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About Volaguera

  • Birthday 12/14/1988

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  1. I played with Nico for the 1st time yesterday, vs Hoffman. It was tough not being able to 'rigor mortis' anything in Hoffman's crew (I wasn't able to try on Hoffman, 'cause he was being screened very well). I assume Nico would have been able to 'decay' my own crew, though, and then lay the blast over the enemy, and the enemy would still be affected by it? However, he was too busy trying to replace my losses with 'reanimator' or putting up 'the fog' to keep himself safe, so he didn't really get to cast 'decay'. Went the summoning and 'bolster undead' route for that game.
  2. Thanks, I am enjoying the game, it's quite fun! I've only played a handful of games, all of them at 25 points, and only won 1, but I felt like the crew I took wasn't too bad during that game. It was the first time I ran that crew too, so I suppose I'm heading in the right direction I took: Sonnia Sam Brutal effigy Guild austringer Witchling stalker Witchling stalker = 25 points, 4 stones I felt like I was missing was model count, but I managed to pull off a 'violation of magic' to kill an enemy and summon a new witchling. It seems I average about 1 successful 'violation' per game. I've never gone above my original model count due to 'violation', but it helps. I also felt a little light on stones, I had to play Sonnia passive-aggressively, because I knew I couldn't afford to risk having to burn stones for defence, or to just kill cheap minions. I ended up using them all during the last turn or so to get the Ca +1 mask and to make sure Sonnia killed what was left. Sam I think is great, he's been the one to kill problems like enemy masters/henchmen, or other big models. But so far I think for his points he's a bit too vulnerable and thus can't be played consistently, to the full extent of his points. Needs to be baby-sat and the huge target on his chest doesn't help. I feel his range is also a tiny bit short sometimes, considering how vulnerable he has to make himself so that he can shoot. He spends most of the time just carefully walking up, trying to avoid being killed before he can do his thing, and looking for that perfect shot or shots; but not being able to contribute throughout the entire game kind of hurts. I also find that I tend to play the brutal effigy less aggressively than I do the witchlings, but I honestly think he's a great addition to the crew because of his triggers and his healing flip. The austringer is great, a solid almost-sniper piece. I'm finding that the witchlings tend to have to hang back a bit more than their supposed to, since they are my only true front-line models. They've used their guns more than their shattered blades, and I think they'd do much more damage in melee, especially since if they get killed they get to 'immolating demise'. But with only 2 of them, I haven't been able to take the fight to the enemy. All in all, I think the crew works well, for what's in it.
  3. I think I would enjoy having tea and crumpets with the One Man Apocalypse, so long as he doesn't waste me as well Also, I don't know why this is the first time I've ever heard such wisdom as, "It is more about the player than the model. Don't worry if someone that is considered 'cheesy' plays a model, they will be cheesy regardless of who they pick." Great wisdom, great advice, I will for sure keep that in mind for the future. Thanks
  4. I just found out that the local power gamer, who frustrates everyone and even makes people quite angry by finding ways to break factions, leaders, etc, even games in general, has just bought into Leveticus. Now I'm at a loss, 'cause if I go Levi too, I'm sure to catch collateral flak resulting from the way the power gamer plays, even though I don't abuse games. People might even accuse me of being a "copycat killer".
  5. More 'n' more I'm liking what I see. I especially appreciate the explanation of the movement shenanigans available to him via his own abilities and his hollow waifs, it helps understand how to use them better. Also, everyone keeps saying he's an evil, evil guy because he's really fun to play and does a lot of his own work. Furthermore, I'm stoked that he shares model pools with McMourning, Nicodem and Seamus. Don't know too much about Hoffman and Ramos, but at least it's even more options.
  6. Your guys' advice has been really helpful so far, and is alleviating my concerns about playing a difficult master. I'm glad to hear that even though he's an Outcast steampunk necromancer, Levi can use many of the Resser's stuff, especially staples like canines, rotten belles, drowned, crooked men; since I was offered some Ressers in a trade for some of my Blood Angels , I might just go with it. Also glad to hear that he can threat quite well even after respawning, provided his spawn-point hollow waif is in a good position. The order of activations has also been helpful in understanding how he plays.
  7. Thanks for the quick replies guys, I really appreciate it. It really cleared up a few things for me. It's nice to know that Levi starts out with an essentially free model, though I'm thinking in the beginning it'll just basically be a spawn-point. Also, if I've read correctly, he can wound himself for a walk, and then use his first action to walk, and then his second action to cast a spell, and I suppose he has 'casting expert' so he can cast another spell? Though I would like to start learning and playing Levi, it sounds like the common opinion is he is for more experienced players. It doesn't look like it'll be too bad having to get another master first, since Levi looks like he can work with a lot of things I'm looking at anyway. Might also help me figure out how to write a balanced list for him, since I'm having trouble with balancing his options at the moment.
  8. I'm thinking of starting a Leveticus crew, and so far I think I understand the basics of what he does. I may have a few questions though, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get some advice and answers. I actually already have some questions: [1] I've been using a few Malifaux crew builders on the net, and whenever I try making a list, I notice that the crew builders seem to always be missing the option to select something that is quite obviously taken with Levi: his Hollow Waif(s). Does this mean that he comes with a hollow waif for free and/or generate other hollow waifs during the course of he the game? [2] It seems that Levi is a bit more complicated than usual, because of how he constantly bleeds wounds to do things, his hollow waif(s), and his death and rebirth cycles. All of the above seems to suggest that he can be played quite aggressively and thus be a powerful force on the field, because he has to die anyway. Does this mean that he is not a recommended master to go with for new players? Would it be better for me to take another master for now, and wait until I am more experienced for Levi? [3] Is it possible to keept he waifs safe in the backfield behind LOS-blocking terrain, have Levi respawn beside them, and have Levi then walk around the corner and up the field and do what he needs to do to affect things in midfield? Or will having the waifs held back mean that Levi can't threaten anything even with a walk and spell range? What are his walk and spell ranges like? ---------- Post added at 05:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ---------- As a bit of background info, though this isn't the Resser forum, I'm kind of digging the whole necromantic summoning thing in games right now, as well as resilience and fairly balanced lists (like ranged abilities and melee, or movement shenanigans to help get into melee if there is little-to-no ranged). I've been looking at McMourning (though he seems kind of vulnerable due to his melee focus and fragility, despite his healing abilities, though he is quite powerful), and Seamus (seems to tick most of the boxes), and Leveticus (as before, death and rebirth cycle seems on the surface to be a good way to play aggro and not worry about getting killed so much). In your opinions, who would be the most friendly towards new players?
  9. Aaah okay guys, thanks for the quick replies. How come henchmen can use their reserve to add to the total number of stones for hiring, and use however many stones are left, up to their reserve, for their soulstone pool? That seems a bit unbalancing...
  10. I have just gotten into Malifaux, and I read in the rulebook that "Masters add their Soulstone Cache to the Crew's starting Soulstone Pool". Does this mean that the cache and the pool are combined and can be used together in the hiring of a crew? For example, in a 25 stone game, a master with a cache of 4 stones can hire 29 points worth of crew?
  11. lol I should have seen this thread and read it before using my 1st ever post to ask for starting Sonnia advice. It's good to hear that the brutal effigy I bought today (just because it was the only non-master/henchman, non-avatar Guild model currently in stock at the store, and I liked how it looked), along with my Sonnia starter box, isn't a bust (wasted) model. The guy who demo'd the game to me said he didn't think it was worth it compared to the witchling stalkers I already had, and cautioned that I wouldn't be able to take any totems. Hearing that it is a good model to take because of it's different abilities and similar stats to a witchling reassures me. Also, it's nice to hear that I don't have to take up to 8 stones in cache once I get to learn her. I was also told that for a 25 points game I should just go with the starter since it leaves enough stones left over to max out her cache. While I did use every stone, I also felt like having only 5 models, even at 25 points, wasn't enough at times (the guy who demo'd pulled out a Som'er Teeth Jones and Ophelia gremlins list, that started out with 7 models and made bomb-pigs out of corpse tokens). Also, another experienced player said that he thought 8 stones was a bit much and short-changed me out of something useful I could have taken. My entire Guild collection now consists of: Sonnia (free) Samael (8 stones) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Brutal effigy (4) = 24 stones worth of models 5 stones in cache. I know it's not the best 25 stone list in the world, but at least I can use every model I bought and assembled today, and I guess I should start getting used to having just 5 stones in cache. My other idea was to go with: Sonnia (free) Samael (8 stones) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Guild hound (3) Guild hound (3) Guild hound (3) = 25 stones of models 5 stones in cache (Sonnia's default of 4 + 1 for every 2 hounds)
  12. Hey all! I've just recently gotten into Malifaux and bought and assembled myself a Sonnia Criid - Witch Hunters starter set. I've read the Sonnia tactica entries on Pull My Finger and in these forums, and noticed that I'm missing a few key pieces. I've already decided that I'm going to get a Perdita starter set. Nino and Santiago are gold in a Sonnia crew. I can even see a use for Francisco. I've read that bro'ing him up with Santiago is a good thing, since it forces an opposing model to either be hurt at range or hurt in melee; I was thinking having Francisco bro up with Samael might work, too. I thought that if 3 out of 4 Ortegas can work with Sonnia, why not just by Perdita's set and have another master + crew to play with, as well? I'm also thinking about getting a few other models. I'm looking at Guild hounds. After my first few games, I've realized that a Sonnia crew has low mobility, can often be out-numbered, and I don't like people making use of corpse and scrap counters to make more minions Hounds look pretty fast, and because they are amongst the cheapest models available to Sonnia might allow me to up my model count, and they can bury stuff. Also, I hear taking a 2 stone totem or a desperate merc and using 'violation of magic' on it after it has been hurt down to 1 health is a nice way to get another witchling stalker. I was wondering if I could get some advice on some lists for 25 soul-stone games. I don't think 25 is the standard game size (35 seems to be the way to go). But there are quite a few very solid 35 stone lists that I've seen already, and at the moment 25 stone games are what my friends and I are playing (most master starter sets + 1 or 2 extras seem to add to 25 stones). I came up with these lists just tonight. LIST 1 Sonnia (free) Samael (8) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Nino/Santiago (7) Desperate merc (2) = 25 stones of models 4 stone cache LIST 2 Sonnia (free) Samael (8) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Desperate Merc/Witchling stalker/Francisco/Austringer (2/4/5/5) = 22/24/25/25 stones of models 7/5/4/4 stone cache LIST 3 Sonnia (free) Samael (8) Witchling stalker (4) Witchling stalker (4) Guild hound (3) Guild hound (3) Guild hound (3) = 25 stones of models 5 stone cache (Sonnia's default of 4 + 1 for every 2 guild hounds) (Maybe grabbing a 2 stone totem or desperate merc instead of the third Guild hound would also be good, it would up her cache to 6 and 'violation of magic' could be used later.) So any advice for a newb Sonnia player on list building at 25 soul-stones? (EDIT: I also bought a brutal effigy today. It was the only non-master/henchman, non-avatar Guild model in stock at the friendly local game store. I like the look of the model. I understand that it is 4 points, same as a witchling stalker, and it's both worse and as good, depending on the situation. It's not quite as good at melee or range, though not too shabby either; it seems to have a few nice abilities though ('+1 melee expert', 'a pause for thought' slow, 'critical strike' on it's melee, and '0 invigorate' healing flip). I was thinking of trying it out. At the very least I could 'violation of magic' it into a witchling, or even use it as a proxy witchling or death marshall.)
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