a Mysterious effigy (I know Arcane effigy seems to be said a lot but Mysterious model is my favorite so far) so that I have enough for 25SS
  17. Hey there, So I have been playing tabletop games for a while now and I have known about Malifaux for quite some time and I think I may have finally gotten a group to get into it. I have been looking over crews/playstyles/guides/models and everything I could soak up for a couple of says now and have come to a but of a choice. At first I was sure I was going to go outcasts...but, no matter what I found myself looking at neverborn...specifically Jakob Lynch and Collodi. Jakob seems way too awesome and I already like him...but I reaaaaally like Collodi from the model, to the lore to what I have gathered about his playstyle. It's the puppet thing, I get all giddy. However, I am not sure if I should jump right into getting him first. I tend to like a bit of a challenge when it comes to playing and learning the game and realize since he is a Henchman and has a weird playstyle that sort of fits. My problem is while I like a challenge, I do not like getting stomped right off the bat over and over again. I have no issue with losing, but when I can't learn anything from it, it makes me very sad indeed. So basically, my question is this, should I just go ahead and go for Collodi and some add's to the box or would I be better off going for something like Jakob in the beginning? If it helps any the only masters I know of that I will likely see right away are Lady J, Seamus or Kirai and the Dreamer unless minds are changed Thanks for taking the time to read and possibly answer!
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