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Posts posted by Shadowdragon

  1. I got a Marcus crew box for christmas and just recently noticed in the FAQ/Errata that Cojo is supposed to be on a 50mm base. Now, the box I got came with two 40mm bases and a 50mm base, so which base is supposed to go with which beast? Isn't the Cerberus also supposed to go on a 50mm base? If two of the beasts are supposed to go on 50mm bases does this mean I have to buy a single extra 50mm base to make the crew usable?

    • Like 5
  2. January is almost over and there's still no sign of the Crossroads pdf. I am itching to read all the new fluff and see all the new stat cards, but there's no way I'm getting a dead tree version of the book. Come on Wyrd, stop dragging your feet and get the pdf onto rpgnow already so I can throw more money at you.

    • Like 3
  3. I would like to see more characters that had jobs around Malifaux towns.


    - A sort of Woodsman a la the old Fairytales.

    - Barber, since we have showgirls/bartenders/plenty of hammer wielders/etc. Finish off the Western town feel.

    - An unsavory butcher type that sells whatever meat he comes across (could trigger poison from Neverborn meat, light heal from tasty rat, something cookish though).

    - Junk dealer, think Mr. Haney from Green acres. More gambling on card draws (trigger on any suit but needs a Medium-High card) for effects.


    A western style barber would be interesting, especially as they usually doubled as "doctors". However, a Malifaux version of Sweeney Todd would be pretty awesome as more of a city barber.

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  4. I'd like to get the plastic Rasputina crew box at some point in the (hopefully) not so distant future, but I'm really not liking how the wendigo is attached to an entire other model. For those who have the box already, how difficult would it be to remove the wendigo and base it on it's own? Would I be better off just tracking down one of the metal wendigo instead?

  5. I got a bunch of gravestones recently for use with some graveyard terrain I'm making. I'm not entirely sure how to base them for use in Malifaux though. I can't decide whether it would be better to base them separately and treat each headstone as a separate piece of terrain, or if I should base them in "strips" of 3-4 and maybe treat each strip as a low wall or something. I've searched this forum but didn't find much in the way of graveyard terrain or headstones, so I'm curious if anyone has some graveyard/headstone terrain to share, or some opinions on the best way to base headstones.

  6. Call me old fashioned, but I feel like premeasuring in a miniatures game is basically cheating. If you're going to have premeasuring why not just go the Heroclix route and put the game onto a grid. Movement and Range then becomes a # of squares rather than a # of inches. Might as well just make Malifaux a board game. I mean really "I'm going to shoot that guy over there, so everyone stop what you're doing" *shooter then paces out the distance between himself and the target before returning to his original position* "Dang, half a pace out of range, ok I'm going to shoot that that other guy over there instead" It's just such a stupid concept both mechanically and descriptively.


    I've looked at some other threads on these forums and seen garbage like the whole premeasure and premove debacle, and the "measure from point A to point B, then from point B to point C, etc..." lunacy. How did this make it into the rules in the first place, and what person could possibly think such a rule was a good idea? Was this added simply to appease the tournament players or something? Am I the only one that sees the absurdity in this? Honestly, I'm going to ignore the rule even exists. I don't care if my opponent chooses to cheat and premeasure, but I refuse to do it. M2E is otherwise a magnificent game, and I love it to bits, but this premeasuring thing really gets my ire up.


    Are there any groups out there that have banned premeasuring? Or has everyone simply accepted it? Has anyone actually tried playing Malifaux on a grid rather than with a measuring tape?

  7. The long leg thing seems to be a growing problem among the plastic miniatures. And it's not just the female models, have you seen the rail workers (or "stilt workers")? I wonder if it would be possible to cut out a couple mm from the legs to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body. 

  8. Has anyone else noticed that Nekima isn't in the online store? Was it removed, maybe to make way for a larger rescaled version? I have to say, I love Malifaux, the style, the miniatures, the game itself, I love everything about it. The current problems with scale and pricing, however, are becoming more and more worrying. I really hope they fix things soon before they price themselves out of business, or get such a bad reputation that everyone avoids them like one of Hamelin's plagues.

  9. Someone accidentally gave me a 1.5 version of the doppleganger for christmas, instead of the new 2e version. After seeing it in person I think I actually like it better than the "twisted around, looking over the shoulder" 2e one. However, now I need a 2e doppleganger card. Does anyone happen to have a spare one they'd be willing to part with? 

  10. I've never understood how a pdf copy can compete with the physical book. The only thing it could possibly do is increase overall sales by a tremendous amount. No other company I've ever heard of delays the pdf for such a lengthy period of time. I think Wyrd is kind of shooting themselves in the foot here.

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