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Everything posted by phatheadaf

  1. Can the 1/2/4 damage flip from this be cheated? A.
  2. So you are suggesting running both the Executioner and Sam in the same list? Currently my Meta is running only 25 SS games, so perhaps I can do that at the next level. That said, when Sam dies are you getting him killed at ranged or in melee? I presume by bringing the Executioner your attempting to dissuade people from closing, but does that keep him alive? Interested to hear your thoughts... A.
  3. I am no modeling pro for sure, but the liquid green works pretty good. I used in on my Criid Avatar, and it came out pretty sweet. I've also started to use it to secure pieces that glue won't grab, that I can't seem to pin. Two pieces of advice: 1. you need to use it heavy to fill a crack, and smooth over, as it goes on like super think paint, and if you don't use enough it doesn't fill the gap. 2. it dries wicked quick, so DON'T leave the bottle un capped. It's easy to work w/ on the model, but I know somebody who got side tracked and finished the model they were working on, and then came back and found their green stuff no longer liquid . Other than that, it's worth the $4 IMHO. Works well for an amatuer like me... A.
  4. lol... thanks. was super sweet for sure :-) a.
  5. As I've said on these forums before, my LGS has recently begun to adopt Malifaux and last night I played my newly painted Criid Crew versus my friend's newly assembled Misaki crew. After some mismanagement of resources, I was out of Soulstones and all my cheats were cooked. All I could do was sit there and take it on the final swing, then... BAM: black joker flopped on the damage flip!!! Inferno triggered at the start of the close, killing Misaki and a Ototo allowing me to table the rest of the crew en route to a 4-0 victory! This morning my friend sent me this, and I had to share...
  6. Hey! I play at Flagship Comics, it's my main LGS, and there definitely is a new Malifaux clique brewing there! There is a large Warmachine contingent, but a lot of that crew (me included) has begun to adopt Malifaux as their secondary game. The night that is starting to stir for Malifaux is looking like Thursday. Wednesday tends to be a WM night; which is why we are pushing for Malifaux on a different night. Definitely come up! I have been trying to push it on Thursdays myself, as there was a Hero Clicks crew that has diminished, and Thursday is open for a game to take over. So hopefully looking forward to meeting you guys there! Flagship is in Southington, CT on Queen St., if you need more info PM me... A.
  7. yup... super good! Played him again tonight, he killed a Sabertooth twice (once as Myranda) and also triggered Ricichete into the Jackalope; ultimately baiting Marcus into killing him granting me 2 VP for my Frame for Murder Scheme :-) A.
  8. So, I've hardly been playing the game long enough to be creating dojo, but I wanted to run something by the board and see what everyone thought. Anyone ever try playing Sam w/ Lady J? Seems like a better fit. If I'm building that crew to deal w/ Resurectionists (which I know is noob cliche but just go with it or now), he would seem to be an upgrade from the Judge at least at my current point level, which is 25 SS. Here is my thought: The Death Marshalls can bury Sam, which helps him get to where he needs to be in the game, w/o danger of being offed before he can pop off. Also, all the Resurectionist Masters/Henchman have a CA o 6 or higher, which triggers Arcane Hunter. Also, I'm thinking I can pick the Frame for Murder scheme which would reward me if somebody kills him. Seems like plausible tech... Thoughts? A.
  9. I have to admit, i really really like him, seems like he gets a lot of poo poo due to his inefficient SS cost (which i understand). I probably dont have enough experience to judge, but i really enjoy telling my opponent that his dmg is 6/7/8! A.
  10. So, as noted in previous threads me and my Malifaux clique are new to the game; however we have started off by playing 4 way free for all games so we can see lots of interactions. So last night, we had a game, and I was playing my usual Criid Crew. I was camping my stronghold (due to Hold Out Scheme), and I had previously carpet bombed Viktoria's area w/ Criid (Vicki's were being funneled back toward me from a pistol wielding Von Schill). Criid was able to do damage to both Vickis, and a few others, then blocking the retaliation w/ a Flame Wall. So Viktoria #1 activated and used her doppelganger forward to use the the next Viktoria to jump Criid in spite of the wall... not realizing Samuel Hopkins was lurking around the building in the woods (who was currently fending off Neverborn coming from the other side of the city). So Sam activated and moved into threat range of the Viktoria who hadn't activated yet, and having already cast Flaming Bullets the turn prior, was ready to go! He popped her, and I cheated up with a 12(Masks), to trigger Ricochete. With Flaming Bullets, Viktorias had no more SS left, so #1 was auto dead when she couldn't stop the hit, and the other Vicki had 3 only three damage left. Time for Ricochete... BAM flopped another Severe on the Ricochete! One shot; POW-POW.... no more Viktorias! So I had to share, was my first super sweet Malifaux moment. A.
  11. Noting what @JayBarlekamp said, would it help to inform the thread that I am currently playing Guild, specifically building a Sonnia Criid Crew? That said, I own all the current Guild Crew Boxes, however, I'm only working on Criid right now. The reason why I started the thread is that I feel compelled to win EVERY combat dual, as my Outcast, Arcanist, Neverborn and Resurectionist friends all seem to have 'other' stuff they seem do, where as my stuff is predominantly designed to kill my opponents pieces. That said, I typically finding myself pushing Sonnia hard using Soul Stones, and cheating up to do devastating Flame Bursts at the first good opportunity. So I find myself burning thru my resources early, and using the late game to finish of strategy and schemes when there is little left on the table. Is it possible i'm using resources out of my hand too hot and heavy, as a guild (Criid) player? A. PS - thanks again for all the feedback, it is definitley helping me get my head around this game.
  12. Really great feedback folks, thanks! The notion of not wasting cards on things that will kill me anyway, I had figured out thus far, tho I still make the noob mistake occassionally. I also really like the idea of not 'reaching' per se to catch a suited card that I do not already have in my hand, to make some trigger happen. This seems to be the most frustrating part to me thus far, however, I'm learning to let it go; if it happens great, if not, I played my hand correctly. Regarding the idea of 'attacking' my opponents hand, this I find interesting. I also like the breakout you listed of how you manage your hand. This will be quite helpful. Noting your thoughts, I have a general question for the thread: Is it strictly better, to push my opponent to have to cheat their flip as often as possible? I really like the idea of that theory, but perhaps it sounds better than it is in reality... Thanks again for all the feedback! A.
  13. So, I have a general strategy question, and perhaps the new player lounge is not the spot; however, what I'm looking to get some advice on is how to properly use the card mechanic. Let me level set my perspective (for those that may understand it): I'm a competitive Warmachine player, and coming from that world, I know that when rolling dice typically if I need 7's or less (on 2d6) I don't boost, 8 or more I boost. If I'm minus 3 or less on damage rolls, I don't boost, if -4 or more I boost. Is there a similar strategy in the card mechanic, of when to cheat and when not to? Is it always purely based on player discretion or are there some general 'best practices' that are followed? While I feel it's likely the latter, I want to make sure there isn't some mechanic that I'm overlooking. Thanks in advance for your feedback... A.
  14. I am a newb, so apologies if this is simple. If a buried model is returned to the game prior to the beginning of the Closing Phase Step (i.e. during the Activation Phase) does that model activate normall w/ full AP? When answering can you possibly point me towards a reference in the rule book? I read pg 18 re: Buried Models, etc., but I was unable to find a clear answer to this. Thanks in advance! A.
  15. So as I begin to enter the Malifaux universe, play games, and collect models i also have picked up all of the books; Im loving the setting :-). My question is this: is the fluff in the opening book, different from that in 1.5? Thanks very much! A.
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