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Posts posted by Shadowdragon

  1. Located in Canada. Prices are in USD. Shipping is extra and I do accept paypal.

    Plastic female gunsmith (fully painted, no card) $5 (pic: https://tristansnexus.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/gunsmiths.jpg)
    Hamelin's plague cloud $5
    Metal male gunsmith (new in blister) $6
    Metal steampunk arachnid swarm (new in blister) $5.50
    Metal Ramos Avatar (new in blister) $17.50
    Metal Lady Justice Avatar (complete and unassembled) $15
    Oxfordian Mages (new in box) $16.50
    Fire Gamin (new in box) $14.50
    Dr Alexei (new in bag) SOLD
    Nightmare Coryphee (new in bag) $40

    pic of all the miniatures: https://tristansnexus.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/malifaux.jpg


  2. 2 minutes ago, Skitt_Happens said:

    Are the informant and evidence markers 30mm? Sounds obvious but feel that should be stated for clarity.

    Although: I declare recover evidence, you name your 5 models, I place my new TOS 120mm markers in base contact... defend that! ;)

    When a marker size isn't mentioned it always defaults to 30mm.

    • Like 1
  3. Located in Canada. Shipping is extra and I do accept paypal. If you live nearby I'm more than happy to arrange pick up. Prices are listed in USD. Pictures of all the miniatures can be found in the flea market section of my web site https://tristansnexus.wordpress.com/fleamarket/

    Painted Minis
    Reaper Bones: Battleguard Golem $3
    Warmachine: Buccaneer $15
    SuperSystem: Red Bolt $4
    SuperSystem: Siberian $4
    SuperSystem: The Ox $6

    Unpainted minis
    Most of the miniatures are completely unpainted, some are primed either white or black, and a couple are partially painted. 

    - Warmachine
    Eiryss, mage Hunter of Ios $5
    Bosun Grogspar $6.50
    Fiona the Black $8

    - Reaper
    2586 nabin, human ranger $2.50
    2402 samurai of okura $2.50
    2666 hans bullman $2.50
    2x warlord - mercenary breakers $2.25 each
    3x warlord - mercenary warriors $2.25 each
    3x warlord - khamsin dervishes $2.25 each
    2x warlord - mercenary archers $2.25 each
    warlord - elf longthorn $2.25
    3209 skeletal catapult $11.25
    50217 The Black Mist $3

    - Celtos (unopened blister packs)
    Gael Stone Thrower $20
    Gael Lugh of the Long Arm $3
    Gael Cormac Red Axe $3
    Gael Prince Ilbhrech $4
    Gael Warrior with Standard $3
    Sidhe Midhir $3
    3x Sidhe Irdril $3 each
    2x Sidhe Faeron $3 each
    Vanir Ragnar $3

    - Confrontation (original metals, no cards) $11 for all 4
    Kayl Kartan $6
    3x Crossbowmen of Dirz $2.50 each

    - Chronopia
    5x blackblood orc swordsmen $2 each / $8 for all 5

    - Games Workshop $15 for all 12
    12x Dwarf Thunderers $1.50 each

    - Mage Knight Metals
    Chaos Mage $3
    Crystal Bladesmen $2.50
    Ranger $2.50
    2x Woodland Scout $2.50 each

    - SuperSystem $12 for all 11
    Rigger $3
    10x G.U.A.R.D. Tac Team $1.20 each

    - Game of Thrones LCG
    Core Set 1st edition $30

    Malifaux Wants 2E plastics only
    Crossroads 7
    Kaeris crew box
    Jack Daw crew box
    Ophelia crew box
    Mah Tucket crew box
    Ulix crew box
    Slop Haulers box set
    Snow Storm
    Witchling Handlers
    *The above are just my most wanted. There are tons of other Malifaux minis I'd be interested in, too many to list here. So, if you have malifaux to trade, send me a list of what you have.

  4. On 10/30/2016 at 7:32 AM, Manic Mouse said:

    A question I've been pondering is where do they go for book 5, if not a M2.5E?

    There are already a ludicrous number of masters in the game with a wide gamut of play styles.  Introducing even more masters into the game may run the risk of stepping on the toes of current ones.

    I think new limited upgrades would be great for the current masters, and was something they always talked about.  Some new models to flesh out certain crews again, great.  But I'm not so sure the game needs a new set of masters.

    I seriously doubt we're going to get any new masters any time soon, but I'm about 99% sure book 5 (and maybe even book 6) will contain new versions of existing masters (like epic warcasters in Warmachine). The vignettes in book 4 almost guarantee this is going to happen. It could just be done with upgrades, but it's much more likely to be all new cards and miniatures. Otherwise, going forward with malifaux I really hope we see lots of non-LE, non-Nightmare alternate sculpts, especially those that are currently problematic and can be done better (bayou gremlins, steam trunk, watcher, etc)

    • Like 2

    Really, the only problem with this situation is whether reducing the damage to 0 negates after damaging abilities as it does triggers. It doesn't cover this anywhere in the rulebook so the only way to properly resolve this is to get a reply from someone at Wyrd. Otherwise, the best we can do is make an assumption based on how triggers work and the entry in the faq that states when damage is reduced to 0 no damage is done. So, until Wyrd says otherwise I'm going to assume that abilities work the same as triggers, because there's nothing that says otherwise.


  6. People still seem to think that "suffers damage" means "when you mark off damage on the target's card". "Suffers damage" means "when the damage flip is made". First you work out the "suffers damage" part of the attack, then you actually apply the damage and effects from the attack. So you make the damage flip and resolve the attacker's abilities, then you resolve the defender's abilities (which can retroactively effect the attacks damage and effects), then any remaining damage and effects are applied. Otherwise Seamus would never be able to use Mad Haberdasher because every time he reduces damage to 0 he wouldn't be "suffering damage" therefore he wouldn't be able to use Mad Haberdasher. The game is full of things that are essentially "time travel" where one effect retroactively affects or even completely negates another effect (armour, immunities, defensive triggers, etc).


  7. What happens when a defensive trigger reduces damage to 0, or the use of a soulstone, or an ability like the Oxfordian Mage's shield? I would love to know if there's a general answer that applies to every situation like this, rather than just for this combination of upgrades. Is that even possible or will it always be more of a case by case kind of thing?

    @Solkan But according to the rules for triggers you missed a step. I know the rules are for triggers, but it sets precedence for how abilities should work as well, and why should abilities work any different.

    According to the rules for triggers:

    1.  Sunburst is resolved and applies Paralyzed

    2.  Fancy Haberdasher applies and the damage is reduced to 0.

    3. Since damage is now 0 after damaging effects are retroactively negated (so in a way the rules do actually use time travel)

    so you end up with no damage, no paralyze, and a hat marker

  8. Most of the time if I put silurids into a list I'd use two of them, maybe three in rare situations. I tend not to use all three of something unless it's a totem. I guess I prefer variety in my crews. I think I'm going to go with the tiik warriors. Of all the fishmen I've seen the tiik seem to fit the best with the spawn mother and gupps. If I grab two I can play with the second one a bit, see if it's possible to modify its pose a little.

  9. So, a few days ago I put together the Zoraida crew box. I have to say, the new silurids are kind of terrible. The leaping one just looks goofy, the crouching one is (surprise, surprise) way too large, and the one on the rock, well that one actually looks good, but I'm not fond of miniatures that come with their own terrain. The metal versions aren't much better, which leaves me with non-wyrd proxies. I don't play in tournaments, so I don't mind using proxies when I have to (although the silurids and Nekima are the only minis I've needed to proxy with non-Wyrd miniatures, so far). The Tiik warrior miniature from Reaper looks pretty good, and fits with the Spawn Mother and Gupps perfectly (much better than the official silurids anyway), but there's only the one pose. Does anyone happen to know of some other fish-people miniatures that would make good silurid proxies?

  10. Located in Canada. Shipping is extra and I do accept paypal. If you live nearby I'm more than happy to arrange pick up. Prices are listed in USD. Pictures of all the miniatures can be found here https://tristansnexus.wordpress.com/fleamarket/

    Painted Minis
    Reaper Bones: Battleguard Golem $3
    Ral Partha: Alien Dragon $20
    Games Workshop: Ork Warboss $15
    SuperSystem: Red Bolt $4
    SuperSystem: Siberian $4
    SuperSystem: The Ox $6
    Warmachine: Buccaneer $15

    Unpainted minis
    Most of the miniatures are completely unpainted, some are primed either white or black, and a couple are partially painted.

    - Warmachine
    Bosun Grogspar $6.50
    Fiona the Black $8
    Eiryss, mage Hunter of Ios $5

    - Reaper
    2586 Nabin, Desert Ranger $2.50
    2666 hans bullman $2.50
    2402 samurai of okura $2.50
    2165 gromtar the foul $2.50
    50217 The Black Mist $3
    3209 skeletal catapult $11.25
    3x warlord - mercenary warriors $2.25 each
    3x warlord - mercenary archers $2.25 each
    2x warlord - mercenary breakers $2.25 each
    3x warlord - khamsin dervishes $2.25 each
    warlord - elf longthorn $2.25

    - Celtos (unopened blister packs)
    Gael Stone Thrower $20
    Gael Lugh of the Long Arm $3
    Gael Cormac Red Axe $3
    Gael Prince Ilbhrech $4
    Gael Warrior with Standard $3
    2x Fomorian Skaggerak $3.50 each
    Fomorian Beastmen (2) $3.50
    Fomorian Moloch $3
    Fir Bolg Cernunnos $3
    Sidhe Midhir $3
    3x Sidhe Irdril $3 each
    2x Sidhe Faeron $3 each
    Vanir Ragnar $3

    - Malifaux
    Francisco (assembled, unpainted, plastic from crew box, w/ 2e card, no upgrades) $6

    - Games Workshop
    16x Dwarf Thunderers $1.50 each
    Dwarf Hammerer standard & musician $1.50 each

    - Mage Knight Metals
    Chaos Mage $3
    Crystal Bladesmen $2.50
    Ranger $2.50
    2x Woodland Scout $2.50 each

    - SuperSystem
    Rigger $3
    10x G.U.A.R.D. Tac Team $1.20 each


    Malifaux Wants 2E plastics only
    Crossroads 7
    Jack Daw crew box
    Datsue Ba box set
    Snow Storm

    Micro Art Studio Discworld
    Esme Weatherwax
    Pondor Stibbons
    Susan Sto-Helit
    Havelock Vetinari
    Angua von Uberwald
    Captain Carrot
    Cherry Littlebottom
    Fred Colon

  11. I have a translucent Dreamer crew box, plus some extras and duplicates from other factions, that I'm interested in selling or trading. I'm located in Canada, however prices are in USD, shipping is extra. Pictures can be found on my site https://tristansnexus.wordpress.com/fleamarket/

    Translucent Dreamer crew (comes with box) $75
    Kneeling Death Marshal $4
    Abuela $4
    Francisco (no upgrades) $6
    Colette crew (missing flight stands) $25

    Wants (2E plastics only. The following are just those miniatures I'm most interested in. If you have anything else feel free to send me a list of what you have):
    Crossroads 7
    Zoraida crew box
    Jack Daw crew box
    Datsue Ba box set
    Snow Storm

  12. Sadly, this is one of those poorly defined rules that seems to work one way for certain things and another way for other things. For Dumb Luck it's based on the damage card, but for triggers and Leveticus apparently it's based on the final number of wounds lost. Every game has these kinds of rules, fortunately Malifaux only has a couple.

  13. I'm a little confused about how derived stats are calculated. For example, in the Fated book it says Wounds are the sum of 4 + Toughness + 1/2 Resilience. However, in the Fatemsaster book the stat blocks seem to make Wounds 4 + Toughness + full Resilience. Defence and Willpower also seem to be done differently. In the Fated book it says 2 + either a skill or an aspect, but stat blocks in the Fatemaster book sometimes have it as 2 + both a skill and an aspect. So, are the calculations in the Fated book wrong, or are the stats in the Fatemaster book wrong? Or are the stats in the Fatemaster book just calculated differently.

  14. I have some extras and duplicates I'm interested in selling or trading. I'm located in Canada but prices are in USD. Shipping is extra. Pictures can be found on my site https://tristansnexus.wordpress.com/fleamarket/

    Kneeling Death Marshal (plastic, on sprue, w/ 2e card) $4
    Abuela (metal, no cards) $4
    Francisco (assembled, unpainted, plastic from crew box, w/ 2e card, no upgrades) $6
    Colette crew (missing flight stands, assembled, black primed, plastic, w/ all 2e cards) $25
    Translucent Dreamer crew (on sprue, box opened, w/2e cards) $75

    Wants (2E plastics only):
    Crossroads 7
    Lucius crew box
    Kaeris crew box
    Zoraida crew box
    Nicodem crew box
    Jack Daw crew box
    Ulix crew box
    Ophelia crew box
    Mah Tucket crew box
    Dead Doxies box set
    Datsue Ba box set
    Shikome box set
    Hoarcat Pride
    December Acolytes box set
    Molemen box set
    Insidious Madness box set
    Stitched Together box set

  15. The size and strength thing may be a bit too gritty for a system like TTB, and I can live without any of that, but having no way to escape from a pin seems like a severe oversight. Hell, with the way pinned is worded, if you get pinned and the grappler is killed then you are literally paralyzed forever with no way of getting rid of it unless someone else has a way to cleanse conditions from you.

  16. When a character sets off a trap, would it be better to have them make an Evade flip or a Defence flip to avoid said trap, or does it really matter which one they use? I'm just trying to figure out if there is an actual use for the Evade skill beyond just being a way to determine Defence. If Evade is used would the damage flip still get an accuracy modifier? In the rules it says an accuracy modifier is only applied if the attack was an opposed duel. TTB doesn't really make a distinction between opposed duels and unopposed duels, all duels in TTB are just considered simple duels, so would an Evade flip made to avoid being hit by a trap be considered an opposed duel for accuracy modifier purposes?

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