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Everything posted by Ironmonger

  1. Yep, just triple checked. I...I just wanna take more, is all...:Confused_Puppet1:
  2. In general, all the Freikorps and the standard 3 (ronin, desperate merc, convict gunslinger) seem like all solid choices in a Von Schill lineup. I'll be experimenting with the three more often after my plastic male and female kits get here; Mercs love kickstarters!:1_Happy_Puppet1:
  3. Ok, please excuse the barrage of dumb headed your way, but how many Specialists can I take in a 35ss Von Schill crew: 1 or more?
  4. Thanks again for doing this, Mudge: good to see some new paint of malingering models.:Stuck_Puppet:
  5. Yes, I'd seen that page more then a month ago now. That isn't a tentative list: definitive, I'd call it. It was always TBA, as well. I've posted the last of my thoughts and feelings about the subject in the General Discussion thread for Fall Releases, as have everyone else (which, BTW, is where this thread STARTED in, before it was moved here???). Everything else in the list has hit the shelves like clockwork. I'mma gonna go out on a limb and say that the release issues are the same as happened to some other minis in some other companies. I'd say we're looking at a small box, all plastic, and the delay comes from the first molds being screwed up in some way? Maybe obscuring detail/contributing to a smooth look? Sound about right? Anyways, thread's done. Just eagerly awaiting the mini at this point...
  6. Yeppur, threadomancy that would make a rezzer happy, but I saw the words 'Gremlin Debutante' and thought 'BRILLIANT!' :1_Happy_Puppet1:
  7. Yarp, I'm aware of the Henchmen special rules as it pertains to ss cache. This was a 35ss list. The bold and sizing are mine. Yarp again, I'm aware of the differences between this game and the others I play as it pertains to lists and 'list building' The Strongarm seems a natural include in nearly all future lists, so I agree with you there. The Librarian looks VERY powerful, but I've really got to sit down and read her card a dozen times to be able to figure out how to effectively use her. I played her fast and up front against Ramos, trying to shut down his magic; that was a big mistake! I'll give her another shot, and maybe drop the SoC in favour of a Freikorpsmann...
  8. So, yep, like it says in the title, I'm pretty new to actually playing Malifaux, though I've had a number of crews for a while now. I have a decent sized Hoffman collection, but I don't want to throw down with him until aHoff comes out (I have the crew more for aesthetic and thematic reasons then actual game-play ones). So, I have Von Schill as my go-to Master: I love the fluff, the models (with the exception of Von Schill himself!), and I tend to gravitate towards mercs in game systems! I was able to get a game in with him last night, and though I lost to Ramos, I feel that it had as much to do with me not really knowing how Schilly worked then his playability. Here's a 'standard' list I want to try next time out: Von Schill Student of Conflict 3ss Desperate Mercenary 2ss Freikorpmann 4ss Freikorpmann 4ss Freikorps Specialist 5ss Freikorps Strongarm Suit 8ss Freikorps Trapper 6ss Freikorps Trapper 6ss Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?
  9. You don't just want to go with the Thunders "studio scheme" as it were? I like the yellow, personally...
  10. Now THAT is one brilliant conversion! I can't wait to see some more WIP of him.
  11. I'm really looking forward to seeing some paint on these! The rail crew is probably the route I'm going to take with the new plastics, so I'm eager to see any work done on these lovely minis! Also, love the bases, which were my first instinct to go with 10T. Nice!
  12. Three more months and still nothing, huh? EDIT: Huh. Just saw this was moved to Miniature Matters? This enquiry about a mini's release is related to painting and conversion... how again? I'm just trying to get some info if any exists about one of the last Avatars to not see the light of day...
  13. The Secret Weapon are the ones I have, they're pretty brilliant. I'll post a few pics of my Gremlins to show. As an aside, ALL their bases are great looking and functional.
  14. I as well was thinking production issues. At PP there was definitely an issue with one of their recent large miniatures, and it was unannounced and unpreveiwed for months.
  15. I'm sure it's waaaaay to soon after his release, but how about a Von Schill resculpt? I love the Freikorps' aesthetic and minis, but Von Schill himself is just so... blah. When I think of VS, I immediately picture Drake McBain, not the odd homage to Stephen King cum Chuck Norris. My 2p:1_Happy_Puppet1:
  16. I wasn't sure where the best place was for this thread, as it's both my first on the forums and such a crew-specific inquiry, but has anyone gained any insight as to when we're going to see this model? It's one of the few Avatars not yet released, correct? I love C. Hoffman, his concept and playstyle, and I'd really like to use this mini and not proxy. Anyone? Oh, and mods, please feel free to move and/or chastise if this is not the appropriate location to post this in.:1_Happy_Puppet2:
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