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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. they be peons so i think you have to target something else with the object iicr
  2. I did bring the monk question unto question. If you cant do the effects can you do the attack well why thr heck not. Whats stopping you. And the answer is nothing. Maybe i want to be gamey and make us flip cards for what ever perceived bonuses.
  3. Ok then how much damaged was healed 0 that's good the twin then heals 0. If opressive/malignant said when ever this model heals heal the same amont that is one thing. But it says if it heals Damage heal the other that one word changes how it reads. ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:07 PM ---------- From the big book page 47. When an effect heals a model increase the models current wounds by the number indicated. At the basic how many wounds did one twin increase it wound pool by if at full health 0 is the answer. So its twin would get 0. Now if you increased it by 1 or more then its twin does yhe same. To heal no damage and say you healed at all is saying dealing 0 is dealing some.
  4. Opressive force says heals damage heal the other not if they heal. If you do a healing flip and at full you did not heal damage no heal for the other. Regenerate did it heal damage if no, then no heal.
  5. When this model heals damage.. If you don't heal damage how do tou heal the other.
  6. I think you misread what I wrote. If they healed 0 do nothing. If they heald +1 heal the other.
  7. I guess this comes down to Pandora's attack including its effects before you complete the duel. I guess with this reading I say " your peacebringer does 2/3/4 to you. I have to tell you this before trying to Target you. So i am applying the effects before doing duels. Best ever. My reading is I declare my action. I target your model pass anyduels required to do so. We generate duel totals and declare triggers I succeed. After succeeding triggers go off. I apply applicable effects. You don't have a projectile attack my applicable effect is i do nothing. After resolving triggers go off. Action ends check if in 6" if so take one from misery.
  8. The glory of Malifaux is that nothing is more overpowered or "better" than something else. Arcanists have various ways to complete the strategys and schemes as does neverborn. They migjt not be similar but it is great. Sure some things like teddy are good but then you have good ole howard for arcanists. Both factions are good but so are all the test.
  9. regen issue is simple in my mind. How many wounds did lelu/lilitu heal when it activated. 0? do nothing 1+ heal lilitu/lelu same amount.
  10. on paralyze question it is a yes. the model gained the condition just because it does nothing does not mean it did not gain it. other words if lelu was paralyzed and lilitu was not and lelu got paralyzed again a condition was put on him but since it is not a stacking one does nothing. but since he gained it regardless lilitu would have to discard cards, or become paralyzed.
  11. but nothing Pandora does effects the tn? just because my Attack will have no effect does not mean i cant attack you. Low river monks are perfect examples. i can still make you flip cards an go through the motions if nothing else to burn cards. (if i needed/wanted to for what ever reason) My one and only question is What is Preventing Pandora from Targeting, and Forcing and opposed duel with her Attack Self Harm and declaring triggers as normal? Mind you if you are within 6" but out of 3 i would do this just so you fail a WP duel to take 1damage. and if i took the trigger maybe a paralyze trigger to go with it.
  12. you only discard if you are successful why would you declare otherwise? you would push 3" then Declare your action as specified in page XX of the rule book. If you pushed and then the reaction was them attacking or pushing away and you have nothing to attack well then you don't. It seems wonky. my only doubt that i have that the trigger does not work is in the trigger itself. After succeeding reduce all damage dealt by this attack to 0 and the target gets paralyzed condition. if you don't do damage to reduce to 0 does it work? After succeeding Apply applicable effects. Straight from the rule book. in this case nothing.
  13. Lead nightmares is its own thing it is NOT a once per turn thing. Lead nightmares Clearly says that it CANNOT target the same thing twice in a single activating. Target friendly Nightmare is pushed up to 4" in any direction. The target may not be targeted by this Action again during this Activation. On example 2 i am confused Did She make hans Use an attack action? or is this the first time she is trying to obey? Obeys Restriction is if the obey models Attacks it cant be obeyed again. You most certainly obey a model 3 times to lets say Take a walk action. Target non-Leader model immediately performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model’s controller. A model which performed an Attack due to Obey may not be targeted by Obey again during the same Activation. and the answer is different due to the fact that they are completely different abilities. each one specifies Specifically what the restrictions and limitations are.
  14. that is where you are mistaken. That is an effect of the action. not a restriction to target. nothing is stopping you from targeting things that will have no effect. you still have to make an opposed duel which then you apply the applicable effects. in this case of self harm on a non using model would be null and void. lets say you Alpha pandora and make her target a Cerabus with self harm she would still have to take a terror test. then opposed duel and all that jazz. To say she cant even target the model is just....wrong.
  15. I find this funny because in 1.5 Austringers got versus them and gremlins lol.
  16. Swear i read some where "cannot" trumps "can" but i can find it. But I also believe slurids trump lilith. Now Sonnia to me a flaming slurid should not be silent but as it stands trumps her too.
  17. She can disengage just fine even if the enemy does not have a . Reason is she has one to use when they try walk away page 44 of big book. Main question In pandoras upgrade it says after succeeding reduce all damage dealt by this attack to 0 and the target gets paralyzed conditions. Now normally I would say no you cant since the attack can't work but if ypu just follow the trigger you paralyze. Which seems odd to me. But seems to work. Side note if you use self harm on a model with no projectile attack you would still make an opposed duel but if you win you apply the effects which would do nothing. I base this on page 33 big book under step 5 first paragraph last sentance. Which in this case is nothing. But her trigger would still work
  18. 1 wound and Slow lets not forget. sweet breads is some fun.
  19. Squeel would trigger before the second attack. Since the second attack generates a new duel and possibly new triggers (for the defender). In your kang referance she would squealing 4 then pushed 3 to defy all logic.
  20. If I self loathed a peacekeeper with his chain spear he would take 2/3/4 and that's it he would not gain slow. If I took rasputinas Freeze over it would do diddly squat. If is use seamus's pistol he is eating it as many times as I can make him pull the trigger. Also have to factor in impossible to would so you can never cheat but it does do a minimum of 5 (if within 6") so that's a plus.
  21. If I self loathed a peacekeeper with his chain spear he would take 2/3/4 and that's it he would not gain slow. If I took rasputinas Freeze over it would do diddly squat. If is use seamus's pistol he is eating it as many times as I can make him pull the trigger. Also have to factor in impossible to would so you can never cheat but it does do a minimum of 5 (if within 6") so that's a plus.
  22. Page 53 (big book) "a model with the reactivate condition is available to be activated one additional time during this turn, as if it had not already taken its activation." Bam to both your questions. Now a Question to you What Besides the Reactivate Condition allows a model a second activation? Echoes of the void does but also has the Clause does not count as the models activation Same with Alpha. So Why would you be able to activate again with out said things above? Also things like the hunter's Ambush: This model’s Attack flips gain + against targets that have not Activated during this Turn. or the wardens Pursue: This model adds +R to its final duel total against models that have already Activated this turn. If you gain reactivate and have gone once already these abilities act in different ways. But according to you with "If a model can't use its "once per activation" during his next activation the same turn, why does he get to do it the next turn? They're exactly the same thing. The last activation ended, he started a new one. There is no step during the end phase or startup phase next turn where they refresh once per activation. " the Warden would always have a ram after turn 1 and the hunter would never get a + so at some point in time before the beginning of the next turn the game says Hey slates clean you all have not activated. So clearly they have activated and without the Bolded clause or the ones in Alpha and Echoes. they would NOT be able to use there once per Activation. But again You have Shown me the way with the rule book (sadly mine is at my lgs atm.) I was Wrong and i admit that. any other questions?
  23. Page 53 (big book) "a model with the reactivate condition is available to be activated one additional time during this turn, as if it had not already taken its activation." Bam to both your questions. Now a Question to you What Besides the Reactivate Condition allows a model a second activation? Echoes of the void does but also has the Clause does not count as the models activation Same with Alpha. So Why would you be able to activate again with out said things above? Also things like the hunter's Ambush: This model’s Attack flips gain + against targets that have not Activated during this Turn. or the wardens Pursue: This model adds +R to its final duel total against models that have already Activated this turn. If you gain reactivate and have gone once already these abilities act in different ways. But according to you with "If a model can't use its "once per activation" during his next activation the same turn, why does he get to do it the next turn? They're exactly the same thing. The last activation ended, he started a new one. There is no step during the end phase or startup phase next turn where they refresh once per activation. " the Warden would always have a ram after turn 1 and the hunter would never get a + so at some point in time before the beginning of the next turn the game says Hey slates clean you all have not activated. So clearly they have activated and without the Bolded clause or the ones in Alpha and Echoes. they would NOT be able to use there once per Activation. But again You have Shown me the way with the rule book (sadly mine is at my lgs atm.) I was Wrong and i admit that. any other questions?
  24. See i knew i was missing something important hence i said where is my rule book then i would have conceded the point. But if reactivate did not have that wonderful clause which you bolded for us i would be quite right. Also i would take offense at the Reading comprehension slap, but I keep smiling at it. I guess i should thank you for having that Rulebook right on hand Flipping through those pages like a mad fiend saying NOOOOO HE MUST BE WRONG. which i do. Thank you.
  25. See i knew i was missing something important hence i said where is my rule book then i would have conceded the point. But if reactivate did not have that wonderful clause which you bolded for us i would be quite right. Also i would take offense at the Reading comprehension slap, but I keep smiling at it. I guess i should thank you for having that Rulebook right on hand Flipping through those pages like a mad fiend saying NOOOOO HE MUST BE WRONG. which i do. Thank you.
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