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Everything posted by Aesop

  1. So I discovered this Hardcore format via listening to Cheated Fate's interview with Matt Stanley from Nova Open and it sounds...well, really awesome. I love the idea of nonstandard funky formats. It's almost reminiscent of "swat" mode in a game like halo or CoD. For those of you who haven't listened to the podcast, "Hardcore" is basically 20 stones, henchman led, 4 models max, only strategy is turf war, only scheme is assassinate, total game length is 20 mins. I've seen some other tweaks on the events page, stuff like: no summoning or 30 min game instead of 20. I think they also mentioned something like Henchman Brawl which I imagine as 8 players standing around a mini Colosseum table, each with 1 Enforcer. Score points for kills and damage dealt or assists or something and each turn randomly dropping in like a couple warpigs or Sabertooth Cerebus's and randomly flipping for who takes control of them. I'm wondering if anyone else out there has any other funky formats you use. The more the merrier! Don't get me wrong, I love traditional encounters, but I like the idea of running an event with a "Master's" singles event, a doubles event and then a bunch of funky little games like Hardcore.
  2. Aesop

    Swill Stacking

    Does the swill condition stack, like say armor where if you're +3 swill you're a a flip or is it more like adrenaline where you can have swill +10 and it's still only ? I ask because normally when the effect stacks it has a "+" in the effect description like with armor where it says "+1 armor: reduce damage by +1". Thanks!
  3. Ha! told you shakes...you bum.
  4. Aesop

    How to Vassalfaux

    Hey all, If you're on SoCal Malifaux or A Wyrd Place on facebook you might have already seen this but... I put together a quick series of 3 videos on the basics of "how to vassalfaux". It's pretty bare bones but designed to help you get into a game and start to feel comfortable with the module and vassal itself. I don't know how long it's going to be up to date since the modules are being updated and released with the quickness these days but anyway, I hope someone out there finds some value in these! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_QmTW2edas_kBAFhtDLAA May you only flip red jokers and never black for damage, happy gaming! Doug.
  5. Screwed around with it a bit and bravo. It's looking pretty freakin' awesome. Can't wait to give it a real spin tomorrow. v1.6 suggestion - Some way to document the "sucker" on Frame for Murder chit and the like (ie. Bodyguard, vendetta, etc.)
  6. For vassal itself you'd grab the latest and greatest here: http://www.vassalengine.org/download.php For the m2e module, here it is from earlier in the thread: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c4iqr3kmz78b3ev/Malifaux2e-v1_4.vmod But based on the more recent posts Ratty will soon be posting a big upgrade.
  7. Those Scheme and Stat banner chit things look pretty sweet. Again, I haven't screwed around with it so I don't know what's feasible, but it'd be even cooler if you could do a hidden/flipped status (similar to the fate deck cards) for hidden schemes.
  8. Awesome! Thanks Ratty. I don't know what sort of scope you're thinking, so this might be too out there but it'd be great if there were click on/off buttons (like the deployment zones button) but more subtle for the strats, ie. Reconnoiter scoring (table quads + 6" circle of exclusion at center), Turf war (30mm in center + 6" aura) and Squatter's rights. It might be a little complex, at least for squatter's rights since you'd need to do it similar to the deployments where you can go left/right, top/bottom, & both diagonals...but it'd be very handy. Also, I think we're missing some Avatars. Edit: Looks like you beat me to the punch on the avatars thing. Thanks again.
  9. Scheme markers would be nice too.
  10. Illusionary Forest marker shouldn't be 3" diameter anymore, just 2x 50 mil like the current ice pillars and the flame wall. Also, in the markers section it'd be sweet to see stuff like: Squat Markers, turf war marker, etc in place of the treasure and dynamite. But I'm just nitpicking.
  11. 30mm is equal to 1.18" so it's possible to be just outside of an enemy model's 1" engagement range and still have the resulting marker end up 0.18" under it's base.
  12. When you place a scheme marker can you: a) Place it underneath the model placing it? Drop it off the edge of a roof onto the ground below? c) Place it on/under uneven terrain, such as a pile of boxes in a vassal map? d) Partially under the base of another model? Thanks!
  13. I get a little mixed up by the wording on this. I think I have it but I just want to claify. When an ability triggers "after failing" it's conditional on the acting model failing the action. Right? The particular situation that plays tricks with me is on defensive triggers when it says, "after failing, bla bla bla" such as the Ryle Df trigger that reads, So the way I believe that reads is, Basically, the acting model "fails with an attack", you never "succeed on defense".
  14. Barbaros' Macuahuitl reads: Rooted Condition reads: My logic was as follows: The dg from the attack is simultaneous with the push effect of the attack because there's no "after damaging" or "target suffers damage then is pushed". Timing on the push and the removal of the condition is simultaneous. The removal of the condition and the damage from the removal is simultaneous. Therefore, the damage from the attack and the damage from the removal is simultaneous. Someone proposed to me to not think of it as a series of simultaneous actions but rather as a stacking set of events, ie. don't think of it as simultaneous, but rather 1 ability (the macuahuitl) that triggers another (removal of rooted)... I can see both sides of it.
  15. So the damage from the attack triggers first? Why? Because its listed before the Push on the ability? Because the way it's worded (and thematically) I would say the push and dg happens simultaneously.
  16. So the FAQ cleared up that dg coming from a condition doesn't know who caused it and therefore doesn't count as killing a model for schemes and strats that require you to do so, but what about if damage is caused simultaneously from both a condition and an attack? Who decides in what order the damage is done? For example, if barbaros hits (and pushes) a model with the rooted condition, causing 2/3/4 + 3dg from pushing a rooted model, does it count as him doing the killing or the condition?
  17. Thanks for all the replies guys. I'll try to keep some of this stuff in mind next time I go up against him. I still think that Ramos (given that set of schemes and strats) is nearly unstoppable. To play devil's advocate to a few of your points: Yes, he burnt his whole cache by the end of turn 3, but he didn't care. It had been well worth it. 6 stones in exchange for 9 spiders is a solid trade I'd say. In turn 3 when I killed him (via mature neph) he said, "to be honest, it doesn't really matter anymore. Ramos has served his purpose for me". So yeah, it's resource intensive, but winning the game usually is. Phenomenal Hands: Probability says you have a 44% chance of drawing at least 1 card of 11+ tome each hand if you're drawing 7 cards (arcane reservoir). So while it's still fairly lucky, it's not insane to do. The chances of going 2 hands in a row without drawing a 11+ tome are 32% (and I know they are independent, I'm just stating the probability of it happening). And then, even if you're not drawing the card for 3 spiders, with a stone you are likely able to summon 2 every turn. Big models can kill them: Yeah, the problem with this is they have df6. So if mature engages them and swings, i've got 2 swings at even odds to connect. If I connect, they are very much dead. If not, they latch on and my defense plummets from where it was at 4 to...2 or 1 and mature dies pretty freakin quick at df1. My smaller models can't quite pull it off. Df6 means I'm flipping negative twist most of the time, unless I'm crazy lucky...Df6 eats AP. Even if I connect 66% of the time, they're doing their job just consuming my crew's ability to do other stuff. What I ended up doing in the end was using Zoraida to obey them to swarm up. Once swarmed I pushed them out of the zone and if the game had gone on longer I might have used the swarms ability to consume all the scheme markers around. So yeah, I get that's there's some tricks out there. But overall I'm still dead set on RAMOS IS OP! CHEATERS! Haha, Naw, not really. But hes' really good and I think very forgiving...(how do you define OP again?)
  18. Can you guys help me out? I played my brother last night over vassal. Ramos vs Zoraida, 50ss. Strat was Turf War, he took Breakthrough and Power Ritual as his schemes and announced them both. He hired a crew full of beatsticks (Joss, Howie, a couple other big models and an electrical creation). I took Zoraida, Mature Neph, Young Neph, Terror Totx2, Waldgeist, Silurid, and Doppelganger. Turn 1 he turns his electrical creation into 2 scrap counters with Joss. From there and the next 3 turns ramos more or less sits towards the back, spends a stone and a high tome to churn out 3 spiders. Now I get that they come out with 2 wds so you can't really consider them 4 pt models, but in 3 turns he generated 12 models. Everything on the crew has armor and even if I could 1 hit each of the spiders I don't have enough AP to keep up. I was able to kill Ramos after he'd activated turn 3, but it was too late. In the end he easily had enough models to put 2 in the turf zone every turn and have tons of extras to walk around and drop the 4 scheme markers he needed to max points. Meanwhile his big beaters tied up my models to keep me from killing them any faster. It's simply overwhelming. Any suggestions on how to handle this sort of thing? I mean, if we call them 4 stones each by mid turn 3 he's playing a 50ss game with 85+ stones worth of stuff.
  19. Aesop

    New Maps

    Sorry if this has been posted before but does anyone know where I can find a few more maps? I'm getting a little tired of the current set (not that they aren't great).
  20. I never noticed the word "other" in the ability but I read it as "these markers may not be place over any other markers. They may also not be place over any models". The above quoted text is really the important part IMO.
  21. Can anyone help me? This model has not done anything for me or against me in any game I've seen her in. Am I just totally missing something? Sorry if this has been covered before but I'm really wishing this model had a purpose.
  22. Aesop

    Lillth 2.0

    I don't know if "somewhat" is an accurate descriptor. It was super cuddled. Albeit, it was certainly OP to start but it's definitely much harder to justify these days with 3 huge changes: Heal 1 dg instead of 2 Can't heal when stoning for prevention flips Only heal once per action regardless of number of stones used I had it on the table with Juju last night and in the past I would have let him take some dg, maybe 4 or 5, then when the next enemy swings at him I'd stone for Df and stone for Dg prevention, end up taking 1 or 2 dg from the attack and then heal 4. That's not possible at all anymore. Probably a good thing though...but it might just be a ride along if I can't find a better way to fit a last stone into my crew, definitely not an automatic "Oh, bodyguard is up, then easy, I do Juju/Barbaros and Nexus" anymore.
  23. Aesop

    Lillth 2.0

    Lilith Cherub Barbaros 3x terror tot 2x young nephilim Mature Nephilim
  24. I'm in the same boat. Zoraida was my primary in 1.5 but when m2e came around I've been focusing on Lilith. It's time to get back to my roots though. What do you bring the Nurse for? I haven't had a look at her card and have only played against her once (last night). I saw she can hand out paralyzed but I use Juju to give that via the doll when he hits, along with a bunch of damage. Do you keep the doppel and the mature close to each other and have the doppel mimic matures attacks?
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