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Posts posted by Makrar

  1. yeah i plan to try this out going forward to, i find her totem to be a waste of points most times so much so ive mostly stopped taking it.


    Downside of this is that you need a fairly high card to get it off with the child but the amount of control you get with 2x walls is probably worth it some of the time

  2. That's ridiculous! Hopefully that wont actually be the case. 


    Hasnt pretty much every release this year been delayed by some extent?


    I dont pay attention to the release dates given anymore as there fairly meaningless apart from giving you a general "its coming next" notification

  3. I dont think shes all that anti-undead, things I'd watch out for is 


    Getting key models Pineboxed from Death Marshalls as resser models generally have slightly lower Wp across the board.


    Lady J can clear corpse counters within 6" for a 1 action if she takes the upgrade (which id assume would be taken against you)


    The Judge is fairly difficult to kill and any models he kills will not generate markers, also he can pull models closer to him which could take them out of Corpse Conductor or key scheme areas. (Plus he hits like a truck)


    As for my general tactics going against her


    I'd use Lure from belles to seperate the models as guild dont really have a good counter to Lure outside of Sonnia and then use Punk Zombies to remove marshalls (they should take them down in one activation fairly easily if they are benefiting from Corpse Conductor)


    Use Rigor Mortis to good effect against key guild models. Slowing the right enemy at the right time is massive. it can hamper charges, focus, droping scheme markers in the right place etc.


    Also id try to kill any witchling stalkers as they are pretty good.


    And keep Justice away from Nicodem. Impossible to wound wont mean much where she can do up to a 6/7/9 damage flip (with stone and a rams card). Yeah... :)


    Otherwise just do the general "do your schemes" and dont worry to much about the crew as its not massively more effective vs undead. (i would personally pick Sonnia against ressers)

  4. Ive been playing with Nicodem recently and ive found belles to be amazing. I now hire at least 2 every game and then i will occasionally summon more as needs demand. 


    Its not just lure thats great, undress is extremely potent when used to contain threats that are problematic to remove. 


    They move my own crew to better do schemes, move your crew to stop yours, pull models out of problematic auras, reasonably resilient significant models that are good for some schemes and more.


    I would still take them at Ca6 Lure but maybe not quite so many.


    Or is this one of those models you just need to play a few times to really see how good it is? 


    Play them and you will see how good they are. 


    They are so flexible, they can

    Force your opponent to discard cards with the Distract trigger. 

    Deliver orders a model to score you VP

    Shoot into combat with no randomising (when not focused)

    Hit often due to Sh 7.

    Can hide out of LOS so generally they survive a game more often then not.

    They dont really do a lot of damage but you can usually kill weak objective runners if you are willing to cheat/flip lucky.


    You can do fine without them but they are VERY good.

  6. Actually because Consuming Flame is a trigger it WILL resolve before removing the model.(Page 26 small rulebook) so reincarnation is possible.


    Its Searing Mark from Witchling Stalkers which is a bit wishy washy in applying before the killed model is removed because its an ability. 

  7. For the witchling stalker, his Burning condition falls under the "After damaging" timing.  At least this is how we play it.


    Page 26 of the little rule book has general timing for effects (specifically under "After damaging"). 


    Which is different to what is written on the witchling stalker card.


    All models damaged by this model gains the Burning+1 condition.


    Also page 26 is for triggers and searing mark is not a trigger

  8. Yes to all of that


    Models in wave 1 with terrifying and obey was changed to count as friendly to the obeyed model as to not trigger the test. 


    I would expect this trend to continue with Ama no Zaku


    Obeying a model to attack (and fail) against a different terrfying target is however fair game

  9. The Scales I really like. It doesn't have the same utility as other totems (I LOVE the Enslaved Neph!), but drawing cards during the turn is excellent! Also, the +WP aura is rather good with Death Marshals.

    The Executioner is tricky, for sure. But that "No triggers" clause is so funny against December crews and TT. Pesky Rail Workers getting cut down like wheat...

    I find pine box to be a situational ability. its pretty useless most of the time but on occassion it will win you the game and as such i find it hard to justify spending 3SS in a totem that has to pretty much spend most of its ap to keep up with my crew, Now of course the WP is not only good for pinebox but in general i feel Guild have good WP and so i find made an example to be a bit overkill.

    Its more a playstyle thing for me rather then those models are actually worthless. if you looked hard enough you could find situations for any model to be worth taking but i just feel for those 3 its to much of a corner case to justify hiring.

    YMMV and all that :)

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